Global Lines Reporter Newspaper for the discerning

Global Lines Reporter
Newspaper for the discerning gentleman.

Volume One Chapter One of Notes from Former Headmaster Hawthorn School for Girls

Chapter Three Unusual New Sting

I believed that punishments should be varied and even fun but always including a well spanked and / or caned bottom.
Liz carried the ice bucket and tonic and I grabbed a full bottle of gin. We walked down the hot humid corridors to the punishment preparation and recovery room, which was really just an area partitioned off from the infirmary.
I opened the door and a cool 68 degrees greeted me, the air conditioning was always kept on in these rooms in case of fever.
The girls had their hands on their heads, which made their light white shirts ride up. There wasn't a trace of hair or stubble around their genitals and their nipples stood proud in the cool air. Matron was stood beside two small trolleys one with three enamelled dishes covered with green paper towels on the top shelf and a box of the same towels and a box of medical gloves on the shelf below, the other just had three empty glasses, Elizabeth filled them as I went to my apothecary's chest I took out a bottle of what we called ‘The tincture’ It had a dropper in the cap, two drops in each drink. The drops were a very powerful aphrodisiac, they were a natural local brew that would act quickly to swell and sensitise both male and female parts. Matron drank her G&T and watched me.
‘Matilda Smyth open your mouth and stick your tongue out’ I put two drops onto it Dawlish, Dixon mouths open tongues out, it would take about ten minutes before their clits began to swell and tingle.
The Head girl had been sat on a chair and was watching the proceedings from over the top of her book ‘open wide Prudence’ I gave her four drops 'Back to the library now girl, I will send for you if needed' I smiled at Edna and Liz ‘I bet she has her hand in her panties before she finishes the page!’
‘Matron, Assistant Matron over to you’
Edna removed a fearsome looking syringe from under one of the trays and placed it on top of the paper towel, it was a huge glass tube that fill the palm of her hand, the plunger was just over half way out, the business end was connected to an eight inch stainless steel tube around the diameter of a small pinky finger.
The girls eyes were wide open and their jaws dropped when they saw what to them looked like some kind of torture device. It was in fact a lubrication applicator, its contents were another high quality local product mostly cold pressed virgin coconut butter mixed with a few lighter oils to lower its melting point and increase viscosity.
Matron barked the order
‘Dawlish on the bed face down’
There was a bolster laid horizontally across the mattress and black silk ties attached to the legs of the bed. Within a couple of minutes Jane Dawlish was tied spread eagled on the bed her the bolster meant she was slightly bent over giving easy access to her bottom and vagina, although her cheeks were as clenched as she could make them.
‘This is the easy part Jane, take some deep breaths and relax your buttocks’ Edna said in a soothing voice while she gently massaged her cheeks slowly spread them and worked her way down until she had her thumbs at the opening to her vagina. She slowly opened Jane’s outer lips, her wrists pulled at the silk ties as she raised her pelvis higher, Matron spread her further, revealing the smooth labia minora covered with her vaginal arousal fluid, spreading further revealed her tunnel ending in a tight blackness. Jane groaned with the sound of being very turned on.
‘Miss Morton in position please’
Elizabeth stood at the girl's waist and pulled her cheeks apart to reveal Jane’s tight little anus. Edna took the lubricating machine holding the large syringe part in one hand and the other at the plunger. She pushed out a small dollop and rubbed it around the little starfish with the tip of the shiny steel applicator, the she popped it in past the ani externus squeezed at little more on the plunger before pushing it past the second anal muscle, Jane gasped slightly as the long rod past the two tight muscles. Matron slowly pushed the applicator around six full inches into Jane’s rectum, with three quarters of the lubricant left she slowly pulled it out but pushing more firmly on the plunger emptying the last on it on her closing anus.
Matilda Smyth was next up for her lube job On the vaginal inspection I noticed she had slightly more protruding labia minora, a little crinkled and a darker shade of pink.
