Who I Am (nutshelled)

I am a white male in my early 50's and I have been serving the spanking needs and desires of women in my area for around 30 years now. I find college students from WVU and Washington Jefferson University turn to me more that any other for my services in providing them with structure. I understand that their new found freedom can be a little much for them and how they miss the rules, guidance and consequences they recieve at home. The other type of woman that I find turning to me more than others is the married girl. Women deserve a safe place to experience spanking in their lives without the… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh MysteryMan2013 3 tahun lalu

Wie ich als hetero Junge brutal entjungfert wurde

Meine selbst erlebte Geschichte, wie ich Tommy, es handelt von der ersten Begegnung mit einem Mann und anschließenden sexuellen Handlungen, der Tag der mein Leben veränderte. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrung machte ich nämlich mit Männern. Wie ich vergewaltigt und zum schwulen gezüchtigt und erzogen wurde, gewaltsam nutzt dominanter schwuler Mann mich kleinen Jungen aus, werde von dem Zuhälter entjungfert und zugeritten. Er "verführt" mich dazu oder besser gesagt zwingt ein Mann mich, ihm einen zu blasen und mich unfreiwillig in den Arsch ficken zu lassen, gegen meinen Willen entjungfert, wie ic… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh popofucker 2 tahun lalu 43

Sister Margret’s Public Whipping

The peasant farmers began arriving at the village square long before dawn to find a place near to the raised unpainted wooden stage erected on the hard packed brown dirt. The occasion was to witness the punishment of the American missionary woman known as Sister Margret who had been found guilty of offending Allah by unlawfully teaching a girl to read and write. It would be the first time that a white woman would be tied between the two upright posts set firmly 6’ apart into the center of the stage and whipped and no man from the village or surrounding area wanted to miss seeing this particula… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Thx1138ham 2 tahun lalu 2

A Story for M (amended version

I was whipping M with the dressage whip just because as I explained to her as I cinched the leather cuffs around her slender wrists and she asked "Why am I being whipped, Master." and I replied without empathy "because I want to, love." It felt good to naked myself in the warmth of the basement recreation room I had converted into my personal dungeon after my wife left. My cock was satisfyingly fully erect and swaying between my legs as I walked to stand behind the lithe shapely woman between the two floor to ceiling wooden posts. She was not yet naked but the crimson welts created by the slen… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Thx1138ham 5 bulan lalu 2


Kirsten 24 Jahre alt, wachte am frühen morgen in Ihrer Zelle auf. Sie wusste heute war der Tag gekommen, an welchem unwiderruflich Das Urteil vollstreckt würde. Alle Ihre Gnadengesuche waren abgelehnt worden, gestern Abend, war sie noch einmal von einer Ärztin untersucht worden, ob sie die Ausgedehnte Züchtigung überstehen wird. Die Ärztin, hatte Kirsten für voll Züchtigungsfähig erklärt, und angeordnet, dass aus Hygienischen Gründen, Ihre Schamhaare entfernt würden. Kirsten war sich Ihrer Schuld und Ihres Vergehens gegenüber der Gemeinschaft bewusst. Ihr Urteil hatte sie angenommen, es lautet… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh 63andi63 3 tahun lalu 5

Die Lehrer*innen Strafe

Ich Lehrerin 43 Jahre alt habe einen Schüler, Klaus zum Sex verführt. Es ging über Monate, dann sind wir aufgeflogen. Ich sah schon schlimmstes auf mich zukommen. Eine Anzeige könnte mich ins Gefängnis bringen. Dann rief Klaus mich am Samstag an um mich vorzuwarnen. Sein Vater hat mit meinem Direktor gesprochen und ihm vorgeschlagen mich richtig streng zu bestrafen, als Alternative zu einer Anzeige. Er meinte der Direktor fand die Idee richtig gut und er will dir den Vorschlag machen. Der Alte freut sich schon drauf dich so richtig ran zu nehmen und nicht nur ein Mal, vier Mal will er dich dur… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh 63andi63 1 tahun lalu 13

