Day from Hell

Full disclosure. I didn't write this story. It is one that I saved years ago, but I have added to some of the desperation and tweaked bits here and there. I absolutely love it. If the original author doesn't want it here, please message me and I will remove. Apart from anything else, I would love to chat with you!

I set my alarm for 7am to give me time to get ready as I was popping into work to finish up some paperwork but needed to be back for lunch with the family at 2pm. For some unknown reason my alarm decided not to go off so I woke at almost 8am in a panic, I leapt out of bed, quickly showered, pulled on my bra and knickers, tights and a tight pencil skirt and white blouse. I was meeting my boss at work briefly so opted for high heels instead of my daily work wear flats. As I pulled on my coat and grabbed my car keys I realised my bladder was full and I had neglected my morning pee, but work was only 40 mins away, maybe even less with the quiet Sunday roads so I opted to wait until I arrived instead of making myself even later. I grabbed my tablets and a bottle of water, throwing my tablets down my neck and swallowing down the whole litre bottle of water, wow I was thirsty!

I rushed out to the car and jumped in, taking out my phone to quickly ring my boss to inform him I was on my way. I placed my key in the ignition and the car spluttered and coughed, I tried again and again but to no avail... It just would not start! What a superb day I was having! I left the car and decided to catch the bus to the train station; I waited almost 15 minutes for the bus, forgetting it was Sunday so everything was limited service. I needed to pee and was already regretting not spending 5 minutes relieving myself before leaving the house, I was also regretting the high heels as my feet were already sore from standing up. Eventually the bus arrived and I took a seat for the 15 minute journey to the train station.

I was right and there was very little traffic so it took no time at all to arrive at the train station, I ran off the bus and into the ticket office, there was nobody there so I rushed down to the platform, the ticket machine there was not working either so I decided to buy my ticket on the train instead. There was only one bench at the station and someone had been sick all over it so I stood up, I paced up and down the platform trying to keep warm and take my mind off my need to pee, I was getting desperate but knew as soon as I went upstairs to use the toilet the train would inevitably arrive. Half an hour passed and still no train, I was cold, desperate to pee and my feet hurt, I decided that it would be nice to sit down even for a minute on the loo and relieve my bursting bladder. I walked back up the long ramp to the ticket office and approached the toilet, it was locked “Please obtain keys from ticket booth” read the sign on the door... It was closed, the station appeared abandoned! I looked around, bobbing up and down as I did, trying to find some relief from my now aching bladder.

As I searched for a member of staff I noticed a sign lying flat on the floor in front of an empty easel, I picked it up and re-instated it. “Due to repairs no trains will be running today, a railway replacement bus is available every hour on the hour from the front of the station” I growled in frustration and exited, glancing at my watch as I did so, 20 minutes more to wait. I decided to walk to the bus stop to see when the next bus to town was, I had just missed one so had half an hour to wait, and I decided the railway replacement bus was a better solution so walked the 5 minutes back to the station. I hadn’t planned on so much walking in my heels and my feet were extremely sore, I slipped my shoes off one by one and placed my feet on the cold flagstones, it was bliss for my aching toes but agony on my bladder, which spasmed as the cold moved through my body.

I slipped my shoes back on and winced, positioning myself behind a wall to hide from the icy cold wind, I found I was not overlooked so tried to place my hand into my crotch to give myself some very much needed relief from my now aching lips, to my dismay my skirt was too tight so I couldn’t get near it without hiking up my skirt, which I could not do in broad daylight for fear of being discovered. Eventually the coach turned up, about 5 minutes late but still, it was here and best of all it was a coach meaning it would no doubt have a toilet on board. The doors opened and a wave of heat hit me, I hobbled up the steps keen to take the weight off my feet, I smiled at the driver and turned to face the coach... It was packed! I found a seat next to a very smart looking man, I longed to run straight to the back and throw myself down onto the toilet bowl but didn’t want everyone to know how desperate I was so decided to sit for a while then make a casual stroll there after ten minutes or so.

