Checking on the Neighbors

Liz posted the ad on the neighborhood website: "Female running partner wanted to run 3-5 times per week in the mornings or early evenings. Females only, please."

Liz knew it was time to get in shape. Actually, it was past time. She had really let herself go.

When she'd married Matt about fifteen years ago, Liz had been in the best shape of her life. Now, at 35, Liz had fallen out of shape by her standards. Her once tight, muscular ass was far more round and thick than she would like it to be and her 36D breasts had grown a full cup size larger with her weight gain.

Still, there were no two ways about it. Liz was hot. Built like Jordan Carver, she still drew the eye and sexual attention of every straight man that saw her, including her husband. Matt, thought she was the sexiest thing on earth. He often complimented her by telling her she was like a tall, blonde porn star. He enjoyed having sex with her on a regular basis. Her desire to please him was the reason she was trying to lose weight in the first place, despite his compliments.

Liz and Matt lived in an affluent suburb in North Texas and enjoyed the lifestyle that Matt's law firm afforded them. Their beautiful home was on a secluded street that was largely private. Most their neighbors kept to themselves and allowed the couple, who had never had c***dren in their fifteen years of marriage, to live peacefully and quietly alone in their large home.

The biggest news of the neighborhood was its latest addition: Roger Harris the second-string quarterback for the Cowboys. He, his wife, and two boys moved into the home two houses down from Liz and Matt.

The move had caused a stir in the all-white neighborhood mostly because Roger and his family were black.

This was also a problem for Liz specifically, as she was a self-described racist and disliked black men in particular. She detested, what in her mind, was the arrogance and lack of physical restraint they demonstrated toward women the most. There were several times in her life when she had felt objectified by black men. In fact, when Matt had tried to watch an interracial video not too long ago, all she could think about was how dirty their penises looked and how much their facial features resembled apes. Although Matt didn't share in her prejudices, he knew enough not to be confrontational and never requested interracial porn when they did choose to view it together.

Liz was quite content with her sexual relationship with her husband and satisfied with Matt's more-than-ample penis size. Having only had a few boyfriends in college, Matt was the best and most well-endowed lover she had in her experience. They would typically have sex about three to four times per week. Liz loved to have sex with her husband. Privately, she realized that sex was the most important part of her life.

Liz received one response that interested her. It was from a woman who lived on her street named Mandy. Liz responded to the email immediately:

"Hello Mandy,

I live on 55 Torrent. I'm not a fast runner, so please keep that in mind. We will have to go slow for a little while until I get back in shape. I hope that's alright!



Mandy replied about ten minutes later and the two agreed to meet at Liz's place at nine o'clock the next morning.

Liz couldn't wait until Matt came home to tell him the news that she had finally found a running partner. That afternoon she went to the mall and picked up some new shoes, running shorts and a few athletic tops to wear for her new hobby.

She knew she had to find apparel that would suitably cover and support her curvy body, especially during exercise. This was something she always kept in the back of her mind. The shorts needed to be relatively small around her waist, but long enough to actually cover her oversized butt. She settled for some that were a little too big around the waist, but at least made it to the curve where her legs met her cheeks; as long as she didn't bend over at all.

Then there were the tops, almost exclusively sports bras. Her enormous E cup breasts spilled out over the tops and sides of the first few she tried. Some even failed to cover her large pink areolas. After asking for help from the attendant, she was finally able to find the small section of the store where she could find something in her size.

The next day, after Matt had left for work, Liz dressed for her running date. At 9:00 am exactly, she heard the doorbell ring. There was a small, hooded figure waiting, head down. When the woman turned her face up, Liz could see she was black. "Oh shit!" Liz thought. She put her hand on the knob, debating. Ultimately, she convinced herself that being seen with an affluent black female wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps this might work out after all.

"Liz? Hi, how are you? I'm Mandy Harris. My husband and our boys moved in two houses down a few weeks ago. I'm ready to run!" She took a few jogs-in-place, smiling broadly.

"Oh, hi, Mandy! I was about to walk down and introduce myself to you, but I have been so busy lately. How do you like the neighborhood?" She lied but figured no harm, no foul since Mandy would never find out about it. Liz put her most cheerful face on in an effort to be as nice as possible to her new running buddy.

Mandy answered "We love it! It is quiet and everyone minds their own business. My two boys are a little bored, but they won't be in the house much longer."

"You have two k**s?" Liz inquired.

"Yes, twin boys. They turned eighteen last week and will be starting their senior year in high school in the fall. My husband, Roger, is gone most of the day in the summer, and most of the time during football season, so the boys can get a little restless. I work too. I'm an attorney with Smith and Levy."

Liz's eyes lit up.

"I know that firm! My husband is friends with Vincent Smith! Small world!"

Mandy smiled. "Vince is a great guy. Luckily, my boys are responsible and old enough to take care of themselves when I work at the office, about two-to-three times per week."

After a brief show of her home, Liz and Mandy took off for a three-mile jog. They hit it off immediately and found out they had a lot in common. The two jogged at a comfortable pace and ended at Mandy's home.

"Come on in and have some cold water." Mandy offered.

"Sounds great!" Liz followed behind. She couldn't help but notice that Mandy was already in amazing shape and marveled silently over her tight bubble butt.

The Harris home was decorated nicely. New furniture, Southwestern motif. It was cold in the home as the AC was definitely set low. Liz's nipples began to become very hard under her sweaty sports bra and shirt. She felt them drag against the wet fabric. She hadn't thought of this in the store. Liz made a mental note not to wear this light colored top in public if she was going to get sweaty.

Mandy poured Liz a cold glass of water and cried out "Robbie? Ray? Can you come down here for a minute?"

Liz wanted to avoid seeing anyone after she had been running in the summer heat and was sweaty. She was a little self-conscious about her top, too. "Oh, that's ok, we can meet later."

"Nonsense! They are probably sleeping in because I was supposed to be at work today."

After some scuffling from the second floor, Liz saw two, tall, dark, muscular young black men saunter down the open staircase. They looked nearly identical- if it weren't for the fact that they wore their hair differently. Robbie had his cut so short, he looked bald, and Ray kept his in a short afro style. The two were wearing nothing but tight boxer-briefs as they didn't know they had a guest waiting downstairs.

"Boys, get some clothes on!" Mandy demanded.

The two did an about-face back up the stairs to change, but not before Liz was able to see two very huge erections through their underwear. The boys must have awakened with "morning wood" because they had serious bulges.

A slight gasp of shock slipped out as she watched the boys ascend. Both boys bounded up the stairs, both with very huge packages jutting out from their groins. Liz realized that their penises must be giant, like something completely different from any penis she'd ever experienced. Seeing the boys in this state had a profound effect on her. The sexy image seemed to be seared into her mind. Liz forced her attention back to Mandy who shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Those two!"

Liz and Mandy exchanged small talk as Liz's mind reeled. She couldn't process the size of the boys' bulges she'd seen. After about five minutes, the twins returned wearing baggy shorts and T-shirts.

Liz regained her composure as Mandy made the introductions. "Robbie, Ray, this is our neighbor from two houses down, Liz."

The two took turns shaking Liz's hand and introduced themselves politely. They presented themselves as perfect gentlemen and Liz returned their greeting. Mandy went to place the water glasses in the sink and, while she was still in the vicinity with Liz and the boys, Liz was left feeling rather alone with Robbie and Ray in the large, open kitchen.

Liz could feel something unspoken between herself and the boys. She looked at Robbie and Ray, then gave them a pleasant smile. As she did, she noticed that both of their gazes were fixed upon her breasts. Looking down she realized that her nipples were hard and visibly poking up through her top. The boys looked up to her face and smiled unashamedly.

"Nice meeting you, Ray and Robbie. Mandy, I have to get going."

Mandy escorted Liz out of the home and Liz walked the short distance back to her house.

"Typical black men. Always on the prowl. How stereotypical." She scowled.

Once home, Liz showered, dressed in a T-shirt and panties, and lay down to take a nap. Although she was tired after her first morning run, Liz struggled to fall asleep. Her mind was buzzing. Liz's thoughts were focused on big penises. Black penises. She shook her head with annoyance at the persistence of these thoughts. Two teenage boys with hard-ons that resembled large, slightly bent cucumbers walking toward her. The hefty weight of their erections slowly bobbing up and down...she managed to drift off to sleep with the images still in her mind.

Matt came home around seven o'clock and Liz was full of news. She described her run and how nice Mandy was, that she worked at Smith and Levy, her two sons, and how nice the Harris home was. She skipped the part about seeing the bulges for now. After a relaxing dinner and swim in their pool the couple set out for bed.

"Let's look at some porn tonight, honey!" Liz was unusually horny, which Matt enjoyed immensely.

"Porn? What has gotten into you, Lizzy?" Okay! Get your laptop and let's go!"

Matt was enthusiastic and looked forward to having sex after the porn. It always got his wife extra turned on when they watched porn together. As he lay back against the headboard of their bed, he was surprised to see Liz had searched for interracial porn. She had been dead against it in the past, now she started a clip that looked like a threesome titled "White Wife Gets Pounded- MMF"

"Interracial, huh? Are you turning over a new leaf?" Matt asked.

"Oh, I wasn't even thinking about that," lied Liz. "I just remembered I selected the last clip and I know how you like interracial porn so I thought I would play what you wanted."

Honestly, Liz hoped Matt would forget her objections to interracial. For some reason her thoughts today embarrassed her and she didn't want anyone to find out, especially Matt, that she was thinking about those humongous black penises she saw earlier. Matt was the only person who knew how she felt about black men and she didn't know how to go about revealing to him that she had been fantasizing about young, thick black dicks all day.