Allison Dixon was the youngest and tightest, but took it well. In fact the girls didn't complain at all, probably because it was actually quite an enjoyable new experience.
The next new experience would be an eye opener, Edna revealed the next item from the tray, a seven and a half long shining butt plug made by the same steel smiths that made the highest quality samurai swords. The tip was small and round enough to relax and gane entrance, it widened quickly to one and three quarter inch diameter and then the bulb rounded onto a long slim stalk, somehow the T bar or more like C bar which transitioned into a cylindrical conformal spring steel.
‘Morton spread Dawlish’s Cheeks’ Matron handed me the heavy shiny plug, she greased it up as I held by the safety bar.
I toyed the b**st around Jane's virgin anus until it started to open and suck the metal in as Matron instructed her breathing and pushing against the intrusion. I kept a steady inward pressure pushing harder as the sphincter opened.
At the two inch wide tipping point she was breathing short sharp breaths
‘Ow ah ow ow ah ooo ah ow’
I knew at this point she was feeling a new kind of pain, it would be stretching and stinging, firing of signals in different parts of her head of pain and pleasure, a few thousand nerve endings were in electric overdrive as they fired off in this new and different way..
‘Now lets count thirty monkeys for her’
Elizibeth started with ‘One monkey sir’ knowing full well the addition of sir would take it well over the half minute mark.
I held the plug at the widest point give or take an eighth of an inch until the final monkey had been counted. I pushed slightly and gently let the suction pull the whole bulb in slowly letting the long stem slide up to the hilt.
‘Ah my God’ Jane said loudly as she breathed out her body went as limp as it could get given the position she was in. Elizibeth tied a light gag; it would stop her talking but not the moans and groans to come as the heavy plug settled in and the pressure narrowed her vagina and pressed on herG-spot.
‘Smyth you’re up next’ Matilda started to move then hesitated ‘On the bed now girl’ Matron roared.
Within minutes the girl was tied to the bed bottom in the air. I enjoyed pushing in the shiny plug, it went in a little easier than with Dawlish, she was slightly wider at the hip or maybe she liked to finger her bottom. Again I held it at the widest point while we counted out thirty seconds, she groaned loudly and panted until I let it slide in, her anus clenching the stem.
We could see Allison Dixon was trembling a little at the prospect of such a large object being inserted into her little hole.
Interestingly she was the only one of them with a page in the punishment book. It was a five minute over the knee bare bottom spanking followed by twelve of the good old wooden hairbrush bent over the arm of the chair. It was for talking back to the geography teacher Miss Williamson . Alison was right to do so. Los Angeles is not the state capitol of California, but it was the way she put it that needed punishing. Miss Williamson opted for twenty four strokes of the cane rather than have her pay docked and also had to correct her mistake in class.
‘Come on Ailson on to the bed, you are a brave girl’
Dixon was soon in position Elizebeth pulled her cheeks apart and I massaged some more lube around her sensitive bottom I gently push my index finger in her ani externus snapped down like a portcullis saying ‘none shall pass’ however gently pushing another half inch the second barrier was past, I held there for a few seconds, Matron passed me the prepared plug.
‘Aw Ow ouch Ow whoo ow’ Allison protested however she had managed to line up for a smooth insertion, as I got to the large part of the bulb on Elizabeth started counting one her own I was concentrating on holding Alilison’s plug in place.
‘Ow ouch ooh’ her little hole was pushing out and pulling in, it was tricky to keep the maximum diameter steady.
After half a minute of Liz counting monkeys Ailson was making ‘Mmm ooo mmm’ noises, Matron looked at her face while she was cleaning up ‘She's smiling’ Alison managed a small laugh between her deep breaths.
I let go of the bar and the plug shot in ‘Wooo woo ooo’ I wanted to remove it and fuck her bottom there and then, however the was an other matter waiting the three cream white bottoms needed to be turned into a multicoloured canvass of red purple blue and yellow, also teachers weren’t allowed to fuck the pupils!