I tried hard to sit still but was desperate for a wee so couldn’t help fidgeting, I bobbed my leg up and down uncontrollably and decided that I couldn’t wait much longer, I’d wait until the next station then get up to pee. “I bet you’re freezing” came a voice next to me, “I’m sorry?” I blurted startled, “I can feel you shivering against my leg, would you like to swap seats the heater is burning my ankle here” I was confused, I didn’t think I was shivering, then I realised, the bobbing of my leg must have felt like shivering to him. I smiled and thanked him; my feet were absolutely frozen so I decided to take him up on his offer. I stood up and let him out before sliding back into his warm seat, I slipped off my shoes and placed my feet in front of the heater, bliss! I wriggled my toes and breathed a sigh of relief as the feeling returned to them, once they were nicely warmed I realised my error... Now that I was sat by the window I had no choice but to wait until my companion got off before using the bathroom, as I couldn’t possibly disturb him again.

The waistband of my tight skirt was digging into my bulging bladder, I tried to pull it away but couldn’t even get my thumb down into the top of it so opted to suffer, and suffer I was! I looked at my watch, 10:15am; my God I was so late... I pulled out my phone and sent a text to my boss saying I would meet him tomorrow instead as I was running extremely late, he quickly replied that this was ok. I was soon boiling hot, I shuffled around trying to remove my coat in my limited space without disturbing the person next to me. I managed it but had jolted my bladder in the process and was bursting for the loo now, I contemplated asking my neighbour to excuse me but decided against it, another 5 minutes passed though and I thought I was on the verge of wetting myself, it was either ask him or soak him when the floodgates burst, I opted for the former...

“Excuse me, could I get past you to use the toilet please?” I asked, turning towards him desperate to get out, “I would say yes, but I fear it would be a waste of time, there’s no toilet on this coach” he replied “A woman asked the driver earlier if there was one and he replied that there was not, she is sat at the front there” he pointed at a blonde haired lady a few seats in front of us “I could ask the driver to stop at a petrol station or similar if you like, I’m sure she would be glad of the option of relief?”. I took a moment to consider “Oh no, I’m not that desperate” I lied “That poor lady must have been in order to ask the driver, I’m surprised he hasn’t stopped already if he knows she needs the toilet”, “Well yes, that was over 45 minutes ago she must be ready to explode as she appeared desperate when she asked, crossing her legs and holding on to the seat”, I was concerned by part of his sentence, “How long have you been on this coach then?” I enquired, “The entire train line is normally only just over an hour from start to finish and we’re miles from our destination” I continued. “Well this coach is replacing 3 different trains, which is why it is so packed, so we’re stopping at all stations from all three routes, I’m going a few stops from the end and the driver said it would take almost three hours as we have so many stops and are crossing most of the county”.

I tried not to panic, “Oh, how long have you been on here then?” I repeated, keen to be able to work out how much longer I would be captive on the coach and crucially how much longer I would have to try and hold in my pee. As I awaited his answer I glanced out of the window and realised I had no idea where we were. “Erm, let me see...” he looked at his watch “I’ve been on here for about an hour and a half, no almost 2 hours, so there’s about an hour to go to my destination... Traffic permitting” he laughed. “Where are you going to?” he enquired, “I’m going to the end” I sighed, “Better make myself comfortable”. He laughed, “Well I guess that’ll be about another 15 minutes to half an hour after I get off, the next stop is a main junction so I think a lot of people will get off, I’ll leave you alone and find a seat of my own when one comes available!”

I thanked him and went back to staring out of the window, my bladder was throbbing, by now I was so full it was beginning to hurt, I didn’t think I could hold it for another hour or more but knew I had no choice but to try, I had no idea where I was so there was no use getting off to search for a loo. I rubbed my hand over my tummy, my bladder had swollen and was filling my skirt, being compressed by the fabric and with my waistband digging deep into the top of my bladder all the liquid was being pushed downwards, I tried to push my skirt down discreetly but it was so tight there was no way. I was beyond uncomfortable and kept squeezing my lips tightly, it hurt with every squeeze but the few seconds afterwards as the pain subsided felt like utter bliss. I kept repeating this, as well as pressing my pee hole down into the seat to try and massage it... I was deep in thought, miles away, lost in my desperation when the bus hit a kerb and jolted hard many people gasped with the shock; it woke some people up... I gasped as I felt a huge spurt of pee escape.

