A Story for M (amended version

I was whipping M with the dressage whip just because as I explained to her as I cinched the leather cuffs around her slender wrists and she asked "Why am I being whipped, Master." and I replied without empathy "because I want to, love."
It felt good to naked myself in the warmth of the basement recreation room I had converted into my personal dungeon after my wife left. My cock was satisfyingly fully erect and swaying between my legs as I walked to stand behind the lithe shapely woman between the two floor to ceiling wooden posts. She was not yet naked but the crimson welts created by the slender single strand of leather glistened in contrast to the flawless alabaster skin revealed where the silk blouse had been ripped open and hung loose from the sleeves encasing her stretched out arms. The clasp of her black cloth bra had broken and the straps hung to either side of her back supported by the thin shoulder straps. The white cotton skirt with the multi colored flower pattern hung down over the shapely flare of her hip enough to reveal a good portion of her voluptuous ass which for me is the most alluring part of her sensuous body.
Placing the thick index finger of my left hand on a raised scarlet stripe and felt M's back muscles flinch in response. "It will soon be over, love....only 20 lashes more and then you can suck my cock as your reward."
M slowly raised her head and without turning to look at me murmurred "Thank you, my Master.....please whip me if it pleases you."
The dressage whip was not a punishment whip and M understood that when she saw me take it down from the metal hook on the wall where the entire collection of whips, straps and canes were displayed. M desired the whipping as much as I wanted it and I knew that beneath that skirt her cunt was already oozing her love juices and it was dripping down her shapely thighs.
I jerked the skirt down over the flare of her hips and let it flutter down over her legs to the floor. Her sheer briefs barely covered the wide curvy cheeks and as I knew the cloth covering her labia was darkened with moisture. I reached down with my free left hand and pulled the fabric aside and then pushed the middle finger of my hand up into the sodden oily slit. "You are a wanton slut, M." and again in a soft whisper she replied "Yes Master...I am a wanton slut, thank you Master."
I slid my finger up against the aroused clitoris that hung like a wrinkled slimy worm and M gasped in response. "You want to cum...don't you slut." I said as I caressed the appendage and once again listened as she gasped "OOOOH please Master...may I cum..please Master."
I snarled my reply to add affect to my stern warning "If you cum I will put this away and use the bullwhip...you may cum after I'm done whipping you." Only a groan of disappointment escaped M's lips as I removed my finger from the slit and stepped back to resume the pleasure of applying more stripes to her body and watching the delectable body sway and dance between the solid wooden beams.
With her firm buttocks now mostly bare and her gorgeous gams free to dance to the tune played on her flesh by the leather thong the obvious target at the resumption of the whipping were M's nether regions beginning with her taut muscled thighs. With the back already crisscrossed with the crimson bars. With a force that made the whip sing I deftly swung the dressage whip low and watched as the supple leather wrapped across the unblemished white skin at the crease where her long luscious legs joined her equally appealing ass cheeks making a "CRAAAAAAAK" sound that resonated through out the walls of the entire room. Just as the thong had followed the contours of M's torso during the whipping of her back striping her rib cage all the way around to the sides of her breasts the whip had created a scarlet line around both thighs and I knew by her body's reaction that the tip had reached her bush covered pubic mound. M's head had snapped back when the whip struck and the sinews and muscles in her arms bulged against her skin when both of her legs rose from the floor and she moaned "ooooooooooh..."
The whip had also torn the fabric of her briefs and her light brown labia flaps were displayed to my view which caused my cock to throb with lust. I repressed an urge to toss the whip aside and bury my cock into that wet, hot, tight cunt and layed another stripe across M's ass which caused the soft pliable flesh to quiver, the fabric of the briefs to rip open and her body to twist against the ropes binding her body between the posts. The following stroke was high and landed diagonally from the M's right hip across both buttocks and down her left leg tearing a gash across the black fabric and leaving a long red bar of what I knew would have felt like a fire brand pressed against the woman flesh. Momentarily losing her balance as the muscles in her left leg buckled at the knee and her body fell sideways. She cried out"OOOH....Pleeaase MASTER!...please no more." I waited patiently as she struggled to stand again with her legs shoulder width apart and she sagged forward resting her chin on her upper chest
awaiting the whipping to continue.