Matt and Liz watched a few videos online and had great sex. Matt was a talented lover. She really had no complaints at all. This is why thinking about someone else confused Liz so much. That night, Liz had three back-to-back orgasms. Each one more intense than the next. All were based on fantasies involving black cocks. She hated herself for this.

The next morning, Liz dressed in her new running shorts, shoes, and a tight-fitting white top. She was going to her new friend Mandy's house for another run.

Mandy's pace was a little slow, something that Liz appreciated after yesterday's run. After the third mile they jogged back to Mandy's home again and Liz went inside to chat for a bit. She secretly hoped to have another visual of Mandy's sons. She wasn't disappointed. The twins welcomed the women as they entered the kitchen. Liz noticed they were wearing basketball shorts, the shorter kind and that their semi-erect penises were creating long protrusions in the fabric. She shook her head to get out of the daze she was in and tried to focus on Mandy.

"How about a dip in the hot tub?" Mandy offered. "We can wear our running shorts and top. No need to change."

Liz blurted out, "Sure!" before realizing it might not be the best idea. Her sports bra was a smaller, lower-cut variety and she was afraid she'd be showing too much skin.

The hot tub was through the French doors in the kitchen area and near the pool toward a lower part of the yard. The pool was luxurious; Olympic size, complete with its own covered barbeque area and small cabana house that held a bar and restrooms.

They were out of the view of any windows so Liz took her top off, leaving on her bra and removed her shorts and got into the tub in her underwear.

The hot water was soothing and relaxing. The two women talked about their run and what their target distances and times would be for the next few weeks. Mandy shared about being a professional, working woman and the wife of a professional athlete. Liz talked about her history with Matt. After about ten minutes, the two decided it would be nice to cool off in the pool. They exited the pool together, but just as they were about to return to the hot tub, Mandy got a call on her cell phone.

"Sorry, Liz. I have to take this. Go ahead and get in. This shouldn't take more than a few minutes." Mandy walked to the other side of the pool deck as she spoke on her phone.

Liz was easing into the water when one of the twins, Ray came running down and jumped rather hastily into the hot tub.

"What's up, Liz?" He asked playfully.

"Oh! Hello, Ray." Liz smiled politely.

The tub could seat about twelve people. So there was plenty of room. Ray dipped himself under the water and hoisted his body up so that he was sitting opposite of Liz with his feet dangling in the water while the rest of him was out of the tub. His shorts were wet and clung like a second skin to his body.

Liz was still wearing sunglasses from her run. Her eyes were drawn to the gigantic log in Ray's shorts. She looked over at Mandy, still talking on the phone, pacing slowly back and forth on the pool deck, then continued her ogling of the 18-year-old boy.

'What would be the harm in trying to see more of whatever was lurking in Ray's wet shorts?' She thought as she moved her eyes to the thick tube running down the inside of Ray's thigh, figuring she'd be fine staring at him behind the glasses.

"So how do you like Torrent Street, Ray?" Liz asked. She studied the length and thickness of the young man's concealed penis, so strange and different to her.

"It's cool. Fine...boring, but I'm okay with that." He looked at her chest as he spoke to her.

After a beat, he continued. "My mom seems to like you. She needs more friends. You should definitely stop by whenever you can." Ray beamed a smile that warmed the heart. His gaze rose to her face, drawing her eyes to meet his. Liz saw something very intense behind his eyes. Sexy.

"How nice of you to offer, Ray. Something tells me I will like hanging out with you all." Suddenly, Liz felt flush, hot. She had some sort of physical, chemical attraction to this young man. Something she was not very familiar with.

She glanced at her body and saw that her nipples were again partially visible through the material of her white bra. Just then, a strange mood came over Liz. She suddenly stood up out of the water and stretched her arms above her head causing her full, heavy breasts to move together creating a sexy view of her cleavage for Ray. Her reddish-brown, erect nipples squeezed their way to the edges of the bra's cup and nearly came out as she lowered her arms back down to her sides. Ray was staring directly at her.

Ray smiled as he watched. His hand casually ran up and down the inside of his thigh. Liz realized he was stroking his cock over the wet fabric. There was nothing accidental about his movement. He stared at Liz's breasts, she stared at his cock. She estimated that in its semi-erect state it must be a fat, nine inches. Her husband, Matt, was just over eight inches and this was bigger than his and was still soft. Her heart began beating fast.

In the sexually charged silence, the two continued to stare at one another for several seconds. Liz was dazed. She could feel her excitement growing like a burning ember in her core. She was getting wet.

Then she noticed Ray's shorts starting to lift. He was growing, becoming hard. Very hard. The tip of Ray's penis jumped off his thigh. It was almost at his knee.

At that moment, Liz began to overheat. She felt her pussy flutter when the extent of Ray's length became obvious. She was too close to him, too close to his...It was time to head back to the pool. Ray would have to wait. She can't allow herself to faint, which was going to happen if she stayed in the hot tub.

"See ya, Liz."

The show was over and Ray got out of the hot tub and ran back up to the house. His erection bouncing obscenely as he made his way to the back door. Liz watched as the black Adonis ran back up and out of view. She felt as though she was under some sort of spell. She splashed the cool water from the pool on her face to snap herself out of it.

While Liz was cooling off in the pool, Mandy approached her.

"Sorry, Liz. That call took longer than I thought. Listen, I'm going to have to go into work every day for the rest of the week. I have a huge favor to ask of you. Please don't hesitate to say no."

Liz looked intently at Mandy as she continued.

"Before we moved here the twins got into a little trouble. Nothing i*****l, mind you, they are actually very respectful toward law enforcement. Their trouble was having girls and friends over without permission, and this created some problems with the parents."

Liz was imagining exactly what trouble these two well-endowed young men were stirring up. She imagined some very concerned parents having serious reservations about their daughters spending time with these two!

Mandy continued, "I was hoping that you wouldn't mind checking in on them a couple of times during the day when I am at work? It wouldn't involve much, just popping your head in and asking if they need anything, that sort of thing. Mostly making sure they aren't having any friends over, or sleeping all day, you know. I am going to be in court most of the time and I won't be able to access my cell phone. I need someone to keep an eye out for me."

Liz couldn't believe Mandy asked her for such a favor. To say "no" could end their budding friendship. To say "yes," well, that was quite a commitment.

"Um, well, Mandy, I don't know. I mean, how could I be of any help?" Liz was a little confused about what exactly needed to be done.

Mandy continued. "I would feel better knowing that someone was available to check in on them, that's all. They are old enough to take care of themselves, but I still worry. They do have a mischievous side." Mandy smiled and reached out to take Liz's hand.

"I understand. You can count on me!" Liz smiled reassuringly, "I'm glad to help out."

Liz was already having sexual fantasies about her new role as neighbor and friend to Mandy and the boys. She was also a bit overwhelmed with the thought of having the entire summer with these two gorgeous black men in her daily life. Liz was beginning to realize that her racism was in some way contributing to her attraction, but at this point, she did not have enough insight into herself to better understand her feelings.

At home, Liz explained the situation to her husband.

"I don't see a problem. Just stopping by once or twice when she's at work. You'll just say 'hi' and be on your way, right? I will make it a point to meet with Roger this week and introduce myself."

Apparently, Matt didn't share the same reservations that Liz had about checking up on the boys.

As Liz waved Matt off to work from the door of their home, she began obsessing over how she would go about this first day of "checking in on the boys." She was about to take a shower when Mandy called her cell.

"Liz? Mandy. Hey, thanks again for helping me out. The code to our keyless entry to the front door is 102099. The burglar alarm is 1199. The boys usually keep the alarm off so the front door is the probably only code you will need."

"Mandy? I am a little nervous about just walking in. Wouldn't it be better if I rang the doorbell and waited for them to answer? I would hate to intrude on their privacy."

"I'll tell you what. I will tell Robbie and Ray that you will be coming over when I am gone to check on some things for me and to let you in. If you ring and they don't answer, go ahead on in. If they know to expect you, it won't be a problem. They shouldn't be doing anything that they need to hide anyway. After a few times, they won't even notice. How's that for a plan?" asked Mandy.

"I feel good about that. Thanks, Mandy!" Liz did feel better knowing she could ring the doorbell and not just all-of-a-sudden show up.

What Liz hadn't allowed herself to think about was her unusual and persistent sexual thoughts about the two young black studs who she was about to see a lot more of. She was excited like never before and terrified at the same time.

Her mind ran through the logic of her situation: 'I can't believe I am all worked up about someone other than Matt. What has gotten into me? Matt and I have amazing sex, regularly...whenever I want, actually. I love him deeply, yet, there is something about seeing those two bulges that has really distracted me! I'm sure it will all calm down after I get to know them a little more.'

Her plan was to make her first visits at eleven that morning and then at three that afternoon. Those were good times for her and would allow for enough time for the boys to be up and around. She also reminded herself that they would probably be out of the house on occasion as well.

Liz indulged in a long, hot shower. She spent a good amount of the time rubbing her pussy and thinking about how a big fat black penis would feel in her mouth. She longed to feel a really big dick in her mouth. One larger than Matt's. Her shower orgasm was so intense that she nearly fell to the floor. Liz eased herself down and sat in the shower, the water pouring off her body as she recovered.

It was the second time in two days that she had cum thinking about sucking a black man. In fact, she had never even thought of black men sexually until two days ago. She felt as if she had broken some sort of law, or had committed some vile act.

The truth of the matter eluded Liz. What she didn't see was this: the forbidden nature of her fantasy of having sex with a black man was fueling her intense passion for the act. The thought went against her sexual values, and this could most likely be traced to her parents' racist beliefs. Liz didn't publically share the fact that she was descended from a family of slave owners and prominent southern businessmen and landowners. In her family, you just didn't associate with blacks, most of all black men. The subject wasn't even discussed. It just didn't happen.