I instantly sat bolt upright and clamped my thighs together, clenched my bum cheeks and squeezed with all my might, I could still feel pee leaking out; dribbling through my tightly clamped muscles, there was nothing I could do to stop it. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, breathing slowly and as deeply as I could manage trying to regain control, I rubbed my warm hand over my spasming bladder gently trying to calm it... “Mmmm” I felt a groan escape as I fought to stop the dribble becoming a full scale flood. “Are you ok, do you need me to ask the driver to stop for you?” the man next to me asked, I opened my eyes somewhat startled by his question, I tried to look relaxed before replying “Oh... Erm, no, no, honestly it’s fine I was just startled” I laughed nervously and continued to rub my bladder, I was back in control but it was hurting now. The coach stopped and sure enough most people got up and got off, a couple of people got on but the coach was almost empty, the blonde lady was still sat a couple of seats in front of us.

“Do you still need the toilet? Sorry, stupid question of course you do” his voice penetrated my thoughts once again, “There’s a toilet in the petrol station across the road I could ask the driver if he would mind waiting?” before I had chance to reply the blond lady turned around “Would you mind? I’m not sure I can hold on much longer I don’t know about you?” she turned her attention to me, “I’m okay” I lied again “But I’d be more comfortable if I could use the loo”. Secretly I was DESPERATE, and hoped he asked the driver to wait as I was full to the brim and about to burst, thankfully he was a gentleman and so got up and made his way to the front, leaning in to the driver he talked quietly to him, they both glanced back at me and the blonde lady but to my dismay the driver shook his head and pointed to his watch.

The coach started moving again and he walked back toward us, taking up a seat across the aisle from me, “I’m sorry ladies he’s running very behind so can’t stop, he said we’ll be at our destination in around half an hour”, “I can’t hold it that long, I really can’t” the blonde lady whimpered, “How about you?” she gestured toward me “Oh I should be ok for half an hour” I lied again, she turned back around and I tried to get comfortable, I looked across at the gent who had been sat next to me, he was staring out of the window, I unbuttoned my waistband, it helped slightly but not enough, I unzipped the zip beneath it and rubbed at my bladder through my tights and knickers without the thick skirt fabric covering it... I pulled my coat over me and slid my hand down into my crotch, rubbing at my pee hole with my finger, pressing on it as I relaxed my aching muscles. It felt good, but not quite as good as it could, I slid my hand down inside my tights and rubbed myself over my knickers, I relaxed just enough to relieve my muscles.

As I massaged I pulled up the bottom of my skirt with my free hand so my legs were free to move, all the time covered by my coat, I pulled my legs up onto the free seat next to me and placed my hand deep in my crotch to hold back the flood, I placed my head on the window and made myself as comfortable as possible. My bladder ached and throbbed, trying hard to push out the oceans of pee contained within it, I had worked out that the last time I relieved myself was after work at 6pm the previous day, it was now quarter past 11 in the morning, so I was holding over 17 hours worth of pee inside my bulging bladder. And what a bulge it was, protruding painfully out of my abdomen it was almost too sore to touch, it was rock hard and heavy, and began to cramp, I rubbed my hand over it very gently trying to soothe the pain and ease the cramping. I was desperate for a pee and bounced my leg up and down, shuffling my bottom as I did.