I realized that the woman was reaching the limit of her endurance. I walked to the wall where the whips were hung and placed the loop at the base of the dressage whip handle over the hook. M lifted her head and silently watch me. Her beautiful blue eyes glistened with tears that flowed over her cheeks. I walked towards her and standing in front of her lifted her chin so that I could look at her beautiful face. I bent my head down towards her which was upturned so that our lips could meet and as my mouth opened she responded in kind and our tongues mingled. As we kissed I reached down and tore the remaining rag of her briefs free from her waist and then jerked the black bra cups from her breasts. and jerked hard on the fabric breaking the shoulder straps. I tossed the bra aside on the floor and cupped and then gently kneading the saggy bags in my hands, crushing the hard protruding pink raisin sized nipples in my palms. In our passionate embrace M barely wince as salt from my sweaty hand burned the welts which adorned the sides of her breasts. My right hand released its grip on M's left breasts and I began to lower it down caressing the silky smooth skin of her belly and then lower over the thick thatch of hair covering the swell of her pubic mound. M's body pressed tightly against mine and she spread heg legs wide and clutched my legs with the silky smooth inner thighs in an effort to raise her body up high enough to mount her body on my swollen cock as our lips and tongues remained locked together.When my hand cupped the sodden clam shape of her vagina her protruding clitoris and the inner folds her labia were swollen soaking wet with slimey emissions she suddenly jerked her head back and screamed "OOOOOH GOD....OOOH GOD....." Her entire body began to spasm and beads of sweat dotted her forehead as the ecstacy of a massive orgasm swept like a tsunami up from her loins. The look on her face was a mixture of bliss and terror as she realized that she had cum without permission and would be have to endure a punishment for defying me.
As her body relaxed and sagged from the exertion of the massive orgasm she began to sob but instead of asking forgiveness she raised her head and calmly said "I have disobeyed you Master and must be punished for my behavior."
She began to sob as she watched me walk to to the wall where the line of whips and canes were hanging from hooks. I placed the dressage whip on it's hook and then selected the six foot long bullwhip. I examined the suppleness of the thick braided leather lash with my hands and once satisfied that it would serve my purpose. I coiled it into three loops and stepped three paces behind the nearly naked M.
"Ten lashes will be your punishment M and hopefully in future you will be able to control your cunt and only cum on my command. You will call out the strokes as they are served and if you fail that simple task I repeat the whip stroke."
Having gauged the distance to allow me to wrap the whip around M lithe body I brought the whip back with my right hand so that it lay on the floor like a black snake. I quckly stepped forward with my left foot and swung my right arm forward with force enough to lift the whip from the floor and send it full length towards the hanging woman. It struck her flesh acoss the upper back and followed the contour of her torso under the right arm pit and, though I could not see it I was satisfied by the jerking of M's body and the shriek of pain from her mouth when her head flung up that the tip had made contact with her breast. The shoulder strap of the bra snapped in half and the cup was torn away from her breast which now wore a livid scarlet stripe which I was sure that she felt with intense agony judging by her reaction. I waited impatiently as her head slowly lifted and she managed to wheeze out the words I demanded to hear "one....thank you master."
With a hard backhand I whip **** its mournful whine as it sliced the air which was followed by an earsplitting "CRAAAAAAAACK" as the whip struck the left side of her back and like the first expended its snake like venom of firey pain across her left breast. The bra fell free and flutter like a wounded bird to the floor leaving M's entire torso naked. Then she groaned "two....thank you Master."
Back and forth forward hand and back hand I continued the whipping of M's bared upper body. With each lash she screamed in response and her body jerk and danced like a puppet on a string as the crimson bars grew into livid welts across her white skin. Only once did she miscount the strokes and received an extra lash as punishment and had received seven lashes before I paused to refresh myself with a tulip glass filled with my favorite single malt. The bullwhip raised thicker deeper scarlet welts which stood in sharp contrast to the thin pink lines of the dressage which crisscrossed M's back. M was definitely fading after the dressage whipping, her massive orgasm that sapper her strength and now the agony of the bullwhip but she was a tough bitch and had on many occasions suffered worse punishments so I resumed the bullwhipping. "So where were we M is it stroke 7 or 8? " I asked retorically as I drew the heavy whip back behind me and flung it forward to land with a loud "CRAAACK" across the naked middle back and once again leaving enough leather to wrap around her slender torso and land across her right breast. Her head barely lifted and the scream was more like a cough as the fire raged through her body. I drew the whip back and waited for the count but it didn't come as M's head sank down and she hung lifeless in the ropes. I walked to look at the damage the whip had wrought on her saggy tits. The last one had caught the nipple and a small trickle of blood slid down over the curve of the fleshy bag. I lifted her head with a hand under her chin which was coated with slobber from her mouth. She began to moan and then whispered softly "Eight......thank you master."
"You've had enough M......I will add the last two bullwhip strokes to the next time you deserve punishment." I said as I untied her wrists. Her body would have crumpled to the floor had I not caught her in my arms and carried her over my shoulders towards the bedroom where I laid her on the bed. The ass fucking I had planned for her could wait until morning. I satisfied my cock by jerking off and spraying my cum load on the welts of her bare back.
