More from that Dirty Girl

As I was saying, I love to poke about a bloke's anatomy down there after he's made his mess. I like the smell and the wetness of it all. Yes and then sniff your fingers. Sniff them again later in the taxi while you fiddle your clit all the way home. I love to get them in a cubicle in the Gents. Sit them down, unbutton their flies and then reach in to fondle their clammy balls. I do love a warm, hairy scrotum while the balls are still hanging low inside. Swinging and sliding to my command. Once they get excited and the ball sack shrinks I shift my attention to the rod tip. Slide that foreskin… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 3

At the window 4

That night I lay awake wondering what her strange arm movement had meant. I knew it was hugely significant but my young brain could not grasp just what it meant. I intended to find out, however and the following evening I was back in those bushes with my erection open to the wind, searching for signs of action across the lawn. There was nothing. The curtains were open but all was in darkness beyond. I crept forward. Nothing. I crept back and I waited and waited. Nothing. The next night I repeated my stealthy approach and my excitement grew as I saw a faint crack of light between the folds of t… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 1

At the window 3

On the third day he rose again. It was early morning and my young penis was already up and ready. I lay back and my feelings of guilt rose to meet the hard reality of my body's desires. I vowed to resist temptation. I was going to have to visit this woman. Sit and do classwork with her watching. I just had to master myself and ignore the visions of her swinging breasts, her hoisted bra-imprisoned breasts, her hairy crotch, her big, firm thighs and elegant ankles... I leapt from my bed and ran to throw cold water at my groin. I was a big shock to me but it had very little effect on my rampant m… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 3

At the window 2

As I let myself in at our back door i was shaking with fear and desire. I rushed up to bed and buried myself beneath the sheets. As my erection subsided I slipped into sleep. So it was not until the next morning that I awoke to my new situation. I was immediately fearful that I had been spotted, but I also had a hard cock. It was hard and ready and my thoughts were drawn back to those hanging bosoms, those pink teats, that jungle of pubes. I wasted no time in whipping back my foreskin and, throwing back the bedclothes, I raced to a new and urgent orgasm. I counted the strokes: 41,42,43 and I w… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 3

Is she the perfect one?

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 1

Dirty girl

So I have to admit it. I am a dirty girl. I always have been, but I get dirtier and dirtier and it thrills me. It excites me to get slobbered over by a drunken fool down an alley as he humps wildly at my pubes, his trousers round his ankles, his thrusts going every whichway – now up my belly, now up near my bumhole, now over my clit, now somewhere near my vag. Every which way but never quite where he wants it. I lead him a pretty dance , opening and closing my ample thighs, urging him on but never letting him in. Here in this dirty smelly alley he pumps his seed away against me. He has enjoye… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 3

At the window

Her breasts were large and pendulous. Huge with luscious pink teats pointing downwards. As I leaned in closer to the gap in the curtains I could see them jiggle as she brushed her long dark hair. Tom had told me his young aunt was a fine big woman and could be seen in all her glory through the downstairs back bedroom window. I strained to take in every detail so I could toss off to the scene later, but almost immediately I changed tactics as I felt my member rising. I had to wank and watch. Flies unbuttoned and he was out and semi-hard. From the end of my foreskin juice was oozing in long str… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 2 tahun lalu 3

Peggy, having a ball

Don’t get me wrong. I do like cock, but just lately I can’t stop thinking about balls. I’m just a girl, ordinary like. I’ve had a few men and I like the sex alright. Got to be careful though. I’ve been alright so far. Anyway, it was the bloke before last that started it. Nowadays when I’m on the Tube and I clock a bloke eyeing me, I still take in his smile, his eyes, his hair, just like I used to. But now I flip a switch and I’m imagining his balls, and wondering if they are big and if they hang down. You see the one before last was humping away and I was at stage three. You know how it is g… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 3

Unusual punishment

Today Miss Venables sent me to the headmistress for breaking a pencil in class. When I went into her study the head was rather gruff and I asked what I had been up to. I said I did not mean to break the pencil. I had stuck it into the inkwell and I was trying to pull it out… Breaking pencils is not to be taken lightly, she said, rather more warmly than she had begun. Do you have that pencil? Yes Well fetch it here then, she said Yes Miss, it’s in my locker. I hurried to fetch my pencil case. Right I want you up on my desk. Jump up and sit facing me. Now lie back and lift your legs in the air.… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 5

Thoughts on the ways of maids in Hirsutia

Sweet young Betty has been much in my thoughts and I know not why, to be truthful. Since I was a youth I have followed custom and used the maidservants of the house much as I wished, but yesterday evening as I watched her hurrying away in a rustle of skirts still mopping my copious effusion from her chin and breasts, I was unaccountably interested by her. Where was she hurrying to and what thoughts were in her head? Today my Royal mistress did not go a-hunting so I assume that her maids performed the intimate ablutions that custom demands. A princess of Hirsutia must be sucked clean and when… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu

Nip and fuck

Basil came every night at that time. He was always panting and ready. I had only to drop by trousers and brace for impact. He was so wiry, so intense, so excited. Sometimes he would simply pull my underpants to one side and begin immediately to thrust at my unprepared anus, though it did not take long for the desired entry to take place. My pink little turd hole was once so tight and pretty , but after weeks of badgering from Basil’s impressive cock it was ready to betray me after the shortest of courtships from an erect intruder. Basil knew his way only too well. No fondling or kissing, just… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 1

Household duties in the Kingdom of Hirsutia

A fragment transcribed from the Royal archives I am in thrall to the Crown Princess of Hirsutia. Royal ladies of her line have exceptionally meaty vulvas and their forest domains are extensive in every sense. After a long day hunting astride a great horse, stopping only occasionally eat, drink, urinate or defecate, ladies of her rank expect their pudenda to be ceremonially cleansed by a maid or, in my case, a male equerry. It is my duty to kneel and suck the entirety of the Royal piss flaps and clit hood into my mouth. She is so well endowed in this respect that it is not then easy to work my… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 1

Sorry state

She said she was sorry. Just a bad mood and what could she do to make up for it. I told her to assume the position and spent a long time sniffing that perfect pink hole. She had not had time from when she got bac k from work to wash so she was really nice and smelly. I was erect but I held off. Turned her over and went to work on her clitoris till she was bucking her hips and when she came she was in tears, thanking me. I told her the punishment was not over, but she was too far gone in lust to care. I took her in the pink little shit hole and wedged my rod well home. Then I pissed full bore,… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 2

Two weeks later (diary fragment)

Since that first time when I really licked her beautiful little back hole and came as soon as I touched myself, I have been pestering her for anal sex on every date. She has submitted. First tongue, then finger, then the whole cock... I think she likes it. She writhes and wriggles plenty. I love it. So tight and pink. My foreskin just peels away as I enter and then I have to shove really hard to get it right up inside. I do not last long after I get it right home. Last night I managed 25 strokes before I buried the load. I was really quivering but she seemed reserved and I realised that I had… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 2

So tight at the back (diary fragment)

She is so small and the hole is completely hairless. I made her kneel up on the bed with her head buried in the pillows. Her buttocks are huge and round and smooth. I was so erect, so erect. My cock was pinging and I really wanted to plunge into her tight, pink bumhole, but when I pulled them apart for a better look I was amazed. So small, so pink, so perfect. Just like one of those silicon dolls. She kept thrusting it up and I knew I could take her, and yet I suddenly knew that it had to be my tongue in there. It had to be. I rimmed for a bit, then I just thrust my tongue in and her perfect r… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 2

Recipe for climax

1. Lie back and relax as long as you can manage it. 2. Take one well-built lady with a fat-lipped hairy minge and have her sit on your face. 3. Next select two little nymphs to kiss, suck and fondle each nipple. Place your own hands on their fannies each side. Try to lodge a finger in each. 4.. Take two experienced ladies and instruct them. One to wotk your foreskin, the other the masage your shaft. 5. Finally, find the longest and most muscular tongue and set it to work on your anus and perineum. Contune to simmer until you can take no more. Rest and repeat.… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 3 tahun lalu 1

A bell-end to remember

When I was a young man I had a short-lived wank-buddy called Steve. We used to go off into the woods and pore over a stash of girlie mags we had discovered there. It was Steve who discovered them and took me to see them. He quickly unwrapped them from the plastic bags they were protected by and began to show me the delights they contained. That first time we just looked and discussed the girls we liked best. He had a preference for huge breasted girls, but I remember thinking that I liked the quirkier ones and I was fascinated by the glimpses of pubic hair below the waistline. In those days… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 5 tahun lalu 9

Hairy Mary puts on a show

Hard on the beach It was only some years later that my hair fetish became fully sexualised. Once again Mary Morris was centre-stage - Mary Morris the accidental exhibitionist . It was the day of the annual school trip to the seaside: a short coach trip with most of the village there as various parents came along to help and supervise. I had just come out of the sea. There was Mrs Morris with her daughter Chloe and little Johnny. Chloe was wet and shivering. “You going back for your towel Jim?” Mrs Morris asked. “Be a love and take Chloe with you. Look after her for a minute while I d… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 5 tahun lalu 11

How hairy Mary awakened my desires

When I am asked what turned me on to hairy women, I generally just say that God made them hairy and who are we to argue when they are so gorgeous. But now, when I think back, I reckon it must have been Mrs Morris, Mary Morris who ran the village store and sweetshop, who first awakened my natural desires, though I did not realise it at the time. I can’t remember how old we were - all little tykes together, hanging around in the street in front of someone’s house, story-telling, fighting, boasting, when Jim Perks came up with a really improbable one – “I’ve seen Mary’s bottom,” he said. We all… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh katjalover 5 tahun lalu 6