Old Cathy my granny spunk slut

Cathy loved being my granny slut. Yet when we first met, she was so passive. But now she cannot get enough sex and really enjoys the kinky perverted and debauched things I taught her. I work as a maintenance guy for the owner of several mobile home parks for retirees. Now, you would have thought there would be loads of oldies begging for it especially from a perverted 26-year-old who just loves old ladies. But no, I did not get a sniff for over a year and was getting desperate for some geriatric cunt. That all changed when I was asked to fix a leaking tap for Mrs Evans. I could tell as soon… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh seniorsexlover 2 tahun lalu 1

Shopping with a filthy panty mask

I've been feeling a bit down lately, so seeing as I haven't got anyone to treat me, I decided to have a bit of naughty fun by myself. I went to my local supermarket, and like a good girl I wore my mask. However what people didn't know, was what was under the mask. Before leaving the house I took off my underwear, which I hadn't changed for the past 5 days. I've been wearing them all day getting sweaty at work (it's been bloody cold so I've been wearing lots of layers to keep warm, sometimes too warm when it gets busy) sleeping in them, and of course masturbating in them. I folded them up nic… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh nolimitsarah2 3 tahun lalu 19

My First Time as a Top

When I attended university for my first degree (paid for by my husband) we were about 10 years into an intense Master Slave relationship, a natural progression in our marriage. We attended BDSM clubs in had many friends with this particular kink, as well as being members of a regular onsite swing club. However found less and less time available to play the slave role with my studies. One evening at our swing club we met a couple, Carol and Jules, that turned out to be out neighbours a couple block s away. We hit it of and she was obviously smitten by mu husband. She admitted to having her big… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Sub_Miss_Eve 5 tahun lalu 16


Valerie and Steve were married just over 2 years ago. Val was a stunner sex on legs so to speak and Steve knew this. Steve often thought about seeing another man or men fucking Val. Never white always black. At times Steve would lie on the bed get his cock out jerking to images in his mind, of his wife being black fucked. Black cocks in her, her pussy getting stretched! At times more than one would fill her pussy and mouth at the same time and If he was really horny the numbers would increase sometimes to unimaginable numbers. Using her, fucking her pussy, ass and mouth, over and over being… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh uclajock 2 tahun lalu 31

Prison Field Trip goes wrong

Recently I took my class to the local prison. It was a scared straight type of presentation. The guards brought us around and walked us through the cell blocks. Walking through the men’s area I was hounded by a bunch of the inmates who told me how they would fuck me and how I looked like I loved dick. Toward the end of the walk through I made eye contact with a few of them and blew them a kiss. They went wild. Then I made the mistake of getting a bit too close to the bars and one grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bars. The others reached out and before I knew it there were at least 6 hands h… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh LImommy 3 tahun lalu 32

The Life and Career of Annette Haven

Growing Up: 1954-1972 Annette Haven was born Annette Martin in December 1954, in Las Vegas, USA. She came from a religiously and politically conservative Mormon family. she fell in love with her 20 year-old boyfriend, and left home to get married. The marriage lasted two years, and she later admitted her ex-husband "was an idiot and kept trying to strangle me into u*********sness and making suicide attempts. He went to the state mental hospital after he'd locked himself in the bathroom and slashed both his wrists and arm. I decided that being loyal to my marriage vows was something I could fo… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Hypseeme 5 tahun lalu 6

About Rebecca Brooke

Rebecca Brooke was born in Chicago, Illinois, the daughter of Mary Lee and Edward Stephen Mendum, and she had a brother named Edward. Brooke began her career in theater and played in the original production of Hair in the roles of "Sheila" and "Jeannie". Additional roles she played onstage include "Linda" in Flower Drum Song and "Rusty", the wife of the late comedian Lenny Bruce, in Lenny. A December 1972 edition of Gallery said of her performance in Lenny that: "...Mendum displayed a charm throughout the performance that makes another heavy credit for her career most-deserved. We think yo… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Hypseeme 5 tahun lalu 1