Chapter Four Interlude

Matron put blackout eye masks on the girls and set a loud ticking timer for one hour. We watched the girls writhe around for a while after they had found the push out and relax rhythm of the plugs. We left the girls to their pleasurable torture of the new felling of the plug, knowing that they will be caned soon.
I gave Matron a knowing grin ‘Edna Why don't you give Peter a call you’ve both done so well today, you must have notes or something to compare’

Elizabeth and I took the long route back to my study, passing the library, the double doors were open and Prudence was full on display on her back, her legs spread wide, her feet on the ground, her legs pushing her pudenda into the air. Her fingers were a blur working her clitoris, she was moaning in mid orgasm, her eyes were closed. Her head snapped upward and her eyes opened wide looking straight at us as she came loudly. She laid her head back down and closed her eyes again. Her hand slowed but she kept circling her clitoris.
‘Carry on Prudence masturbation is good for you’

‘Liz did you notice the short pubic hair on Prudence’s mount’
‘Yes sir’
‘You do remember that it’s your responsibility to ensure all pupils are completely depilated’
‘I have been waiting for a chance to punish that girl, think a good bare bottom caning will be in order, it’s a little over the top for a few stray pubes, but I will enjoy thrashing her’
‘Does that mean I’ll get caned too sir?’ Liz asked
‘Hum you enjoy being caned to much’ I gave bottom a good squeeze and a slap.
‘Make sure to do a pubic inspection of the final year girls at five o’clock role call’
We entered my office ‘That gives us half an hour’ I took a jar of the coconut lubricant from the punishment wardrobe.
‘Assume the position fucking on the chair’
Liz knelt on the arm chair sticking her bottom in the air, the twelve welts from her earlier caning were nicely raised and angry purple. I had put the good old hair brush into my pants pocket without her noticing, I took a dollop of lube and pushed my index finger slowly up her arsehole, and out again I took the hairbrush out and gave her a good whack that she wasn't expecting.

The sound of hardwood on tender flesh filled the room along with the screams of Liz for the next few minutes, I spanked each cheek in turn, they were soon glowing red, the welts from her fresh caning angry and rising again by the end she was really screaming
‘No Stop, please OWWWWW stop pleeeease OWW’