I watched the blonde lady, I could see her head bouncing up and down and could tell she was wiggling furiously in her seat; she would lose it soon I was sure. The bus jolted again and I felt another spurt escape, I gasped and felt something catch in my throat, I began to cough and felt myself wetting again. I clamped everything shut and coughed... The man who had been sitting next to me passed me a bottle of water, I drank from it but continued to cough so drank more and more, finally I stopped coughing and gulped down the remaining water without thinking, another litre bottle, my throat was so sore and dry. My stomach was sloshing around when I nestled back into my seat and pulled my coat over me, my bladder was hurting from the increased pressure of my full stomach pressing down onto it. I pulled up my coat to cover my shoulder and placed my head on the window again, we were stopped at a station and more people got off, we seemed to sit there for an age and I felt my eyelids becoming heavy despite my desperate state, with my hand in my crotch I was deeply uncomfortable but was unlikely to lose it...

I woke with a jolt as I was thrown forward on my seat, the driver sounded his horn, I was crippled with pain from my bursting bladder, and I gasped and groaned as I felt myself losing control. I sat up, remembering that I was virtually naked on my bottom half I pulled my coat over me I was peeing hard for about 3 or 4 seconds before I regained control. I could barely breathe, my stomach was no longer sloshing and my bladder was so full it was utter agony; I folded my arms over my stomach and bent forward, sobbing in pain. I was desperate for a wee and could think of nothing else, I placed my hand down my tights and rubbed at my pee hole as another spurt escaped, I was bursting and so desperate to let go. I hardly cared who saw as I bounced up and down, fanning my legs open and closed, I placed my other hand into my crotch but felt pee escaping through my fingers, I moved forward on the seat, using the front of the seat to press my pee hole! I could feel the seat was sodden beneath my bottom, but despite leaking so much I still felt desperate and very full.

I looked around, and was startled to find I was the only person on the coach, I pulled my skirt down and zipped it up as far as I could manage, straightening my skirt as I did so. I stood up and moved forward a seat, looking back at the large wet patch as I did so. It hurt to stand up; my bladder pushed down and caused me pain as the full weight of it succumbed to gravity. I stood for a few seconds though, crossing my legs and regaining full control of my bladder, when I felt better I sat back down again, remembering I had left my shoes in the seat behind, I stood up and went back to get them, being swayed from side to side with the motion of the coach as I did... It was 11:30am as I sat back down and I noticed we were finally close to my destination, I was thankful. I pulled my skirt up again and crossed my legs, pressing my hand into my crotch again as I did... It compressed my bladder to have my legs crossed so I uncrossed them, leaning forward in agony as my bladder cramped and pushed out another squirt. I was unbearably full and desperate to let go, my head hurt and I was tired and dizzy... I couldn’t sit still and could think of nothing other than releasing my very much needed pee into the toilet at the station.

It was then that I heard a whimper... The sound of a woman sobbing and groaning, I looked around me then noticed a blonde ponytail hanging over the edge of the seat in front, I poked my head around and there was the blonde lady lying down on the seat, legs crossed tightly, her hand was passed beneath her bum and was pressing on her crotch from behind, I thought this was strange but perhaps in her position it helped more, she was rolling around in agony, twisting her bare feet around one another and curling her toes, I couldn’t see how swollen her tummy was as she too was beneath her coat but she was clearly completely desperate and about to lose it at any second, I doubted I had ever seen anyone so close to the edge. She let out a long groan as she buried her face in the seat... “Oooohhhhhh, Ahhhh, Oh God” she moaned, I moved to the seat opposite her and tapped her head. She glanced at me and immediately sat up looking embarrassed, “Oh” she gasped “I thought everyone had got off, sorry” she panted as she stopped pressing on her crotch and instead placed her hands under her knees and rocked back and forth looking at me leaning forward. I was sat perched on the edge of my seat, hand down the front of my skirt holding my pee hole with a pained expression on my face. Simply desperate to release as I rocked back and forth fanning my legs and rubbing my pee hole with my hand, pressing down to press my hand into the seat to apply more pressure!