It was 10:30am and Liz was sitting in her living room about to go to the Harris's house alone for the first time. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She looked at the clock. 10:32. She picked out a conservative outfit so that the boys wouldn't start to think too much of these brief visits. A plaid button-down shirt and one of her white golf skirts. Liz always wore heels of some kind so she slid on a pair of black elevated sandals.

She tried to put this morning's orgasm out of her mind, but had trouble not sexualizing the entire situation. Wearing "normal" clothing helped her a good deal.

After a few more moments she finally said "I don't have to wait 'till eleven. I'm going now." She said this aloud to herself, feeling rather silly. She locked her house and began the short walk to Mandy's.

Liz rang the doorbell, trembling. After about a minute, she heard some playful voices from what seemed to be the side of the house. Liz walked on the path through an arbor to the side part of the house that had a large, wooden gate. She opened the gate and heard the boys' voices coming from the pool area. She walked on a stone path to the backyard, then headed down to the pool. By that time the voices were gone. Not wanting to surprise them she called out.

"Robbie? Ray? It's Liz. Are you down there? Boys?"

No answer.

She walked to the pool and saw some water and foot prints around the deck. She continued to the far end of the area and explored the outdoor patio that was covered by a pergola. There was nice outdoor furniture and a built-in barbeque grill that was part of a stone kitchen area. A covered, flat screen TV was suspended from one corner. There was a small cabana structure about twenty feet from the patio; something she always loved about the house. She opened the glass door of the cabana and walked in. Inside there was a small sitting area with a chair and loveseat, a bar with stools at the back of the room, and a small hallway off to the side.

Liz thought how perfect it was for entertaining guests and having pool parties. She slowly walked down the hallway and saw two bathroom doors one for men and one for women.

Liz thought it would be a good time to use the restroom so she entered the women's room and turned on the light. It was a nice-sized room with a vanity, padded chair, and small table. Two stalls with doors were further into the space. She opened the stall to the left, pulled down her underwear, and sat down. Looking around the stall, she saw that there was a rough hole cut into the wall about three feet from the ground. The circle was cut out, but the wall was covered behind the hole.

Liz froze. Was it some kind of naughty peephole? She almost laughed audibly. 'Get it together, girl,' she thought.

On the other side of the stall, there was a toilet paper dispenser and a rectangular box to place sanitary napkins in. Liz was pulling off some toilet tissue to wipe herself with when she heard a scratching sound coming from the wall nearest her.

She looked up. The covered hole was now open. Feeling both curious and a little scared, she leaned forward to see what was on the other side. It was dark through the hole and she couldn't see anything. She sat motionless waiting for some noise, something that would tell her it was okay to get up and leave. Her eyes were locked onto the dark hole.

A quiet minute passed and she sensed movement. Then a very thick, very black, long, circumcised, shiny cock slowly presented itself through the hole. Liz's body fell back in shock as she sat on the toilet. She let out a short scream, then clapped her hands over her mouth, wide-eyed. She sat transfixed on the sight before her. After catching her breath, she sat back up and examined it more closely.

Leaning forward until her face was only about a foot away from the giant member, she looked at every inch of what appeared to be at least 10 inches of thick, black meat. She wiped herself and her body reminded her that she was turned on. Her hand went straight to her pussy and began rubbing. She was already soaked and Liz found she could not pull her eyes from the huge, dark meat. She stared at the cock with longing, a****l desire, and a little fear.

She slowly rubbed herself, catching her clitoris between her fingers as she stroked over her lips. It felt like she was having a heart attack. Her pussy was pulsing urgently. Liz whimpered, biting her plump, red lower lip, still unable to look away.

She needed to leave, but she knew she couldn't. As she contemplated reaching out and touching the black steel rod, she began to cum. Her orgasms came in electric jolts, then dizzying waves.

Her vision swam. Her eyelids fluttered. She could hear herself moaning desperately. It was all she could do not to slump off of the toilet.

She counted three orgasms. One after the next. Her fingers were dripping with her warm wetness. She wanted so badly to put that big, black thing into her mouth and suck it, lick it, feel it, envelop it.

But after her third orgasm, she was beginning to come to her senses. She closed her eyes and caught her breath. Her pussy pulsed with warmth.

With a sigh, she blinked her eyes open. The black tower was gone. The circle had been replaced and there was no sound coming from the other side. She wanted more time with that cock. A lot more time, but the whole experience was so surreal that she felt as if she wasn't in control. She wanted to get run out of the cabana and try to see who was on the other side, but thought it would be best not to confront anyone. This will be a secret. Not even Matt will know about this.

It was the first of many secrets she will begin to keep from her husband.

She nervously washed her hands and did her best to fix her hair and left the women's room. She knocked on the men's room door and, after a moment, entered-just to see what it was like on the other side.

The men's room was different from the women's. It had a vanity, urinal and a stall. It also had a closet door that looked like it was in about the same position as the hole on the other side. She opened the door and found some shelves with cleaning supplies to the left. A broom, mop and bucket on the right.

Then there it was: the rough cut hole in the wall... where the cock had been. There was a bent nail in the center of the circle so it could be easily removed and replaced. There was evidence of dust from a recent drilling on the floor below the hole.

She imagined a large, muscular, dark-skinned body standing against the wall, facing away from where she stood. He was naked. Liz pictured the dark, tight globes of the man's bare ass flexing and relaxing. His cock would be sticking into the woman's room. His enormous black rod, just waiting.

This discovery excited Liz. The thought that somebody would go to this trouble to set something like this up was twisted and perverted. This had to be the work of Robbie and/or Ray.

She casually walked out of the cabana. There was no one around. She made her way up the steps to the house and knocked on the back kitchen door.

Robbie answered.

"Hi, Liz! What's up?" Robbie was wearing loose fitting shorts and no shirt. He had a very fit torso, a well-defined six pack and nice pecks.

"Hey, Robbie. You two doing alright?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry my mom put you up to this. She can be a little overprotective and I think she's a little paranoid about this neighborhood. It's too secluded for her."

"No problem, Robbie. She will learn to love the quiet soon enough, trust me." Liz's eyes moved up and down his body. She reminded herself to focus on his eyes. "If you'd like, I can just call you and say that I've checked-in. I don't want to invade your privacy." Liz offered a way out.

"Actually, I think it's cool that you stop by. We can get to know each other and hang out a little." Robbie had the sexiest grin on his face as he suggested Liz continue with the plan.

Liz wasn't expecting that response and felt her pussy become damp again. Robbie wants her to stop by and check on them? She was beginning to think it was Robbie who exposed himself in the cabana restroom. She said good bye and walked back home.

As 3:00 approached, Liz found herself growing more anxious about her afternoon check. She had passed the early afternoon away researching sex through holes in the walls of restrooms which she discovered were called gloryholes. She found websites devoted to the subject and lots of pictures and videos, about half of which were gay. None of them compared to what she had experienced just a few hours before. She had masturbated twice since then. This brought her orgasm total to five in three hours.

She had had multiple orgasms with Matt from time-to-time mostly when she was very horny, but never this many from masturbating in such a short period of time.

She changed into some comfortable clothing for the afternoon. A short, light blue skirt that was just above mid-thigh, a tight-fitting yellow tank top with a sports bra and a white beach shirt around her waist as a wrap. She let her long, blonde hair down and freshened up her make up.

As she set off for Mandy's for the afternoon check in, her thoughts were very confused. Part of her hated what she had agreed to do, but the larger part had never been so excited in her life. Her large breasts jiggled as she walked down the sidewalk. She felt awkward, but from anyone who may have seen her walk to the neighbor's house, she looked like a tall, big-breasted, blonde adult film star. Just how Matt liked to think of her.

Liz rang the doorbell. A few minutes ticked by. She rang again and almost immediately, the intercom blurted out "come in!" Liz keyed-in the code to open the wrought iron and glass front door. She cautiously entered the house.

"Hey guys? Ray? Robbie?"

There was no response. "I guess I'll have to see where they are. That's what Mandy would want." She thought to herself. She tried to walk normally, but she felt as though she was sneaking around. Not in the kitchen. Not in the dining room or den. She started upstairs where their bedrooms were. She was very curious about the house, but she didn't feel it was appropriate for her to enter rooms.

"Guys?" She thought she heard some sounds coming from the media room where it sounded like there was a large TV on. As she walked down a hallway leading away from the spiral staircase, she thought she recognized the sounds. It sounded like a porn video was playing.

Liz froze in her tracks. 'I need to turn around and walk away and let Mandy know that her sons were watching porn in the media room. That is exactly what I am going to do.' But Liz didn't do that. She felt drawn nearer to the room by her sheer desire. Her lust and curiosity drove her to take short, quiet steps closer to the entrance to the large room.

The shades were closed upstairs, and the media room that had a projection TV and sound system was pitch black except for the light coming from the movie. Liz peeked her head around the wall that served as the threshold to the room and about fell to her knees.

A giant screen in high definition showed a video of two well-hung black men having their way with a buxom blonde woman. One was fucking her from behind on a bed as she positioned herself on all fours, doggie style, while the other black man stood at her head and was feeding her his big cock.

Liz was first taken back by the quality of the video and the size of the screen. She had seen scenes like the one in front of her, in fact she and Matt watched a few just like it the other night, but never so clearly presented on such a large screen.