M’s Assignment
The sun broke through the window as I lay face down naked on the bed. I had slept soundly after being whipped yesterday. My back still stung from the lashes, and I had to move on my side because my boobs hurt from the whip hitting my nipples. My left leg was straight and my right leg was bent up as I laid on my side. I felt that my ass was exposed, but I didn’t care, I was comfortable.
I felt the warmth of the sun covering my body, and I felt so good and then I heard a voice My Master’s voice, it was deep and reserved, and he told me what he was going to do. “M because of your bad behavior, there is only one punishment that I know that will make a point with you and you will remember it”.
I looked back towards the door and my master stood,, tall, strong, powerful, blocking most of the light from the doorway. As he stood there my eyes went wide open when I saw his huge black cock dangling between his legs walking towards me. It swayed back forth hitting his thighs as he walked. His 7” cock hung low on top off his hug bull like ball sack. I stammered as I asked My Master “ oh Master please what have I done? Please! What are you going to do? Please! Please Master”
My Master simply replied “ So you think you’re pleading and whining is going to stop me from fucking you in the ass? That’s right M you heard me I’m going to fuck you in the ass!”
Again I pleaded but it did not stop him from coming closer. “Oh Master please not that! Oh please let me suck your dick. Please I’ll suck your dick ok? Please don’t fuck me in the ass. Arrrrghhhh nooooo”
My Master then said “ oh, you will suck my dick alright but you will suck my dick to get it nice and wet because the better you suck my dick the easier it’s gonna slide into your ass. Do you understand that?”
I looked still terrified at the thought as his huge flaccid cock was pressed up against my lips as he climbed up on the bed. His cock towered over me and he commanded me to open my mouth which I obeyed immediately. Slowly I took his cock into my mouth. I opened as wide as I could. I felt it getting bigger, and it began to swell. Maybe I thought if I could make him cum he wouldn’t fuck me in my ass so I diligently began to work his cock with my hand and my mouth, stroking it until it was incredibly hard and stiff. It was a thick shaft with a pink mushroom head that parted my lips every time it entered my mouth. The veins were popping out along the side of his beautiful, black, thick cock. Then he pushed me away and began to hold his cock in his hand, stroking it. I saw how massive his cock really was when it was hard, He then crawled back to the end of the bed, pushed me face down, spreading my legs now my ass! As he spread my legs, I felt a cool breeze, blow up my thighs and around my ass and into my bush.
Suddenly, I felt the tip of his mushroom head, slippery from my saliva it poke against my asshole. He reached under me, and with his arm, he lifted my hips up, so that now I was on my knees my boobs were hanging down as my face was in the bed, and my ass and bush were now totally exposed. I felt so humiliated and there was nothing I could do about it.
i moaned and begged but that did not stop the steady approach of his massive cock pushing up against my asshole terrified me.
Then his mushroom head, penetrated my asshole as it parted the walls of my asshole it slid past my sphincter muscle, then he started thrusting his long thick cock into my bowels. I screamed out but my cries were muffled in the bed. I heard My Master moan with pleasure as he said to me “M I am watching my cock bury itself into your tight ass and I want you to remember this. Remember you will never do what you did again!” I cried for mercy as I felt as huge black piston going in and out of my ass, now the deep thrusts felt like my ass was spitting being split wide open.
Soon my Master had a cadence, and then he took his hand and began to massage my pussy. I felt his huge cock in my ass and now his fingers going inside my hairy bush. His forefinger would flick upon my clit sending electric waves throughout my body. I couldn’t believe how I felt, I was ******d on his big black cock as his thick fingers were fucking me in my pussy and his forefinger was playing with my clit. I was becoming embarrassingly so wet.
I didn’t realize it, but soon I was lost and I began pushing my ass back onto his massive cock as he thrusted it into me. His fingers expertly massaged my pussy. Suddenly I felt like I was going to cum. I started shuddering as I heard My Master say “ oh, God, M you are going to make me cum. Your muscles are contracting and sucking me in. Yes, God you are tight I’m going to cum yeah” he could feel my contracting muscles causing him to suddenly explode with hot cum in my ass . It felt like a hose was shooting thick warm fluid coating my asshole as it dipped down my inner thighs.
At the same time I was cumming too. I was shuttering, and I never knew that being fucked in the ass felt so good. In a matter of fact, it felt better getting fucked in my ass than in my pussy. I do have a small pussy I know but I was always terrified to be fucked in the ass. Ohhh aaarrrgghhh yyessss. God I’m cumming I’m cumming - cumming aaaarrrggghhhh mmmmmmmmm
Diterbitkan oleh Thx1138ham
5 bulan lalu
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A marvelous session well documented!
Oh man, your story really got me hard M. 