When she saw me she said “I can’t hold it any longer, I’m surprised I’ve managed this long with the baby lying on top of my bladder squashing it”, “Oh wow I hadn’t realised you were pregnant” I gasped through gritted teeth “Oohh, how far along are you?” I added, moaning in pain as an urge hit me. “9 months, I’m on my way to my parents house as I’m due to give birth in a few days and my husband is away, oh I’m wetting myself how embarrassing” she replied, she leant forward once again placing her hand beneath her bum, now I looked it was obvious that she was pregnant her bump was huge which explained why she was having to press her pee hole from behind.

“I wish I could put my hand between my legs like you are but my bump’s just too huge, Oh I can’t hold it in it’s coming out I’m so sorry I can’t believe I’m wetting myself with just minutes to go after all these hours” “Sit on your heel” I ordered, “Curl your foot up beneath you and use your heel to press your wee hole shut” she looked at me but without hesitation did as I asked, adjusting herself and moaning in pain as she did so, she shook her head “It’s not working I can feel it about to come out” she panicked, “Ohhh, oh, Oh God, Oh that’s better, Oh it hurts but it’s better, at least I’m not wetting myself” she added as she visibly relaxed after getting her foot in the right position, “I need to go so bad I’m not even going to make it into the station” she said as she used both hands which were now free to pull her trousers away from her belly, “Ooh that helps too” she said rubbing her tummy, she pointed to her belly as she bit her lip, closer her eyes and winced in agony, a lone tear ran down her cheek as she continued to point and rub, I looked where she was pointing to see her belly moving and writhing around as the baby inside moved, she opened her eyes and shook her head as she looked at me. He’s not happy he’s got no room in there she panted as she held her tummy and rubbed it slowly, carefully breathing in and out in agony as she tried to remain in control. “I need to go, it’s not fair on him, I’ve been holding it in since about 8am... and it’s so painful, how are you doing?” she asked.

“Much better than you, at least I haven’t got a baby pressing down!” I replied, arching my back and pressing my pee hole down into the seat as I wiggled my bum to hold on. She was leant forward cradling her tummy moaning and panting in pain, “I can’t tell whether I’m having a contraction or I just need a wee THAT bad that it’s hurting” she cried, looking at me with pleading eyes, “I’ve got to go seriously”. With that the coach came to a stop, I looked up to find we were at the end of our journey, I pushed my feet back into my shoes and stood up. My skirt almost fell to the floor as I remembered it was undone; I pulled it up and zipped it up half way. I grabbed the blonde lady by the arm and helped her to her feet, “Oh God” she cried and sat back down panting and groaning in pain. I waited until she felt better and helped her up again, holding her shoes in my other hand I helped her off the coach, she stopped and held onto the side of the coach with her legs crossed, the driver had parked against a wall meaning we were between the coach and a brick wall, he got off, closed the door and walked into the station leaving me with the lady.