In front of her, on a reclining couch, one at either end sat the twins. She inched closer. Robbie and Ray were focused on the action on the screen. She could see their shoulder muscles flexing slightly. Her heart pounded in her chest. She scooted closer, until she could see just high enough over the couch. She saw Ray and Robbie slowly stroking their enormous cocks.

She looked at the boys in the flickering light of the porno as the moaning and groaning blared from the speakers. Their two towering black cocks were jutting into the air obscenely, rock-hard. They both seemed to be nearly the same size, but Robbie seemed a little longer. Liz knew Matt had a pretty big dick. In fact, much larger than any she had seen in person. But these were in another category altogether. These were monsters, rarities, freaks even. Her body trembled and she looked down to discover she had been playing with herself as she was spying on the boys.

Liz started to back out of sight, but her legs seemed unable to hold her. She reached out to the wall and was surprised to find herself approaching an uncontrollable climax. Her knees faltered, but held shakily.

Leaning on the wall, she braced herself as her orgasm coursed through her body. Warm vibrations pulsed through her limbs. Not wanting to be caught by the twins, she began to stagger down the hallway as fast as she could, but her legs were weak and she fell against the wall with a thump.

A few foggy moments passed. Liz felt like she was in a dream, then realized she had passed out. As she was coming to, she heard Ray and Robbie moving around quickly. The shades were opened and there was no sound coming from the media room. She sat up with her weight resting on her arms locked behind her.

"Liz, what happened?" Ray asked. He seemed genuinely concerned.

Liz was coming to. "What happened? I heard noises coming from the media room and I got light headed. I must have fainted from coming up the stairs too fast." Liz didn't say anything about seeing or hearing the porn. She didn't know how to handle that yet. She shook her head.

Robbie explained, "I didn't think you were going to come upstairs. We thought you were just going to stay in the kitchen."

That excuse made no sense to Liz. Someone had used the intercom. They were both in the media room. She sensed they wanted her to discover them watching an interracial porn movie while showing off their prize penises.

"Well, no matter now. You are both fine so I'll be on my way." Liz turned around and carefully descended the stairs and left. She heard the twins telling her that she didn't have to go. She ignored their calls and made it home without any further incident. She had never fainted from an orgasm before. The intense pleasure she felt actually frightened her.

That night after having dinner with Matt, Mandy called to say thanks.

"Hi Liz. How was everything today?" She inquired.

Liz had a decision to make. Either she ratted out Ray and Robbie, telling their mom about the porn, and the hole in the wall which would end this weird preoccupation once and for all. Or, keep this secret, and continue this downward spiral toward who knows what end.

Deep down, Liz knew what to do. She had an excellent life; A wealthy husband who, like her, didn't want k**s. And, he adored her. He provided an active and very satisfying sex life; a huge mansion of a house in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the state; a stress-free lifestyle without having to work...she knew there was no reason whatsoever to risk all that she had.

But there was something that was happening within her. Something carnal and wanton. A deep desire to be naughty and rebellious. Her new circumstances could allow her to fully explore this dark side of her that she only recently even knew existed. She knew that if she did not tell Mandy the truth now, it would become impossible to do so later.

She had made up her mind and responded to Mandy's question.

"Not a problem! I checked on them oh, around 10:30 and then at 3:00." She found herself smiling slightly. "They seemed to be busy with their day. Swimming and relaxing." Liz knew that she had just entered into a conspiracy of sorts with Robbie and Ray, whether they knew it or not, and she was prearranging the inevitable.

"Oh that's great! Thank you! Just let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. I know how to repay a favor!" Liz could almost feel Mandy's relief over the phone.

After a few minutes of small talk, Liz ended the call and returned to Matt. She finished the evening with a nice swim after which Matt fucked her at her insistence. She had a total of seven orgasms by the time she retired to bed that night. She fell asleep with images of her on her knees pleasing those magnificent cocks with her mouth. Back-and-forth, sucking, licking, mouthing, gagging on them...

She dreamed of young, big, black men. Big dicks and sweaty, muscular bodies. That morning she woke up in a strange funk. She decided to go for a swim after Matt left for work and then a long shower. She occupied her mind with her plans for a remodel of their pool area. She wanted more stone sitting areas and a larger fire pit. She was lounging in the house in her string bikini and cover-up when she glanced at her watch "10:30. I had better head out."

Liz approached the Harris house and saw from a distance a post-it-note stuck to the front door.

As she walked closer she read: "We are out back. --R & R"

Liz thought about her next move. Since she is already in her bikini, she could join them for a swim. Why not? This would be the perfect opportunity to talk more with them. She could, perhaps, set the record straight and keep them in line so they don't pull anything crazy like watching porn on their big screen again.

She walked down the familiar walkway leading to the backyard and pool. She saw two chaise lounges near the far side with towels, but once again, no Robbie or Ray. She stopped and looked at the cabana. Her heart seemed to skip a beat as she contemplated repeating her visit to the restroom.

'This is ridiculous, Liz.' She thought to herself. 'What if I need to use the restroom? What about that?' She smiled to herself and made her way to the cabana and back to the women's room.

There was something less than innocent about Liz choosing the same stall with the gloryhole in it, but Liz did it anyway. She walked into the stall and lowered her panties. She was sitting down to pee at exactly the same time as she did yesterday, when one of the boys poked his monster through the hole. This was intentional, although Liz was not ready to admit these "coincidences" to herself. In fact, she seemed to be repeating her exact movements, in time, as she made yesterday consciously or subconsciously in the hope to achieve the very same outcome.

She sat staring at the hole. She had finished peeing minutes ago. Now she was just sitting there. She closed her eyes trying not to even think about what would happen if a dick made an appearance, or more importantly, what would happen if it didn't.

She opened her eyes. No cock.

She wiped herself and flushed the toilet. As the toilet bowl filled again, the hole just opened up.

She held her breath, but didn't have to wait long. A glorious black cock emerged.

She had memorized the giant, black cock from yesterday. This was the same one. Her heart beat became so fast and loud she could hear it.

The enormous member pressed itself fully through the hole, completely erect. For scale, Liz placed her arm near it. It was slightly larger than the distance between her wrist and elbow. She estimated it to be around 11 inches.

It was thick too. Thicker than her tapered wrist. The shaft was shiny and clean, no wrinkles or scars. The beautiful, black, circumcised penis was larger in the center, and had a thick, round head. There were two distinct veins puffing out along the length. It seemed to throb as it bravely stood out from the wall. It was magnificent.

This time Liz was only excited to see the cock. She took her cover-up off and carefully put her long, blonde hair behind her shoulders. She was nearly drunk with lust. She wanted so badly to talk to it, to say naughty words about its blackness and her craving for it.

Her hand shakily approached the b**st. She cautiously used the back of her hand to very softly touch the soft skin starting from the head and gently running down to the base. She repeated this motion on the underside as well. A low groan could be heard from behind the thin wall dividing her from the cock owner.

The whole situation gave her chills, causing her flesh to tingle.

Suddenly, she grabbed it like she was slapping it for a "high-five." The fleshy "slap" sounded through the room as she made contact with it. She wrapped her soft white hand around the massive black muscle and tried to get her fingers to touch. She couldn't. She squeezed it and positioned her hand all over it. She grabbed it with her other hand.

Now both of her hands were wrapped around the cock. What could she do? She found herself stroking it slowly and with purpose. She had never felt so much excitement.

She stroked and pulled at the giant dick with increasing speed. It was so hard! She felt sweat break out in the small of her back. She was really working it.

She paused her stroking. One hand held the cock as she used the other to deftly untie her tiny string bikini top. She discarded it and put her hands back together on the dark shaft. Liz resumed stroking, allowing her enormous tits to swing freely from side to side as she jacked off the black dick.

She spat upon it to lubricate it and felt nasty doing it. Her nipples hardened and poked up in the thick air. She had both hands wrapped firmly around the object of her fantasy as she stroked the thing with a steady rhythm.

Liz leaned in closer. The cock in her grip swelled in response. She rubbed it across her face and smacked it against her cheeks. Its size required a different stroking approach than what she used with Matt. She needed more room and it took longer to achieve the same effect.

She looked at his swollen, purple head. It looked like the hole opened slightly. Liz leaned closer. The hole was definitely gaping open, much like the blowhole of a whale.

She wanted to suck it. Liz sat up slightly, stroking him slowly. She was preparing to take him into her mouth when it happened. A rolling, constant groan then a "fuuuckkk yeaaahh!" came from the other side of the wall.

A sharp spray of hot cum blasted straight at her eyes. Liz closed them just in time, opening her mouth and stroking with both hands. She stuck out her tongue and the blasts continued.

"ah... aha..aha," she cooed.

Thick ropes, threads, and spits jetted out of the massive cock, painting her face. Both hands were on the thick tool and she pumped it from the base, opening her mouth wider to take as much in as possible. She had to have it. She wanted to taste it so very badly. And she wasn't disappointed. Despite the volume oozing down her face, a great deal had landed in her mouth. She couldn't believe how much cum had been deposited onto her. She was dripping with it!

As she finished her strokes, the cum began seeping into her eyes, burning slightly. Liz peeled her hands from the throbbing hot shaft. She needed to remove her hands to wipe her eyes and then, tragically, in that moment, it was gone. The beautiful cock was gone. She felt both exhilarated and disappointed at the same time.

"What a rush! Oh my God!" She said aloud. She needed to come, badly. It felt like she entered into another realm of sexuality, almost like she had graduated or leveled up. She felt as though she had never had sex before.

She had hoped to have been able to suck that incredible dick into oblivion, but the inexperience of the Harris twin prevented that from happening. She stood up to put her bikini top on when something touched her leg.

It was another cock. It was the other cock!