Real Names of a Porn Star

This isn't a complete list once more information comes in, I'll add more to it. Porn Stars Şahin K - Şahin K Aaron Lawrence - Aaron Lawrence Abbie Lee - Toni Champa Adriana Sage - Alaura Tamis Ai Iijima - Mitsuko Ishii Aika Miura - Yuu Hasegawa Aja - Barbara Holder Akshay daniell - James daniell Alana Evans - Dawn Marie Thompson Alaura Eden - Staci Nakabe Aletta Ocean - Dóra Varga Alex Jordan - Karen Elizabeth Mereness Alex Taylor - Adriana Molinari Alexa Rae - Mary Sharpton Alexander Brent - Brent McCourtie Alexandra Nice - Aleksandra Groth Alexandra Quinn - Diane Purdie… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh hairyseeker69 12 tahun lalu

Write and Send Fan Mail to a Porn Star

I wonder why there is not a fan site where one can contact certain pornstars, and request a autograph from them. Like you can do with any other hollyweird actor. I did find a site that has it.. Problem solved, sort of as it is not a complete list >>>> and it is free too. Porn Star Finder >>> http://www.pornfinder.tv/pornstars.html Many of these address came from a paid site, that a online friend of mine has a membership of, to find out where to send fan mail too porn stars as well as communicate with other members to see what address is good and which is not. So much reps goes to them.… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh hairyseeker69 12 tahun lalu

I am sold

FRIDAY EVENING My tension about this weekend had been building ever since Plaything agreed to the project to investigate humiliation and whenever I spoke to her about it she simply said in a very firm tone, "You do not ask questions, you will know about it when it happens." Work on Friday night seemed to drone on for ages and the second it was over Plaything, who had been sitting beside me, grabbed my arm. "Right come with me." Remember Plaything is a drama queen so she knows how to play a role to the hilt and she had become a hard, cold bitch who would not take any arguments. M… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh submisse 8 tahun lalu 11


List of painful punishments: This is not a story, but a list of ideas for punishments of a slavegirl. The degree of the punishment should be adjusted by amount and severity. This list is divided by painful and humiliating punishments. However, these punishments should only be used for girls who desire to be treated like a slavegirl. If you feel inspired by some of the punishments, please feel free to send me some pictures of your session ;-) As this list is by far not completed, feel free to add other punishments in the comments and I might post a more complete list later. ***** List of pa… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh submisse 1 tahun lalu 20

Island Justice - 4

We were led into the yard. Harriet and I stepped into the brilliant noonday sun. There were small, portable elevated bleachers that had been erected on either side of a scaffold which stood at one end of the enclosed courtyard. The courtyard itself was a long rectangle in the center of the Justice Center complex measuring about 200' by 100'. Various dignitaries and "guests" were already seated, some in the bleachers and some in chairs directly in front of the scaffold. Stark and ominous, a whipping post stood in the center of the scaffold. Off to the side was a bucket. Three rods, actually bu… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh birch4fem 2 tahun lalu 2

Marquis Rafael de Bressac MUČENIE (Torture)

Úvod Spôsobovanie bolesti druhému človeku je ako nástroj donútenia, trestu, ale aj potešenia známy od nepamäti. Skutočnosť, že človek využíva bolesť druhého je pravdepodobne ovplyvnená samotnou podstatou človeka ako predátora. Spôsob života predátora je podmienený ovládaním svojho okolia, iných jedincov a v neposlednej miere aj samíc svojho druhu. Takéto ovládnutie sa stalo podmienkou prežitia a zároveň zábezpekou evolúcie – prežitia najsilnejších jedincov. V starovekej a stredovekej histórii ľudstva, keď bolo mučenie využívané veľmi často ako donucovací prostriedok, nástroj justície a forma… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh groscoo 8 tahun lalu 1

Die Masofotze ( meine erste eigene Geschichte)

Die Masofotze Da ich sonst nur die Geschichten anderer verschlinge ist dies mein erster Versuch selbst eine Story zu schreiben. Also bitte zerreißt mich nicht in der Luft. Es begann alles an einem lauen Frühlingstag. Die Temperaturen waren schon sehr angenehm mit 18 Grad. Ich Chris, 59 Jahre alt und Single, hatte *** wieder nichts besseres zu tun, als mich im Internet auf diversen Pornoseiten und BDSM Portalen umzuschauen. Ich durchforstete die verschiedenen Portale nach einer Frau die nicht zu weit weg wohnte und die darauf stand hart ran genommen zu werden. Aber wie Ihr euch vorstellen kö… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh chriss2808 2 tahun lalu 9