I was bursting for a wee, and desperate to run away and leave her but just couldn’t, she was unable to move and was in agony so I stayed with her. "Come on darling" I said, desperately, "we'll make it together, oh god, oooooooooh, ssssssss, oh, It hurts, oh god it hurts, i need a wee, I've held on for so long, please try and hurry" But she couldn't, as I turned around she was a picture of pure desperation, she was shaking like she was having a seizure, her hand frantically desperately working at her waistband. "Oh no" she wailed out loud, "oh no, I'm sorry" As I watched a heard an audible hiss from between her legs and saw a wet patch start to appear, then to my astonishment she pulled her trousers and knickers down and squatted down, a huge splash of pee hit the floor followed by a long stream of pee, she visibly relaxed once again and let out sounds of relief, I stood, legs tightly crossed and knee pulled up to try and hold back my own flood as I watched hers splash out of her. She had peed for about 30 or 40 seconds in sheer bliss, before opening her eyes and ;looking at me. “Oh that’s so much better, I couldn’t have held it any longer I’m so sorry” she said, scanning me, bent forward and bursting for a pee, steadying myself on the coach, “You should do the same” she added. "OK, I said, frantically working my pussy, trying to edge down my trousers, her flood had increased my desperation, and I really couldn't hold on, will you please stand guard for me when you've finished, I've never done this before, but I don't think i could hold it till I got inside, oh god, I've never been this desperate for a wee in my entire life!" Relief was so close, and it was feel soooo good, "Oh god, please try to hurry" I moaned at her, still gushing at full force onto the bus station floor, I can't wait any more." With that I started to try and pull down my trousers and knickers in one movement. They edged away from my bum, and bunched around my knees as I dropped into a squat. I was about to explode with an almighty torrent, when at that exact moment, a security man appeared from behind the bus, "What the hell he exclaimed, as I frantically shot back up to my feet, trying to cover my frantic pussy, as a quick squirt of wee escaped. "the pregnant woman didn't even budge, her gusher tailing off into a much steadier stream" "I'm sorry" she said looking him in the eye, there was absolutely no way I could wait another second, it was a true emergency" the lake of pee she was squatting in the middle of confirmed her story, she must have been frantic, as her pee finally slowed to a trickle. She calmly stood up and pulled up her knickers saying "I'm 8 and half months pregnant, and that was a ridiculously long bus ride with no toilet facilities, I could sue you know, god it feels better now" Sorry love, said the man I didn't realise you were pregnant, are you OK, you must have been bursting?" as he spoke I had both hand clenched into my naked pussy as another spurt of red hot frantic wee worked its way past my tightly clenched muscles." "OH fuck" I exclaimed, "Look, I'm really sorry, but its kinda an emergency for me too, I'm absolutely mortified to do this, but I''m gonna have to pop a squat here too" I let go of my desperate pussy and started to drop onto my haunches when he bellowed, "YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING YOUNG LADY, cover yourself at once" OH but please, I whimpered, so so desperate for relief I was willing to do absolutely anything, please just turn a blind eye to it. "certainly not" he retorted, it is a criminal offence, I've already seen too much, now pull your trousers up at once, there is no chance I will be turning a blind eye, I will have you arrested if another drop of pee ends up on this forecourt, now hurry off and use the station lavs!" I pulled my trousers and knickers back up, checked that she was ok, and resigned myself to making it. that bastard would not win.

I stood squirming for a second, I felt in some sort of control, and then I waddled off into the station, 11:45am... I had been holding my pee in for almost 18 hours and had been desperate for about 4 hours, I had peed loads into the bus seat but was still bursting at the seams and in agony, barely able to walk. I waddled slowly into the station, following the signs for the toilets. I approached the ticket barriers and a wall of inspectors, I began to search my bag before realising I never bought a ticket so was unable to get to the loos, I approached the ticket machine and punched in any destination, £2:30, I searched my purse but had no change whatsoever... I shoved my card into the machine and stood bouncing, dancing a furious pee dance as I waited for it to authorise.

I rushed over to the ticket barrier doubled over in pain and desperation, I showed the man the ticket, “You want the barriers over the other side luv” he replied “No I just want the loo” I exclaimed, dancing in front of him “Well there’s loos over there too, just past the ticket windows and around the other side luv” I groaned as I tried to walk there, stopping every few steps to clench everything and hold in the flood, I was about to lose it but couldn’t move any faster, every step jolted my bursting bladder, so full now that I couldn’t touch it, even rubbing it hurt now, the skin was so highly sensitive and stretched, someone asked me for directions, I hurriedly blurted out the information that they wanted and wondered why they had asked me out of everyone! I was standing holding on to a pillar, legs firmly crossed and tense, everything clenched, I doubted I would make it any further, but then the pain subsided and I made a break for it.

I reached the ticket barrier and showed my ticket, asking where the loos were at the same time, I headed straight for them and went to go through the turnstile, 12:15pm... OUCH! The turnstile wouldn’t move and crushed my bladder as I banged into it, I watched the woman next to me drop a coin into the turnstile and walk through, I had NO change whatsoever! I moved away and searched my handbag before going back to the barrier, “Please, I’m literally desperate for the toilet, can you let me in please” I begged, bouncing up and down, pee dancing, running on the spot and grabbing at my crotch, unable to get near it because of my tight skirt. I had left my shoes near the toilets to enable me to move faster so was dancing around in my tights, “I’m sorry you need to pay to get in there” “I know but I have no change, please it’s an emergency I’m going to wet myself” I begged again, he wasn’t about to let me in...