I kicked off my shorts, I was horny as hell again I slid my erection deep into her wet pussy.
We had only recently got supplies of the newly invented contraceptive pill so to feel the warm wetness without the thick old rubber johnnies felt so nice. I pumped away for five minutes or so before reverting to the old birth control method pushing hard and fast into her anus. Her little hole clenched hard as she fingered herself and I spent my second load into another of her holes that day, two down one to go!
The clock read five to five 'Better put some knickers on Liz, it's nearly time for for the seniors pussy inspection, oh and take the Land camera, I want the evidence'
I lay on the leather sofa in the breeze from the aircon, the roll call bell rang, shortly followed by the telephone.
'What's the news darling?' my wife asked I gave her a brief summary 'Would you arrange for cook to serve dinner for us all in Heads dining room, steaks would be nice'
I managed to get a bit of shut eye before the phone rang again. Materon informed me that there was six minutes left on the timer, the tincture had seemed to have worn off and they seemed to be contemplating the caning soon to be administered. ‘Have them outside my door in fifteen minutes and get the cleansing equipment ready in the shower room. Thank you Edna’
I changed into my headmaster's robes, there were no flies in the trouser allowing for my erection to be free but also covered by the gown.
There was a knock on my door Come in
The girls lined up in front of my desk. Hands behind your heads this pushed their chests and their buttocks. Different sizes of erect nipple strained at the white cotton shirts. ‘Feet apart’ I sat down and started to give them a long lecture about just how dangerous their escape attempt had been and what could have happened to them had they reached Bombay. As I talked I was thinking of the punishments I would administer, obviously they would be caned, but here are only so many hard strokes that cane be administered in a short space of time without breaking the skin, I had already use one of the novel punishments with the anal plugs, I was looking at the girls nude pubic bones and made a mental note.
There was a knock on my door. Morton announced as she let herself in ‘I was just telling the girls how much we care for them and how we have their best interests at heart.
‘Yes headmaster we do sir’
I moved my chair to the side so I would have a good view of the girls' faces in the large mirror behind ‘Now girls it’s time for you first caning. You will keep in the position I tell you, you may not rub your bottom, you will count the strokes and thank me like this one sir thank you sir, you will probably yell and there will be probably be tears, it won't help you though, Dixon bend over my desk, try and reach for the other side, feet apart, time for your first twelve strokes of the cane girl’
I gently sawed the cane across the middle of her peaches and cream buttocks.
‘Morton make sure the girls watch every stroke’ if they look away it’s an extra six’
Swish Crack my cane made first contact evenly across the fleshy middle part of young Allisons bottom.
‘One sir thank you sir’
I aimed the next one just below still on the meaty part of the rump
‘Two sir thank you sir’
With each stroke her anus clenched hard on the thin stem of the plug
Stroke six was high up on her bottom
‘Ouch, six sir thank you sir’ I caught the other girls smiling through the mirror ‘
‘Do you think that's funny Dawlish, Smyth? You won't think so when it’s your turn’
The next three were higher on the gluteus and the last three were lower down warming the area for the next session.
‘Twelve sir thank you sir’
Although I hadn’t used full force the cane had bitten hard enough for good defined welts to be rising. ‘Stand girl, you may rub your bottom’
‘Thank you sir’ Alison said with a slight smile.
‘Smyth over the desk’
Swish Crack ‘AHHH OUCH’ The first stroke had knocked the breath out of her ‘Don’t forget to count girl or we start over’
‘One sir thank you sir’ she screamed with every stroke and was sobbing by ‘six sir thank you sir’
The scream she let out at stroke twelve nearly rattled the windows.
‘Stand up girl’ Tears were streaming down her face, Elizabeth handed her a handkerchief.
‘Wipe your eyes and then you may rub your bottom, you might have screamed the house down but you kept your position, well done Matilda’ I said in a soothing voice.
‘Dawlish you know what to do’
She bent over my desk and closed her eyes.
Swish Crack ‘Ouch one sir thank you sir’
Jane made a high pitched ouch noise with each contact of the cane ‘Ouch twelve sir thank you sir’
Again Elizabeth had to hand out a handkerchief
‘Now girls that wasn’t so bad was it?’
‘No sir’ they replied, two of them unconvincingly
‘Now what would you say to a G&T?’
‘Oh yes please sir’
The school allowed a little alcohol, mainly to educate their palate rather than to intoxicate.
‘Miss Morton‘ would you do the honours please and bring my bottle of the tincture over too please’
Liz poured five quite strong G&Ts I added four drops of the aphrodisiac into three of the glasses and the standard eight drops for an adult dose into Liz’s and mine.
‘Bottoms up as they say’ we all took a long gulp of our cold drinks.
‘You girls will be taught a lesson you will never forget, it won't all be the pain of the cane and some of it will be pleasant, Miss Morton please fetch the Niagara Therapy hand held unit’
She placed the heavy metal device on my desk. With its remote dial and mains electrical cord it looked positively sadistic, she plugged it into the long extension cable and turned the dial to two, the big metal machine buzzing loudly in her hand.
While I was saying it is perfectly safe it’s not going to electrocute you, Lix had attached the part with the soft rubber spikes, tucked her skirt into her waistband, taken her panties off and had the rubber clit tickler attachment on her button and turned the dial to three. It didn;t take long before she was panting loud coming noises, she fell black into the chair feet astride the arms, her pussy lips wide and wet and came hard and fast.
‘Now girls finish up your drinks, and prepare yourselves for part two of your caning, if you take it well you too can benefit from the orgasm machine if you wish’