Almost as long, and circumcised, but a little thicker and with a head that was slightly more angular and narrow, which made the shaft appear to swell more at the sides. She smiled a wicked smile and dropped her top to the floor. Her approach to this cock was slightly different. She grabbed it roughly with her right hand at the base, so it couldn't go anywhere, then opened her mouth wide to welcome her first black man into her mouth. She was now sucking on her first truly big, black, cock.

His dick was throbbing and hot. It tasted sweet but with the slightly bitter flavor of chlorine from the pool. She just worked on the head at first. Her tongue cradled it within her mouth. She was getting a feel for how large it was compared to any other phallus she has ever had between her lips. She was drooling and salivating as though her mouth was preparing for a feast. Her tongue circled the head and squirmed its way into the hole at the top. She felt her ample drool ooze down her chin. It dripped into a puddle on the floor between her legs.

She accepted more of the boy's flesh into her mouth and continued to suck hard.

She backed off of it and swallowed with just the head in her mouth. After a deep breath, she then started to use her mouth to fuck as much as she could get in without forcing it. His cock was stiff, but still bent slightly with Liz's eager bobs. She energetically worked her head back and forth, taking him as deep as she could. His dark shaft became shiny with her spit.

After about a couple of dozen strokes, she felt a spasm from the engorged penis and hot spurts of cum splashed the back of her throat in quick succession. She slowed, but tried to purse her lips. She tightened them as best she could around his flexing shaft.

Several thick pulses shot straight down her throat. She dragged her lips back and forth, feeling the warm cum trickle into her stomach even as more filled her mouth. Liz had a mouthful of sweet young cum.

She swallowed...sucked deeply, pumped more cum out of the dick, then swallowed again.

Liz reached down and simply pressed on her clit. With that, she climaxed immediately. Her pent-up orgasm shook her whole body. She trembled and slammed her body against the wall with her mouth still wrapped around the penis. She grunted around it and fluid spurt out from the sides of her mouth with saliva spraying out onto the wall.

She released it with a "pop" sound and collapsed as spent as if she had fucked both young men at one time. When she glanced back at the hole, it was, once again plugged up. She smiled to herself and rested, then bemoaned having to make her entrance into the pool area after having just sucked the two eighteen-year-old twins off in the gloryhole.

Luckily, the anonymity of the gloryhole made it so that there wasn't any actual visual contact, although it was obvious who the players were. There was little doubt it was Robbie and Ray who were the recipients of her efforts behind the wall. She just didn't know what to do about this burning desire she had for these two men and how this would play out.

She cleaned her face and chest off in the sink. There was cum in her hair, too, and she used a paper towel to try to pull the thick clumps out, but it only seemed to rub the spunk into her blond strands.

Liz left the restroom, closed the sliding cabana door and then saw Ray and Robbie in the pool swimming.

"Hi guys!" Liz felt more awkward than she can ever remember feeling.

"Hey Liz!" Checking out the cabana? Nice, isn't it?" Robbie swam toward her.

"I love it! In fact, I want one exactly like yours. It's great for...special guests. Don't you think?" She couldn't believe she just used such blatant innuendo but there it was. She kept smiling and actually found some of the awkwardness erode.

Ray looked at Robbie and they both smiled with shit-eatin' grins. "Hell yeah!"

Liz watched the boys swim for a moment.

"Why don't you come in?" Ray was resting his torso at the edge of the pool.

"Maybe I will!" Liz stood up and watched the two chiseled young men take in every inch of her body as she walked down the stairs into the pool.

Liz stood on the pool deck, a few feet away from the edge of the pool. Her black, young, twin neighbors, Robbie and Ray, both stood in the pool, beckoning her to join them.

She felt silly, given the events of the previous hour. It was quite possible that she still had some of the boys' errant cum drying in her hair.

Ray was slightly closer to her. "Why don't you come in?" he offered, moving toward her, then resting his torso on the edge of the pool.

"Not a bad idea," she thought.

Liz could feel Ray and Robbie's eyes on her. The silence ticked by awkwardly.

"I guess I will!" she finally blurted out.

Liz was wearing her tiniest string bikini with a cover-up over it. Smiling, she casually unbuttoned the thin cover up and let it slip off of her shoulders. The material slumped into a heap at her feet.

The boys' eyes were glued to her as she approached the pool. She felt her nipples stiffen. Both of the boys were staring at her tits as she descended the steps into the pool.

Liz waded in up to her neck, feeling the cool water surround her. She felt her nipples grow even harder under the water, and smiled to herself knowing it would be even more revealing to the boys. She walked her way back up to the stairs and sat on one with her waist below the water and her upper body exposed.

Robbie swam up to the stairs from the deeper part of the pool. "So, Liz. What's there to do around here, anyway?"

"You mean on our street, or in the area?" Liz asked.

"Both, I guess." Robbie sat across from her. Smiling.

"For young men like yourselves? Movies, go to the mall, hang out at the lake, Six Flags, Uptown, gun range. That sort of thing."

Liz was relaxed from the several orgasms she just had in the cabana and guessed correctly that Ray and Robbie were also in a pretty mellow mood.

Ray walked over near Liz and sat down in the pool.

"Hey, Robbie, feel like going to the lake...Like, tomorrow?"

"That sounds cool. Let's do that. What time can we pick you up Liz?" Robbie sounded like he was serious.

Liz's first, and probably best instinct was to say 'no thanks, guys. I have plans,' but she didn't. She thought for a few minutes about the thirty-minute car ride out there, how crowded the parks would be around the lake tomorrow, the 30-minute car ride back. She would have to leave the house around ten o'clock and leave the lake around three. She decided that she couldn't be seen in the car with two black teenagers; that just wouldn't work. It would be too difficult to explain to Mandy or Matt if somehow they were to find out.

"You know, I have some errands to run tomorrow. If you two go, I will try my best to meet up with you there while I'm out. Maybe lay on the grass or the big rocks at one of the parks. Why don't y'all text me and let me know where you end up and I will meet you there."

She felt satisfied that she would be reasonably safe from discovery with this plan, but what was she planning? What did she hope would happen? She felt a sexual flutter in her core.

"Okay, Liz. I'll get your number from my mom and text you when we get to the lake." Robbie confirmed.

"Could you bring some beer?" Ray asked, sounding like a k**.

"Uh, no. That could get me in trouble." Liz smiled as she shook her head.

She would have to take her own car. It would be the perfect way to spend time with these two fine young men. She would feel a lot better about flirting with them as well. As it was, she was feeling uncomfortable swimming with them in her sexiest bikini. Anyone could catch her and even that would be scandalous.

"Well, I guess I will expect to hear from you tomorrow then." Liz left the pool without looking back, knowing full well that the two twins were eyeing her round ass as she walked away. It would look wet and even bigger in the tiny bikini bottoms. Liz felt their eyes on her and couldn't suppress a smile.

"Damn man. We're going to hit that hard!" Robbie fist bumped Ray.

"You better fix that hole in the restroom before Dad sees it." Ray reminded Robbie of the gloryhole. They had put the gloryhole in the cabana for the party they were going to throw when they moved in, but their mom canceled it after finding porn on their computer.

"It came in handy though. Never thought we would actually use it!" Ray shared.

"No shit!" Robbie agreed.

Liz went home and played the good wife to Matt. Making him dinner and engaging in conversation. He wasn't in the mood to have sex, so she went to bed fantasizing about what was going to happen at the lake the next day. She was planning some teasing, perhaps skinny dipping or topless sunbathing, but little else. She was beginning to shy from the idea of actually having sex with either of them. They were trouble. Not so much because they were dangerous, but more so because they were young, arrogant, and careless.

When she woke, Matt had already left for work. She took a shower and was looking for clothes to wear on her special trip.

She chose a zebra-patterned bikini with an American flag T-shirt and a white cover skirt to go over her swim suit. She was both nervous and excited at the prospect of seeing those two enormous cocks out in the open and not sticking through some strange hole in the wall.

Robbie texted her on her cell:

'Ready? We will be at lake by 11:00.'

She responded:

'See you by the park with the giant rocks by the shore. You can't miss it.'

There was little in the way of traffic on the way to the lake. Liz made good time and was driving on Lake Road not long after eleven o'clock.

In the car alone, Liz couldn't quiet her mind. Despite her trying to avoid the thought, she couldn't help but obsess over the two giant black penises of those two boys. She wanted to see them again, to touch them, but at the same time, didn't want to give the black twins the compliment by revealing the fact that she was so attracted to them. Her pussy was wet with anticipation.

She rounded the final turn and approached the lake. The more popular beaches were on the south side, but Liz went to the less popular northern shore, toward the remote parking lot near the giant rocks. This was where she told the twins to meet her.

Liz crested the hill overlooking the beach and her heart skipped a beat. There was only one vehicle in the lot: the twins' large white pick-up truck. She eased her small car into a spot a few spaces down from theirs. She gathered her bag with towels, suntan lotion and a cooler she filled with sangria and walked down to the lake side park.

Robbie and Ray had a large blanket laid out in the pure white sand near the water. They had just put suntan lotion on and were about to lie down when Liz came strolling down from the hill where the parking lot was located. Robbie was first to see her.

"Hey, look at this." He prodded his brother.

"Damn. She is about as fine a woman as I have ever seen." Ray licked his lips.

"Hey guys!" Liz waved, jiggling and strutting her way to the beach. She set her bags down at one end of the blanket.

The lake was a rather larger recreational destination mostly used by fisherman and water skiers. There were never many people on the shore, and when the temperatures were in the high 90's, the beaches were nearly empty. The park Liz selected was remote, and they were the only ones there.

The two boys rose to greet Liz. Each one put their large hands around her waist and kissed her on the cheek in turn.

