part 5 - after the party...

Hey everyone X I'm supposed to write the second half of part 4 up but I've been soooo busy with this and that I've not had time. I've probably mentioned in a previous post that these aren't necessarily in time order and that's why I'm jumping ahead to part 5 now. This happened just this weekend so it's still fresh in my memory. It's probably not the sexiest posts I'll ever write but it's probably one of the funniest / weirdest... So here goes. It all began at an afternoon party at one of the Hubbies friends. It was full of a lot of posh people and the likes so to feel more easy I tend to d… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trophywife15 4 tahun lalu 3

Part 4 - a Single(ish) guy

Hey All, Soooo I've found five minutes to write up part 4! Hopefully it shouldn't take too long but please excuse and spelling mistakes in any of my posts because I type this on a tablet and it's not the easiest!!! Sooo this one began around 2-3 months ago when I decided I wanted a job (before I realised that being a (trophy housewife ) suited me better). I applied at a few places in town and got myself and interview. My car was broke with some belt thing so I decided to get the bus. Big mistake the bus was absolutely packed. There was one seat free next to a guy so I took it, I couldn't st… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trophywife15 4 tahun lalu 2

First experience

Hey hey! So I guess I should start at the very beginning right,? I hope you're sitting comfortably! So it all started after my second affair, I weren't proud of if I'm honest I felt like shit. I had an itch that needed scratching and a guy and work fitted the bill. The guilt got too much so I confessed to my husband and explained the reasons why and I couldn't believe his reaction. Rather than being angry he understood that he hasn't satisfied me in that way for some time. The conversation progressed and after many awkward moments he suggested that a friend of his had always made comments… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trophywife15 4 tahun lalu 2

Part 2 - The Wedding

Hey all, So here's part 2 of my blog - it's going to take me a while go get up to date I think but I'll try my best. So this one all started at my best friend's wedding, I was a brides maid, although not maid of homour! That's still a sore point! We started off archer house, usual hair and make up and a few pre-drinks to settle the nerves before heading to the hotel were she was to he married. The ceremony was short but nice and her and the lucky man soon tied the knot. My husband, my "plus one" was unable to attend at the last minute due to having family problems. Although I don't mind… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trophywife15 4 tahun lalu

Part 3 - A friend of a friend

Heyyy all, Here I am again, back with part 3! It's going to take me forever to write all of these up! But this is one of my favourites! It all started on a girls night out, there were 10-12 of us all tearing up the town and drinking far more than we should. Just before the night ended we bumped into a group of guys that half of my friends knew. We decided to go for "one more drink" which soon turned into another 4-5. One of the guys and me hit it off almost instantly he was nice looking and had a great sense of humour, I felt like I could fuck him right there on the dancefloor. Obviously I d… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trophywife15 4 tahun lalu 2

026 – Odd Jobs For Nicky

Nicky was 48 and offspring’s had flown the nest and her ex-husband had fucked off with a younger model so she wanted to completely decorate her house and wanted to run some ideas past me and price it up.. I finally made the appointment for lunchtime and she told me that if she doesn’t answer the door to go through the side gate as she may be sitting in the garden, seemed simple enough. As it was a hot day I decided to wear a pair of short shorts and a tee shirt and I did T need any tools as I was only quoting so I headed off using my trusty sat nav and arrived just before noon and have to say… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 2

025 – A Short Sharp Shower Part 4

I looked up at Anna as she rode me and her eyes were shut and she was biting her lip, the concentration on her face was immense and all I had to do was lay there and enjoy it, “Oh yes.. oh yes.. YESSSS!!!” she cried out as she shook to another shuddering orgasm and I could feel her warm juice running down my balls and I was sliding in and out much more freely and I knew it wouldn’t be long before she emptied me out.. again. I knew it was coming and she could tell by my breathing that I was close and increased the pace to help me over the line and when I felt my cock pulsating she felt it immed… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 2