‘Alison, take off your shirt’ she pulled the white shirt up over head it lifted up her breasts and dropped them after the material past they were good firm teenage boobs with light coloured long erect nipples, she was now totally naked except for one item.
‘Touch your toes and stick your bottom out ’I pulled gently at the top of her anal plug T-bar then got my forefinger and middle finger around the stalk, it was still well lubed it took a long gentle pull before the wide rounded base was visible from there it slid out nicely, Liz was ready with an enamelled tray, green paper towel and a cloth to wipe my hands. I picked up the big cane and tapped the stick at the very top of her muscle ‘I will going from here, to here I tapped on the tend crease between buttock and thigh, if you move out of place the cane will land on you thunt, I gently taped her vulva, you will be receiving twenty four hard stokes, your cohorts will watch and count for you, understood?’
‘Yes sir headmaster’
Swoosh Crack, I started at the top with moderate force; it was less well padded in that area.
‘One sir’ her friends counted out
When I got to number six in the middle part of her glowing buttocks I was feeling pleased with my swing and final adjustment with my wrist, the well weighted cane was making good equal stripes across both cheeks, my cock was throbbing under my gown, the next stoke was a good uppercut to the overhang , the next was in the crease the one after was definitely across the top of her thighs, that one made her scream.
‘Push your bottom out a little further and remember to hold still’ I applied three more to the tender area between buttock and thigh
‘Twelve sir’ Jane and Matilda their faces looked pained at the state of Alison's bottom; the twenty four stripes already applied were a colourful display and twelve more to go. She yelped a little as I started at the top again’ but soon enough her head was swimming with endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin amongst many other chemicals.
‘Twenty four sir’ the girls stared at the thirty six bright rising welts on Alison’s tight little bottom, as she panted making a sound somewhere between pain and orgasm.
‘Stand up girl’ there were no tears and no little smile. ‘You may rub your bottom’ She touched the most painful spot ‘Ow oo ow’ rubbing her cheeks was painful but a natural reaction that she could not stop, until she was handed another laced G&T
‘Smyth take off your shirt’ another pair of firm ripe teen titties sprang out for me to behold. ‘Assume the position’ She made some whoot hoot noises as I removed her butt plug, before I cracked on in the same manner as I had with Alice. Matilda screamed at the first six, but she quietened down for the rest of the punishment; the alcohol and aphrodisiac would have had plenty of time to act.
‘Twenty four sir’ the girls counted out ‘Stand girl, you may rub your bottom’
‘Oooo’ she gingerly rubbed at the redness swelling on her buttocks. There was a single tear evaporating near her mouth. Another loaded drink was passed over.
‘Jane you know what to do’ she took off her gym shirt revealing her magnificent swollen breasts, Oh how I wished to give them a good grope. I could see her vulva was bright pink and swollen too, she was already feeling very horny. She touched her toes and I started to pull out her plug. It got to the tipping point and was sucked back in ‘Oh god yes’ she moaned out it took several attempts to slowly pull the big shiny plug out, it was obvious she had her first anal orgasm. Liz soothed the surprised Jane
‘It’s okay dear, perfectly natural, as you will find out your clitoris is much bigger than you think, two legs of it reach around your anus’Jane winced and made an ow ouch noise with each stroke of the cane but took it well.
‘Stand girl’ tears covered her face, a handkerchief was proffered, she took deep breaths, her breasts wobbling as she dried her eyes.
‘How did your first caning feel girls?’ the girls replied all at once and all I heard was ‘Very sore, painful it hurt’ all jumbled together

f you have any news stories for us at The Global Lines Reporter please msg Artherzod (editor)

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Diterbitkan oleh artherzod
11 bulan lalu
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ke artherzod : Mmm, can't wait!
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ke jimwebley : Thanks, hopefully I will publish a bit more Saturday or Sunday 
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ke spanker_eric3 : Thanks, my young intern published more than was intended without me proof reading it properly. I will have to give her a good spanking (in my dreams lol)  
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My My, young girls learning the joys of pain & pleasure! The hour in restraints with the but plugs to contemplate their thrashings is a masterful part of the story :wink:
This story keeps on getting better and better. Can't wait for next weekend!