After their brief greeting, Liz wasted no time getting comfortable. She slipped out of her skirt, then peeled her T-shirt off over her head to reveal her bathing suit.

"Woah! I like that! Zebra pattern, eh Liz?" Ray jabbed Robbie.

The twins eyed her shamelessly. Liz's huge, pale tits bulged against her top. The zebra-print was stretched so thin that Liz's darker areolas were visible in the white stripes of the pattern. Her cleavage was spilling out in smooth curves. When she bent to put her skirt and T-shirt into her bag, the twins could see part of her outer nipple peek over the bikini top.

Her bottoms were doing only slightly better at holding her ass in place. Half of her cheeks were exposed and the low-cut front of her bottoms revealed that she kept her pussy trimmed. The twins were excited to see her tan lines, meaning this was a more revealing bikini than she typically wore.

She had been told that she looked like Jordan Carver and today she looked even hotter.

"I guess I will lie between the two of you on your blanket." Liz spread her towel on top of the blanket as the twins watched in awe as her body swayed and jiggled with every motion.

"That's sounds about right." Ray said in response.

Liz's pussy was on fire. She could feel how wet she was. It was dripping down her leg! She needed to take a dip in the water to hide the sheen of her juices, shining visibly at the tops of her thighs.

"It's hot! Let's go for a swim." She suggested.

The three walked to the water and waded in. The water was warm, not the best feeling on a hot day, but it felt good to get wet at least. Liz dunked her head under the water as the boys swam around her like sharks stalking their prey. They splashed around playfully, moving closer and closer to her. Just as they were about to close in, Liz waded toward the beach and started to walk back to the blanket. The boys followed her up the sand.

She sat on her towel in the middle of the blanket and got a bottle out of her bag. It was coconut oil and Liz began applying it to her silky, toned legs.

Ray held out his hands, palms up.

"Need some help?" He asked.

Liz squirted a generous measure into his large hands. "Absolutely." Liz smiled.

Robbie sat at her feet and began rubbing her toes. He focused first on her left foot. After a few moments, he casually placed her left foot on his wet crotch and switched to her right.

Liz could feel him stiffening against her foot. He'd put her heel against the side of his shaft. It felt warm and thick under the thin wet fabric of his shorts.

Liz was wet from the anticipation of their first, sexual contact face-to-face, and there it was. She nearly squealed with excitement, although, this was no way to slow things down. As Robbie was grinding into her foot, Ray settled in behind her, massaging the coconut oil into her soft skin. His attention moved lower, to her shoulder blades. He kept rubbing, moving on to the sides of her arms.

Liz bit her lip. She knew what he was doing. She accidentally let a moan slip as she felt Ray's strong, slick hands move to caress the outside of her huge, hanging breasts.

Ray was kneeling behind Liz. After a few broad strokes on the sides of her tits, he simply pressed them together. His movements became more forceful and he started smashing her tits together from the sides, abandoning the pretense of applying suntan oil.

With Ray jiggling her, the small bikini stood no chance of holding back her melon-sized breasts. Liz's hard nipples popped out of the skimpy bikini top almost immediately.

With her breasts nearly entirely exposed, Liz began to grow nervous with the pace of this attention. They needed to slow down a little or they would be fucking in a matter of minutes. She began to anxiously look around in an effort to survey their surroundings.

The peaceful lake stretched before them. It was so vast that there was no chance of anyone catching the trio from across it. To their sides was bare beach with some fairly large rocks, a steep embankment and overgrown fields leading up an undeveloped hill. To the other side was a small, sparsely populated grove of trees. She could see all around her with the exception of behind her, where the car lot was situated about fifty yards away and one hundred feet above where they lay. She couldn't see the lot, only the trail leading to it.

Just as a final precaution, Liz turned around to check in the direction just behind her. She stretched around Ray who moved to the side to allow her a view as he continued to grope her.

There, not but thirty yards away was an older, pale, white man in a bathing suit with a towel around his neck and donning a Texas Rangers baseball cap approaching.

Liz straightened up and motioned to the twins.

"Jesus! Didn't you see him?" She asked Robbie. He had put her feet together at the soles and was now fucking her feet through the material of his swim shorts.

"Oh, shit!" Robbie dropped her feet and moved away from her.

Ray turned around and watched the older man veer to the side and lay his towel up and behind the three lovers. He was careful to stay out of their field of vision. They could only see him when they looked back in his direction. He was only about one hundred feet away as he sat on his towel looking out at the lake.

"What should we do?" Liz was panicked. She had taken such extreme measures to avoid getting discovered and now she was not only discovered, but was being observed, caught with the hands of two young black men upon her. She wanted to run away and hide until Robbie revealed another way to look at the turn of events.

"He's here because he sees two young, hot black studs with their paws all over the hottest white woman in the state of Texas. Anyone would wander closer to get a peek."

"You're right, Bro. He knows what he's doing." Ray agreed.

"Okay, so let's go and come back another day. We can swim at my pool at home, later." Liz was still uncomfortable and pissed off that someone would purposely select a spot on the beach so close to the trio.

"Fuck that! Why don't we give him a show?" Robbie smiled a devilish grin.

When Liz heard Robbie's suggestion something stirred deep within her. Some sort of unrealized fetish, or deep-seated desire came to the surface of her consciousness. Her wet pussy suddenly became a sloppy, soaked mess in a matter of seconds.

"Actually, that sounds interesting, now that I think about it." She responded. "Why don't we just continue and keep an eye on him to make sure he's not a cop?"

The three agreed and continued what they were doing prior to being interrupted, keeping a slightly cautious eye on the man some ways behind them.

Robbie moved back down to her feet only now he used the coconut oil to lubricate her soles. He rubbed the oil into her feet while keeping an eye on their spectator. Liz was turned on and softly panting in reaction to Robbie's rubbing. She looked on excitedly, watching him. He knelt and pushed the waist of his swimming suit down. His erect monster sprung up into the open air.

Liz remembered his cock well. It was the first black dick she'd seen in person. Gigantic, obscenely large, and black as a starless night. Now she could look at it in the bright light of day.

Robbie placed his cock between her feet as he angled the soles together forming a hole of sorts with her arches. He then slowly began fucking her feet with his enormous rod. Liz had never seen such a thing and certainly had never had her feet fucked like this.

"Where did you learn that?" She whispered.

"I've probably imagined twenty ways I could fuck you." He chided.

"Hey, our audience is on his knees trying to get a better view." Robbie reported as he continued to slowly fuck Liz's soles.

"Do you think he's a cop?" Liz asked with concern. She made no move to stop the young men as they enjoyed her body.

"I know he isn't."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because he has his dick out and he is playing with himself." Robbie chuckled.

Liz shuddered and then about came in her bikini bottoms. The thought that someone was watching her being fondled by two black men was too hot for her to handle. She was awakening a lustful, slutty side to her personality that was causing her to feel overwhelmingly sexual.

As if on cue, Ray squeezed her massive tits from the sides again and smashed them together. Her top slipped off completely, bunching below her exposed double Ds. Liz's head tilted back as she moaned in delight.

"Oh, fuck, Ray," escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes.

Encouraged by her passionate groans, Ray used one hand to unhook her top. It sprang off of her torso like a coiled spring. Her white flesh was fully revealed. Her erect, pink nipples freed at last. Liz's huge tits sat high on her chest, still perky and dewdrop-shaped. Ray quickly scooped up each breast and continued his massage.

Liz was getting into Robbie's foot fucking. He had each of her small ankles gripped tightly in his hands. Robbie was slowly thrusting his long, fully erect cock back and forth between her feet. Liz couldn't help but feel like his monster cock would be halfway up her torso if he was inside her.

She also thrust her chest out into Ray's clutching hands. Her pussy was throbbing intensely as she thought about the old white man jerking off, watching their every move.

Liz whispered to herself, "this is crazy..." But no one heard her words.

Ray was getting extremely aroused. His cock was growing quickly and running out of room in his swim suit, so he decided to remove it completely. He rose to stand behind Liz. His movement drew her eye and she looked up.

Liz was shocked to see his lithe, black, muscular body rise over her. He untied his shorts and pushed them down. Above her, his thick, eleven-inch pole bobbed out, extending out over her in a nearly fully erect state.

Liz's eyes bulged as they travelled along his length. She naturally opened her mouth wide without realizing she was doing it. She was salivating so much that a clear strand of drool slipped down her parted lips, dripped onto her breast, and trickled straight down her torso to finally land on the towel. She was panting with lust.

Ray simply stepped out of his shorts, then stepped back toward Liz, stepping around her body until his cock hung in front of her face. He plugged his black meat into her glistening mouth. She accepted about four or five thick inches of shaft before he hit the back of her throat.

They were treating their voyeur with quite a view. One black man standing in front of a buxom blonde woman who had her arms perched behind her while another was on his knees fucking her feet. The older gentleman took his bathing suit off and was jacking off.

Ray reached down to gather her blonde hair in his grip. She began moaning and humming in ecstasy. He felt Liz begin to bob her head on his wide, dark shaft as he held her hair. Her thick lips were stretched wide. She looked desperate and kind of pathetic, moving her lips back and forth on his massive cock. She was only able to handle a few inches, which became shiny with saliva.

Ray knew the scene he was creating for the old man. He knew there were very few opportunities to witness such a sexy sight.

He removed his cock from Liz's greedy mouth, and sat down on the blanket with his back to the old man, behind Liz. He positioned himself with Liz's body between his legs. His cock sat straight up stiffly.

"Turn around," he ordered calmly.