024 – A Short Sharp Shower Part 3

I’m not sure what happened in the night or even how long I stayed inside her but I woke up around 4am and Anna was laying with her head on my stomach curled up by the side of me and my morning wood was starting to kick in and as my cock was rising it was just inches from her face which was facing down the bed, she was still and quiet and with a slight adjustment I gently stroked her hair again as my cock made contact with her mouth but this time there were no spasms and no vocal dreams. I reached down and grabbed my hardening shaft and rubbed it against her lips in the hope that she might rel… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

020 – Time With Rosie

I got home from the doctors with a couple of hours before the possibility of Rosie coming over although I wasn’t sure what Lyndsay meant by ‘keep an eye’ on her, was I just on call should she need anything or was it a full-on babysitting duty? I guess I’ll play that one by ear and at least she knows where I am if needed. I made a big batch of my homemade squash just in case Rosie did come round and wanted a drink and after that took a long cool shower deciding what to wear and as I wasn’t planning on going out again I thought my short silky robe would suffice, I do love that robe.. it’s so com… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 4

021 – A Second Opinion

I was up quite early checking emails and answering enquiries about my odd job advert and also the AirBNB was beginning to generate some interest and after that I went into the kitchen to watch the early morning ‘Leg’ show and it was obvious that it was the same few girls that showed interest with smiles as they saw me standing in the window pretending to be doing something, there was definite future fun to be had judging by the curious looks and giggles as they passed and it was just a case of opportunities presenting themselves. The procession soon passed but it did bring a smile to my face a… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 6

022 – A Short Sharp Shower

It was a very interesting medical experience and I can see myself having minor ailments in the future just to get to see one of the medical staff, I’m yet to meet Dr Wagstaff yet but I’m sure that will be rectified in the coming weeks. Ryan was a nice guy and as much as he was trying to be professional it was obvious what he wanted which was all fine by me, I enjoyed having his cock pumping my arse and he sucked cock well too as did Jana who didn’t want to miss out, I’m still sure she set it up but everyone benefitted so all was good. I was going to have the rest of the day off and had calle… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 4

023 – A Short Sharp Shower Part 2

That was an interesting statement and although I didn’t know Rosie that well I’m sure there’s a logical explanation to all this and was confident she’d be home soon although it was after 7 now and the evening was fast diminishing, I had a solution but knew Anna wouldn’t like it.. she could always stay here. She came back into the kitchen all dressed in her little black skirt and her shirt untucked and handed me the robe, “Thanks for that mate, I feel better now I’m dresses again” she said in a much calmer voice and sat back down and again got on her phone, I stood the other side of the kitchen… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

Roommate Part 2

Jess didn't see her boyfriend for five days. The last time they had been together, Kyle had been recovering from a bad hangover. He had gotten caught up in an impromptu party thrown by his neighbor Ian and wound up in a bad way. Ian was an asshole—he was always staring at Jess and mistreating Kyle. Jess went to Ian to get him to lay off. That's where things started to go bad. Ian was in many ways Kyle's superior. Where Kyle was pale and pudgy, Ian was tanned and muscular. Kyle, on his best day, was still a short unremarkable man. But Ian was tall and handsome, lean and athletic. Jess alw… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh trueman_darling 10 tahun lalu 2

A Few Accounts of My Recent Sluttiness

Early Summer Around June I went to an ABS near me. I went into a guy's booth. He was hard in his shorts when I felt his cock. I pulled down his shorts and stroked his cock. Then pulled down my pants and stroked my cock a little through my white panties (worn under my suit pants). I went down and sucked his cock before I stood up again. He grabbed my ass and squeezed it through my panties then I turned around. That's when he pulled my panties down and worked his cock into my ass. Right while he was fucking me he let another guy in. This guy unzipped and pulled out his cock right in my f… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh orockme 3 tahun lalu 18

015 – A Visit To Rosewood

There was still plenty to do with the house but with Maisie’s help it was certainly liveable and things like change of addresses and doctor registration will come eventually in my own time. I cleaned up my treatment room and made a few minor adjustments and took a long cool shower having decided to run up to Rosewood and get things started over there as I needed to keep busy. I slipped on my track pants and a tee shirt and as I was leaving I bumped into my other neighbour, “Oh hello.. are you settling in? I’m Lyndsay” she said smiling and although she was plain I noticed that dressed in tight… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