Stupid Girl 2

I’m no longer a young women and the revenge I wanted on my ex-husband has subsided, well maybe a little. I spent fifteen years exacting that revenge by doing things with random men that any self-respecting girl wouldn’t do. That’s just it I have no self-respect nor self-esteem. I had always been skinny, really skinny. I was thirty years old, I was 5’4” tall and I weighed 87 pound. I had tiny little A cups and I had never really wore a bra my whole life. What I didn’t know at the time, our friends were really my husband’s friends and when he left so did they. My parents were both dead a… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh littlekarenz 9 tahun lalu 13

On being bred... A woman's narrative.

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Disiarkan oleh yssupnz 6 tahun lalu

Carrot and Cane

Carrot and the Cane It was warm early summer day, the first of the salad days. I picked a few spring onions from the garden and walked back to the kitchen where my teenage step daughter Emma was supposed to be making coleslaw. From the door I saw that there was some sliced cabbage prepared, I also saw Emma’s bikini bottoms beside it and Emma sat on a chair legs wide open her feet on two other of our kitchen chairs. She had her eyes closed and was gently rubbing her clit with the large carrot that she was supposed to have been preparing for our dinner. Emma was not really my step daughter and… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh artherzod 4 tahun lalu 15

South Africa

1859 Natal, South Africa Morning With a noisy creak, the heavy door opened and Kleine Kraal's head servant, Hlubi, stood in the entrance, large and forbidding, his presence all the girl needed to know that the time for her punishment had come at last. Scarcely a day after Rodger Blore had left for his yearly trip back to England, his son Kyle, now twenty and in charge of the ranch during his absence, had made a pass at the pretty Boer servant girl, Melissa Meuws, he had desired for the past two years. She was demurely cute, with glorious red hair down to her shoulders and freckles across her… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh cdod 5 tahun lalu 12

Getting whipped for a good cause. BDSM.

We have been involved with shelters for a long time. We have both been fond of them since c***dhood, so in our spare time we help out at our local a****l shelter in the better part of our county. The rich people who belong, like to put it on their list of good deeds, to impress others. Several years ago, 1 of the wealthier members, of the shelter, knew that I liked BDSM from our conversations and that getting whipped/spanked on just my ass was a big turn on for me. He asked me jokingly, if I would consider getting whipped by the highest bidder to raise money for the shelter, as the rich are ti… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh jennyforall 4 tahun lalu 23

Audience with the cane

She felt the tap, tap, taping of the cane across the middle of her bare bottom, She felt aware that she was secured to the table by four old school ties, She could hear the rustle of the audience, She knew the men and women were there to enjoy watching her being caned, She had never even been spanked before never mind caned, She felt the cane slide back and forth across the middle of her bare bottom, She remembered her friend telling her the each stroke would hurt like hell, She felt a finger pushing into the small of her back, She heard a voice say ‘on your toes bottom out’ She felt very nake… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh artherzod 2 tahun lalu 9

Wife Rule 3

With some adaptation- credit to indentcouple Chapter 3: At Home After we arrived home I did a lot of thinking as to how to proceed. It was really fun to control Mike (and Eric) and I do not think we ever made them do anything that they did not want to do. Other than sex, I wanted to have a normal marriage filled with mutual respect and admiration. However, I loved the new sexual energy I had discovered. I particularly enjoyed the freedom to engage in sex with another man, another man with a large cock that is! I could not believe what a difference a large cock could make. I also enjoyed… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh cambriakid 12 tahun lalu 12

Disgusting Things Said To Me That Make Me Drip

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Disiarkan oleh SubmissivePuppy 2 tahun lalu


The following account is a special request from one of our own member here at xhamster, upon having a long conversation with her and reading some of my stories she requested these. Of course it's what she once endured with some twists into it to make it my version of the proceedings, or what should've transpired for that matter. The events took place when she was 13 years but for xhamster's policy, we will say she is 18 years. The lady is Hannah Goldstone, originates from the United Kingdom. Hannah is the daughter of Mary and Josh Goldstone, Mary is the housewife and Josh a Human rights lawyer… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Africa01 3 tahun lalu 4