Liz needed to be fucked, badly. She ached to finally feel one of these huge monsters spread her pussy wide. In a quick motion, she moved from sitting upright, facing toward Robbie and the lake, to being on her hands and knees and facing Ray, away from the lake. She arched her back, presenting her round, white, perfect ass up in the air for Robbie. Her mouth opened again, now hovering just a few inches over Ray's stiff rod.

She lowered her head and Ray again gathered her hair as her lips slid down his shaft.

Robbie coated his black snake with some of the tanning oil. He roughly slapped it against her soft ass cheeks, making them ripple and leaving slick spots on her skin from his oily cock head. He placed it against her shiny, wet pussy, noticing her soft, puckered asshole just above her wet slot.

"I'm about to fuck you, sure you're ready?" He warned.

Liz moaned loudly and nodded her head up and down while she continued to suck on the black cock in her mouth. She was unwilling to stop sucking it long enough to answer Robbie, but hoped he would understand. She looked over to see that the old man was now completely naked and had moved closer to them for a better view.

When she turned her head, Ray slipped his cock into her cheek and began gently slapping the side of her face, which was impaled on his stiff tip. She felt like she was in a waking dream, experiencing taboo events that she'd only fantasized about. She watched the old man, knowing she was about to get fucked like never before.

Liz felt Robbie's hands close over her hips. Her hungry pussy was screaming, trying to open up and grab the enormous black tower poised at her entrance. She felt Robbie's knobby cock head press against her wet pussy lips. They opened.

In some kind of unspoken twin synchronization, Ray tightened his grip on her hair and guided his spit-soaked cock head back into Liz's mouth and down her throat.

She heard a loud moan and realized it was coming from herself. Robbie speared into her wet hole and Liz began to come unexpectedly. It happened in a rush that easily blew away every other orgasm she had ever experienced.

Ray wanted to be more in control, so he shifted from kneeling to standing as his brother penetrated the married blonde between them. Robbie eased into her as she moaned and shook until he was buried balls deep.

Liz's muffled screams and groans echoed through the small cove. Her breathing was frantic and she sloppily sprayed spit out from her lips, which were stretched around Ray's dick shaft. She looked over at the nasty, perverted white man pumping his dick. She felt her pussy clench and she climaxed again.

The old man was watching her get fucked...not fucked, but rather spit-roasted, by two extremely well-hung black men.

She came again, closing her eyes as her head swam with pleasure. She blinked them open to see the man had moved even closer. She was jostled between the two eager young boys and couldn't help herself. She climaxed yet again.

Robbie thrusted his engorged cock into Liz's hot, wet, and very tight pussy. He couldn't believe how tight she was and relished the feeling of her soft, wet pussy walls dragging along his incredibly stiff cock. He'd never felt so hard.

The second he penetrated her, it was all over. Liz came repeatedly in a matter of seconds, and Robbie was overwhelmed by the feeling of her hungry, clenching pussy. He felt his cum swell up his engorged shaft. He hadn't even bothered to ask Liz if she wanted him to use a condom. She didn't seem to even entertain the thought.

Robbie reached forward and gripped Liz's shoulders with both hands. He jammed his hips into her, pulling her back into him at the same time. He flexed his cock and felt his cum surge through him. When his pleasure peaked, he released.

Hot, thick, black-man cum doused her unprotected pussy. He flexed his cock again, pumping cum into her, filling her. His cum streamed into her cock-stuffed pussy. As he released another stream, his warm spunk leaked out around his shaft and dripped onto the blanket. He let out a low moan "Fuck..." His cock continued to flex and jump as it injected its load into Liz's married pussy.

Ray could not believe what he was watching. Liz's mouth was wrapped around his cock as she climaxed uncontrollably. She was bouncing back and forth on two stiff black poles. His brother was slamming into Liz from behind, grabbing her shoulders and fucking her full-on. Ray could tell he was cumming in Liz.

Ray saw Liz was looking at the old man and turned to do the same, seeing he was now only about ten yards away. The whole scene was incredibly hot and Ray couldn't wait any longer. He needed to join Liz and Robbie. He was ready to cum.

Ray scooped some of the spit dangling from Liz's chin and wrapped his hand around the base of his shaft. This was the part of his long cock that Liz hadn't managed to fit into her mouth. He began steadily stroking himself.

Liz turned her head and blinked up at Ray. His fist purposefully moved along his shaft. It bounced against her lips where they were wrapped around his dick. She felt his cock flex. He looked down at her, gripping her hair and jacking his dick off into her mouth. He used her hair as a handle and stopped stroking his cock with his hands and instead used her mouth to fuck the first four inches of his rock-hard meat.

Suddenly, Ray pushed her head down further on his shaft. A hot rocket of cum splattered the back of her mouth.

Liz gagged and swallowed the thick, voluminous load of cum that Ray shot into her mouth.

"Take it..." he said in a whisper, "...take it..." She swallowed again and his cock bucked again. More cum filled her mouth. She greedily gulped it down.

As the boys filled her with cum from both ends, she realized she couldn't get enough. She wanted more cock, more orgasms...more sex.

She turned again to the old man as the Ray's cock pulsed weakly in her mouth, his orgasm subsiding.

That was apparently all the old man needed. He jacked himself eagerly, then spurted a few wild shots of cum into the air. His spunk wads kicked up wisps of dust as they spattered into the sand near where Liz crouched on all fours, still full of black cock.

The man groaned in relief and shook the dripping cum from his cock. Without a word, he gathered his towel and scurried back to the parking lot, disappearing over the ridge.

"Did you see that?" Robbie asked laughing.

Liz pulled her lips off of Ray's cock reluctantly, with a wet smack.

"Yes," she said, panting. She was trying to catch her breath after blowing Ray and having the most powerful orgasm of her life.

"That old white dude jacked off while we were having sex and then ran off." Robbie narrated.

Ray laughed "Wouldn't you have done the same thing?"

They all agreed that they would. As the twins sat back down on the blanket, Liz felt the warm, sticky flow of cum empty from her womb. She needed to rinse off so they put their suits back on and went in the water again.

After the wild sex, Liz felt the creeping nag of paranoia in her gut. She knew the likelihood of anyone seeing her was very remote, but she wanted to get back home as quickly as possible after the show they put on for that man.

"I'm heading out, Gentlemen. See you back home later." Liz kissed them both on the cheek and made her way back up the hill. Her head was swimming with all that she had gone through this past week and needed a break.

She drove home with the taste of teenage cum on her tongue.

Liz made it back home without incident and promised herself never to do anything that crazy again. As sexy and hot as the encounter was, any number of consequences could have resulted, and most were very bad.

All she wanted to do now was take a shower and wash the lake and the dried cum off of her body.

Liz's conscience hit her hard while she was washing away the residue from the afternoon. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't shake the voice in her head.

'You are happily married to a successful, wealthy, handsome lawyer who turns you on! You don't need to lower yourself by fucking those two teenagers.'

On the other hand, she couldn't shake the mental images from earlier that day. Robbie smiling at her as she stroked his huge cock with her hands and feet... the old man earnestly jerking himself off, watching them... And Ray's enormous erection, towering above her... In her mind, his cock was so big, it partially blocked the sun as she looked up at him...

Liz felt worse after her shower than she did before she took it. After drying off, she put a robe on and curled up in the fetal position on her bed.

As she napped she dreamed about getting caught with two, giant, black cocks in her mouth. Matt was there looking at her with his arms crossed.

Liz woke up from her dream in a sweat.

"That's it. No more fooling around," she said aloud. Whenever she spoke to herself like that, she felt silly. But in her mind, she was resolved.

Liz decided to walk over and check on the boys and to let them know that she will not be doing anything like what they did at the lake ever again.

Liz went to the back and pounded on the door. Ray answered.

"Back for more already?" He chided.

"Please get your brother. I have something that I need to say to both of you."

Ray hollered for Robbie. The three of them gathered at the bar in the kitchen.

"I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about my behavior these past several days and I have come to the conclusion that having sex with the two of you is no longer something I can do."

Liz looked them both in the eyes as she spoke. Ray and Robbie glanced at each other and crossed their arms.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Liz." Ray looked sincere.

"Yeah, that sucks, Liz. You're hot! I thought we had a good time?" Robbie added.

"I am happily married and I am asking that you respect that." Liz pleaded, ignoring their comments.

Ray looked Liz over and noticed she was wearing loose-fitting shorts and a baggy T-shirt. There was a definite difference in her mood and her style of dress.

"That's cool, Liz. We had a blast, though. Remember that!" Robbie smiled.

Liz turned and walked away. She was already feeling better about her decision.

The next several days were consumed with Liz distancing herself from the boys. She was still obliged to Mandy, and did some level of checking up on the twins. Instead of her trying to physically find them, she did a cursory check of the property, twice a day at 11am and 3pm.

She'd walk over, make sure the twins' truck was in the driveway, make sure no other vehicles were there. Then she'd key in the code and open the door. She'd call into the house, saying it was her checking in and then leave. That was it. She found herself hoping that she wouldn't actually see the boys, so she wouldn't be tempted.

It actually felt to her that she was checking in with the boys instead of checking on them, but this was how she felt the most comfortable.

After the check, she'd usually text or call Mandy. Either quick text saying that everyone was okay, or a brief, cordial call. Mandy seemed so busy with work.

That's how it went for the next few days: Pop in, report to Mandy, focus on Matt and her married life. She and Matt enjoyed their time together in the evenings and made love twice since she was with the twins by the lake. She was afraid he might sense that she was somewhat stretched out from Robbie, but did not seem to notice.

After a few days passed, she found it difficult to put the thought of getting fucked by two enormous black cocks out of her head. She tried to avoid thinking about them. But she had been fucked so deeply, that she felt her pussy recovering from Robbie's large penis for days after.