016 – Interviewing Maria

I went back to the workshop having completed the lighting check and Maria was just finishing packing away her cleaning gear, “I come to your home now Mr Frank” she said looking down at the wet spot that had appeared in the front of my track pants, “You need change sir” she added with a giggle and I think she knew exactly what the wet spot was, I laughed with her and just loved her broken English accent, “Yes Maria, I’m heading home now” I replied and told her I would see her there. I arrived home and Maria was sitting in her little car talking on her phone which may not have been the best ide… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 4

Fucking in the Lesbian Threesome

On New Year’s Eve, Erica and I went to a New Year’s party at a local restaurant. As we arrived at the party, a young hot blonde waitress caught my eye. As we sat down with some friends, the hot waitress walked over introducing herself as Amber. My God! This waitress is making me wet! I wonder if Erica is as wet as I am, I thought to myself. After ordering our food, Erica whispered to me, “my pussy is soaked, our waitress is extremely hot.” “I know I’m wet too, should we make a move on her?” I asked. “Hell Yeah!” she replied, making me let out an evil smile and laugh. As Amber brought us o… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh Liliana01 2 tahun lalu 30

014 – Massage For Maisie

I must have fallen asleep on the couch as the next thing I remembered was my phone dinging with a message from Maisie, “Good morning Frank, you ok? Are you awake?” so I focused myself to send a reply, “Morning Maisie, yes I’m awake.. just, come round when you’re ready” and got an immediate smiley face by return but could see she was still typing, “I’m a bit nervous TBH, shall I wear my uniform? Do you use nice oils? I’m looking forward to it but just nervous, Grandpa is just leaving then I’ll be round.. he don’t know” she replied and I fully understood where she was coming from so I sent her w… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

012 – My Life Arrives

I didn’t have much to sort out in the evening and spent an hour or so on the phone to Ellie who had engaged the help of a couple of her students to get all my stuff packed and had even labelled the boxes so I knew what was in them, what an absolute star.. I went to bed happy in the knowledge that tomorrow I will have my life back. The bed was comfy and I had a great night’s sleep and got another call from Ellie to say that Justin who’d turned up with his van was a hunk and had loaded up and was on his way, she had a tone in her voice that indicated that she may just have thanked him on my beha… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 2

013 – My Life Arrives Part 2

Maisie seemed different, she was polite and helpful and didn’t come across slutty even though her skirt was showing a lot of thigh and from what I saw she didn’t seem to be checking me out either.. I didn’t want to pry into why she lived with her Grandpa but was sure she’d tell me when the time was right and I got the feeling that she had to grow up fast to be the lady of the house and I wondered who was looking after who. She soon returned full of beans minus the red tie and her shirt was unbuttoned at the top and as I looked I did see the outline of what looked like a trainer bra underneath,… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

009 – My Northern Trip Day 2 Part 2

I sorted out the emails from Abby and it was all systems go to sign off on the house in the morning and she seemed just as excited as having me as a tenant as I was at getting the house, she told me she was looking forward to our meeting tomorrow and had set aside plenty of time to ensure I was completely satisfied and I was hoping I could satisfy her too and after sending back the draft agreement and doing a bank transfer it was as done and dusted as you can get. I sent an email to Ellie explaining everything and asked her to pack up my belongings and gave her a list of furniture I would get… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 4

010 – My Northern Trip Day 3

It was difficult for me to focus as Angie walked in with the trolly with my breakfast and when she looked at the dishevelled mess laying on the bed with the sheet barely covering me she had to giggle, “Morning sir, Oh dear.. had a good evening did we?” she said with that cheeky grin on her face and although I remember Angie coming to my room if I’m honest I don’t remember much else which is unusual for me but the cocktail of northern beer and whisky certainly took its toll on me last night and the absence of any sign of morning wood was testament to my condition. I mumbled something as I tried… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