I pushed past him and toward the cash point machines, pulling out my card as I approached, there was one person in front of me so I danced and hopped around whilst waiting, eventually they moved, I stood waiting for it to register my card, this took forever, then tapped in my PIN, which was incorrect, and again, INCORRECT, I tried to concentrate but was so desperate my brain was floating in pee I was sure of it, I selected cash and typed in £10. THIS MACHINE ONLY DISPENSES £20 NOTES came the message on screen, “For God’s sake” I yelled as I clenched everything in my power, holding my tummy still as I swayed from side to side trying not to wet myself, everyone was looking. PROCESSING... the screen said. I was about to explode by the time my £20 came out, now I just needed change, I spotted a newsagents so rushed in, picked up a bottle of water and went to pay, once again a Queue! I waited for the 4 people in front of me to pay, all the time bending over, doubling up, crossing and uncrossing my legs, dancing a pee dance and groaning in pain, my bladder was at bursting point and I could feel the pee right at my hole. I was about to wee myself, I eventually paid for my bottle of water and rushed back toward the toilets, rifling through my change as I arrived back at the ticket barrier, I flashed my ticket and rushed back to the toilets, studying the turnstile as I did.

“Insert 50p coin to enter” I read out loud. I looked at my change, to my horror I had no 50p coin, just lots of 20p’s... I was about to burst into tears when a woman approached, “Excuse me do you have a 50p coin I can swap for change?” I enquired, I tried to stand still as she looked through her purse, and I noticed that she was crossing her legs as she looked, clearly desperate herself but I doubted she was topping my desperation level! I tapped my foot and crossed my legs as I stood there, desperately trying to hold on the last few moments but with relief so close it was increasingly difficult, it hurt to hold back and I doubled over as she continued to search, she stared at me, as In started a full blown pee dance infront of her. “I’m sorry I’m so desperate” I explained, she was about to give me the 50p when I added “I think it’s wrong that you have to pay to get into the loos anyway!” “Oh do you?” she asked, producing the magical 50 p which would finally allow me to pee!! “Yes, and it must be a 50p coin, I’ve been holding this is for about 4 hours the last thing I needed was to be tantalisingly close but priced out, I had a purse full of change too, ooooooh god I need to pee!” I laughed, wincing and grabbing my tummy in pain as it jolted painfully with my giggle. “Oh well, I’m so sorry" she said, her face changing "but in that case I need this coin, I’m desperate too, I’m so sorry I hope you find one, maybe the Information desk would give you one” and with that she placed her coin in and entered the toilets. I tried to follow her but the turnstile locked and wouldn’t let me.

I rushed over to the Information desk and begged for them to change my coins into a 50p piece, they opened the till and began to sort through coins, I tried to hold on but was so close to losing control now, I crossed my legs, bent forward and put my head on the desk, it took them forever, I had given them a £1 coin and they handed me back 5 20p pieces, I was in shock as I looked at them, “I need a 50p piece for the loos” I screamed, “Oh OK I’ll run and get you one -from the ticket office” the lady replied. I groaned and squatted down in front of the desk in agony, I was about to burst, “Aahhhh” I moaned, pushing my hand down the front of my skirt again I rubbed my pee hole as pee rushed right to the opening, I was about to wet myself when a chirpy voice said “Oh where’ve you gone, here’s your 50p” I grabbed it off her and tried to stand, thanking her as I did.