011 – My Northern Life Begins

After Abby left I had a good look around my new house and suddenly realised I didn’t have any bedding and rather than go do a shop I thought I’d give Sue a call to see if I could borrow some to see me through the first week, “of course you can Frank, I’ll sort some out for you and get Maria to come over when she’s finished cleaning, she’ll look after you Frank, she’s a young Spanish girl but keen” she said sweetly and I told her I really appreciated her help. I didn’t know what time Maria would arrive so after making a few calls to ensure my man and van was arriving tomorrow I settled down to… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 6

008 – My Northern Trip Day 2

After finishing off my beer I went to bed looking forward to my breakfast being delivered in the morning and was thinking about Mrs Robbins and whether another opportunity would arise before leaving as although she didn’t come on strong she was certainly showing interest in what was between my legs and seemed a very caring person for pointing out the stain on my track pants which may have been embarrassing tomorrow when I go to view the house. I had a real buzz from drinking the local ale so it was no surprise that the next think I heard was a knock at the door, “Room service” was the voice I… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 5

Sister's helping hand pt1

My eldest sister Tina and her husband Rick were renovating their new home and asked if l would help out due to being laid-off a couple of weeks earlier, so l packed a bag and caught the train to Hythe, Rick picked me up at the station and sis made a nice meal for us all. Over the next few days l couldn’t help notice Tina and Rick were arguing over anything, l think it was the strain of the new house and the work involved. One afternoon Tina got invited to the next-door neighbour’s and returned a little worse for drink, l was up a stepladder changing a fitting when she came into the room and sa… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh woodfencing 2 tahun lalu 13

006 – Feedback On The Assessments

After Jo left I cleared up and made the table good ready for the next client and took a long cool shower still smiling at my experience with Jo, what a lovely girl. I wrote my report and was just about to make some lunch when I got a text from Ellie, “We’ll done on your assessment for Jo, excellent work and she told me how pleasant you were, also spoke to James and he is meeting at yours later for me to do a follow up assessment, hope that’s ok. Will chat about it all when I get there, be about an hour. E xx” so it looked like Ellie was keen on James and can’t wait to be part of the follow up,… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 5

007 – My Northern Trip Day 1

Ellie had gone to work by the time I woke up and after packing a few things I showered and dressed deciding to wear trackie bottoms and a tee shirt as the weather up north is somewhat cooler than down south plus they were comfortable to drive in plus the absence of any underwear didn’t leave much to the imagination should I get any curious glances, it did have a nice swing to it in its flaccid state. I was excited as I headed off and on the drive up the motorway my mind was full of thoughts on how my new life would work out, northerners are far more friendly I am told so opportunities could b… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 6

001 - The Verdict

After Ellie left I was in no rush to get up so lay there enjoying my coffee and was dozing off when I got a text from Jane: “How did it go with Mrs West sir?” she asked so I wrote a brief note back saying it went well and she was meeting with the Chairman this morning to discuss, she text back “Yay!” so I knew she was excited and then almost immediately I got a text from Ellie which was a shock but not surprising: “How do you fancy a short term lodger Frank?” she wrote so I knew something had come to a head this morning however I knew she needed to focus on her meeting so felt it wrong to ask… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 6

002 - Ellie’s First Night

After Ellie had finished she looked at me with a pleasing look, “Why don’t we open a wine and start work on the project Frank? To make is realistic I can put my old uniform on and we can practice the process and perfect it, we don’t want the girls to think we’re amateurish do we?” she suggested and as much as I would have loved her to stay in those shorts putting on her uniform made perfect sense. “Great idea Ellie, I have a white doctors coat just to add authenticity to it” I replied and Ellie smiled, “Great Frank, but won’t you be too hot?” she enquired looking concerned, “Not if that is all… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 3

003 – Sam’s Assessment

I overslept and when I woke up Ellie had gone to work and left me a note saying she’d talk to Sam and having checked the rota Sam was off from 11am today so it would be the perfect opportunity to do her assessment, she also reminded me to do a detailed report as her chairman needed feedback. It was 9.30 and as I sat drinking my coffee in my robe Ellie text to say the appointment was set and Sam would be with me just after 11am and also mentioned she’d had some hamstring issues in the past and it needed looking at, “She’s a good girl Frank, a bit naive but keen to do whatever is needed to progr… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh britguy 2 tahun lalu 4