I steadied myself on the counter before slowly and gingerly wondering over to the turnstiles again, I was exhausted, in agony and slightly delirious with the pain and sheer fullness. I rubbed my bladder and felt how rock hard it was, solid and ready to pop it was agony to touch and burning hot, it ached, just like my lips and thighs which were quivering with the effort of holding back so much for so long. I couldn’t wait to let go, I dropped my 50p into the turnstile and walked forward, the cold metal pressed on my swollen tummy as I did, it was almost too much to bear, I felt pee rush downwards and a wave of agony almost took my legs from under me... I held on to the walls as I walked into the huge white bathroom, it looked like heaven, a row of pure white stalls ahead of me. I groaned in desperation as I touched the first one and it was locked, pee began to leak from me and I pulled up my skirt over my hips and placed my hand into my crotch, the second, third, fourth and fifth stalls were locked too, excruciating sounds of frantic pee streams and moans of relief were all I could hear from within. I began to pee, it was pouring down my legs and I was panicking, I ran forward door after door was locked closed, the last cubicle opened and I ran toward it, pee streaming down my legs, I tore down my tights and knickers as I went not caring who saw me, I threw the door open, ran in, banged the lock across and threw myself down onto the seat...

Wee burst out of me with startling force, I bent forward and doubled over, rubbing my tummy as my bladder relaxed, it was so painful I thought I would pass out, eventually the pain began to subside to a dull ache and I started to feel better, I was so glad to finally be empty that I began to cry. I sat back onto the toilet and panted, glad to be able to breathe again. I sat there for a few minutes before wiping myself and removing my soaking tights and knickers and putting them into the sanitary bin. I stood up and zipped up my skirt, slipping my feet back into my shoes I left the cubicle and headed for the sink to wash my hands. My bladder was painful and jolted as I walked, I placed my hands under the tap and became aware that I was subconsciously crossing my legs, surely this wasn’t possible... I dried my hands and went to walk out but sure enough I needed the loo again. I entered another cubicle and before I could unzip my skirt I felt as though I was about to wet myself, I sat down and pee poured from me once again, a good 30 seconds later I was still going strong!

I decided not to bother with work so got a taxi outside the station, it was around a 40 minute journey via taxi to home so I relaxed and made myself comfortable, sure enough just ten minutes in I was uncomfortably full again and by the time we were ten mins from home I was holding myself under my coat and bouncing around in the back of the taxi. We hit traffic and I was frantic in desperation, I asked the driver if we could stop but he ignored me, I tried to hold on until I got home but it was unbearable, I was so full! I held on pretty well and paid the driver, he parked and let me out, I couldn’t move and was frozen to the spot in desperation, I waited until he was out of sight and fumbled in my bag and pockets for my keys, I rifled in my coat pocket and what should I find... a 50p piece! I could have relieved myself much sooner at the station without the going back and forth, saving myself some pain! I was struggling to find my keys so headed for the wall to empty my bag out, as I began to do so I heard a splash and felt my legs get wet, I was wetting myself! I couldn’t stop it so opened my legs as best as I could and let it out, pushing a little to gain relief quicker.

Needless to say I was far too exhausted for dinner with the family so merely got my pyjamas on and went for a nap, waking up to a bursting bladder every half hour or so! These diuretic pills have a lot to answer for... I’m sure I’ll end up publicly humiliating myself before much longer!
Diterbitkan oleh pguy691
4 tahun lalu
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lovey post
ke pguy691 : True if it was me and she had huge tits I’d make her show me her tits the maybe I’d allow her to pee
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ke Jdoherty0417 : Oh I don't know, sometimes it would be nice to make them wait too!
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ke pguy691 : Yeah ultrasound desperation is hot and yeah I agree pregnant women should have priority 
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ke Jdoherty0417 : Ultrasound desperation is a real fantasy, but I also love that pregnant girls have allowances made while others have to hold on
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ke pguy691 : Yeah that’s hot AF I wish more pregnant pee desperation stuff was online 
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ke Jdoherty0417 : My favourite part is the pregnant girl that was just as desperate, but she was allowed relief, whilst the other girl was forced to hold on!
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
That was hot AF she was absolutely busting to piss after 18 hours 