She kept herself busy and tried to replace the thought of their eleven-inch monsters with sexual thoughts of her husband. She was still very much attracted to Matt, but it was no use, their naked bodies kept popping into her thoughts, with their oversized penises dominating her.

She decided that she would never give in to her urges to have sex with one or both of the twins. But this was made more difficult by her masturbation practices.

Every morning, after Liz would send Matt off to work, she would take a shower, then lie on the sofa in her living room and do some online shopping for about an hour or so. This was innocent enough, but the problem was that she didn't just shop, she also surfed for porn and masturbated as she watched video clips. She was viewing interracial porn exclusively.

Her viewing habits gave her something to look forward to each day. She craved watching white women get used by big black cocks and she expanded her habits to include an afternoon session that usually began around 2:00 and lasted until 4:00.

She noticed that she was slowly becoming addicted to having orgasms where she was watching interracial porn.

This activity was having a curious effect upon the blonde wife. She noticed that none of the videos she watched were as hot as the sex she had experienced with Ray and Robbie. Their cocks were bigger than nearly all of the porn actors online and she was more attractive than the models she was watching. She felt that she either had to stop watching interracial porn, or that she would need to give in to temptation and see the twins again.

Ray and Robbie were not taking the sudden rejection from Liz very well.

"It's been a week, Robbie. You said she would be back after a couple of days." Ray was looking out his second floor bedroom window in the direction of Liz's house.

"I know, I know. I thought she was hooked, but I guess not. It's a damn shame we didn't get pictures or video of her." Robbie shook his head and sat back on the bed.

"I told you!" Ray reminded Robbie that he wanted to put a digital video camera in the cabana.

"Fuck it." Robbie was tired of watching porn and wanted Liz. She was by far the best piece of ass he ever had.

"I got it!" He sat up and spun his brother around.

"What? What is it?"

"We bluff her! She'll never know we don't have any video. She won't ask to see anything. All we have to do is show her the camera...wave it around in her face." Robbie's eyes were lit up having now solved the problem.

"Yes! That might work. Even if she does find out there's no video, so what? We got nothing to lose." Ray agreed.

The two brothers continued their planning, making sure they were ready for her when she stopped by for her morning "check."

After a morning yoga routine, Liz was busy collecting videos for the porn site she had a membership for when she glanced at the clock.

"Eleven o'clock. I'm running late!"

Without paying attention to what she was wearing, she left the house in a faded purple yoga top, which was little more than a thin tank top, and gray yoga pants that showed off a deep camel toe.

It wasn't until she felt her heavy tits jiggle under her shirt as she walked quickly over to the twins' house that she realized she hadn't changed into less inviting clothes.

'Shit!' She scolded herself for not changing. The check-in could have waited, after all. She should have changed.

She crossed her arms over her chest and doubled her pace. 'I will make this quick,' she reassured herself.

Liz rang the front buzzer.

No answer.

Another ring.

Still no answer.

She entered the passcode to the door and cautiously let herself in. The burglar alarm was not armed. She walked past the living room to her left, looked to the dining room, then finally yelled: "Ray? Robb..."

Before she could finish calling for Robbie, someone had grabbed her hands from behind and held them together.

"Hello, Liz! Nice of you to stop by!" Robbie came from behind the bar that was next to where she was standing and faced her.

"Why are you naked?" Liz was scared, but despite this, dropped her eyes to the huge black cock swinging before her between Robbie's legs. It swung like a pendulum and Liz's eyes followed it like she was hypnotized momentarily. Liz felt a deep satisfaction simply by gazing upon the black phallus.

"Come to check-in on your young, irresponsible neighbor boys? You are so thoughtful!" Robbie's playful sarcasm put Liz at ease somewhat. Ray's grip on her wrists was firm.

With her arms restrained behind her back, Liz's chest was pushed out toward Robbie.

Robbie reached out and softly tweaked each nipple, both of which were hard and outlined by the thin fabric of her shirt.

Liz wiggled around, her tits ached and needed to be touched. Her pussy became slick immediately.

Ray tapped the backs of her knees with his foot and caused her to kneel on the ground.

Now her face was but inches from Robbie's swinging black snake. Liz didn't notice, but her mouth began watering as she stared at it, just like her pussy.

"Okay, Ray. Let me go. This is stupid." Liz could tell by the grip and by Robbie's tone that the two were not physically threatening her.

"We have something to show you." Robbie picked up a small digital recorder sitting on the bar and looked at it.

"It doesn't look like much. Hard to even know it was there. But there it was. Attached to the corner of the room out in the cabana. It recorded too. It recorded a hot, blonde trophy wife with big tits sucking two black cocks. It's quite a show." Robbie continued to look at it, shaking his head.

Liz felt her cheeks redden and her heart fluttered.

"We have it all. Do you want it, or should we just upload it somewhere and let your husband look at it?" Robbie was stroking his cock now and had moved it directly in front of Liz's face. Her eyes moved from the camera to Robbie's stiffening monster.

"Or, you could hang out with us a few times a week and let us fuck you and we will gladly destroy the video."

'Goddamn them!' her mind whirled, voices and scenes flashing in her head. 'I thought I checked the room... at least on the second time... before I...before...' she wondered if the camera would have enough detail to see her wedding ring. A band of gold on her pale finger as it held that thick black meat.

'How could I be so stupid?' Liz's head was spinning. She can't let this get out, but at the same time, she needed to be free from these two hot, black cocks. She decided she was not going to have sex with them and convince Matt that they had staged the whole event, photo shopped it or something.

She continued to kneel and did nothing. Now looking straight ahead. She was resolved not to play this bullshit game. Besides, it was just a couple of blow jobs, Matt would be pissed, but he will eventually be okay as long as she plays him right.

She glanced up at Robbie, past his lengthening pole, and said to his twin brother, "You can let go of my arms now," as he stood behind and over her.

"No. Not until we hear what we want to hear." Ray said as he bent down to her ear.

"The way I see it, you really have no choice, Liz." Robbie held his cock at its base and closed the final distance between them in a step. He pressed his fat knob all along her face, up one side and down the other, leaving a wet trail of precum smeared on her features.

He circled her mouth with his enormous, swollen cock head. She tried to ignore him, tried to ignore the arousal screaming through her body.

Liz wasn't too concerned about the tape. She knew they realized that if they released it that she would never have sex with them again, ever. And she wouldn't. Right now she was trying to simply stop getting so stimulated by the twins' treatment.

"I'm not going to say anything," she rebelled, speaking into Robbie's cock blows," so you can just stand there if you want."

Ray chuckled from behind her.

"Take her over to the ottoman, Ray." He spoke like she couldn't hear them. Liz's heart jumped out of her chest.

She was almost dizzy with excitement as she was shuffled over to the ottoman. She found the current situation to be thoroughly exciting.

Ray positioned her on her hands and knees on the large ottoman lounge. He arranged her so she was in a doggy-style position.

Ray pulled her yoga pants down, revealing Liz's pale, round ass, and yanked them off her legs. She wasn't wearing panties. Ray then repositioned her knees back on the ottoman, spread slightly.

Ray stepped back and stripped off his clothes so now both of the boys were naked. And very erect.

"Look at this shit." Robbie walked around her as she remained in the position they arranged her in.

Liz was nearly panting. She hoped they would leave her alone and that this was just a ploy to get her to willfully have sex in exchange for the video. Whatever was going to happen, she wasn't going to agree to fuck them like some regularly scheduled escort.

But kneeling there, both twins eyeing her like hungry a****ls, she felt like a doll. To be used. For their pleasure.

She also hoped they wouldn't touch or look too closely at her pussy for they would surely notice that she was deeply turned on.

Her wet pussy was dripping the evidence of her arousal down her leg and her nipples were extended to their apex. She was trembling as she held her pose; excited and fully aroused. She wanted their black cocks. She needed their black cocks.

The silence reached a crescendo in Liz's ears, so she broke it.

"Are you keeping me here against my will?" she began, trying to sound in control. "Do you know that my husband is a lawyer and that he served as an assistant district attorney? You will get years for k**napping, you must know this, right?" Liz needed this to be over. She was a wreck.

She shifted slightly, feeling another bead of arousal escape her pussy and run in a fresh trail down her thigh.

"Who said you had to stay here?" Robbie said incredulously. "I'm not holding you down, are you holding Liz down, Ray?"

"Nope. Not me. I'm just standing here wondering what's up."

Liz realized that the two hadn't been holding her since she left the bar area and that she was in this position and maintaining it of her own accord.

Robbie stepped in front of her, then slowly moved forward, led by his enormous cock. He pressed the thick, purple-red colored head of his cock against her lips again. This time Liz pursed her lips together tightly, almost kissing it. Robbie persisted, rubbing her lips with his head. Back and forth he wiped the pre-cum all over her lips. Liz could smell the sweetness of the fluid and was dying to taste it on her tongue, but she held fast.

Behind her, Ray stepped up, brandishing his erect cock from the base. He started to tap Liz's perfectly round and soft ass with his black stick. He moved it from side to side from one cheek to the next. He swatted her butt, holding his giant dick like a golf club. Her skin rippled with each slap. The spanking sound of Ray cock slapping Liz's ass filled the foyer.

Robbie lifted his heavy dick and brought it down on top of her head. His balls now hung down over her face as she looked straight ahead.

Ray dragged his cock up between her legs. He felt wet warmth coat his tip. He pressed it forward, below Liz, against her tight tummy. His head went up past her belly button.

Liz felt him flex against her soft belly and her heart leapt, realizing how deep he'd be inside her. Ray pulled his hips back, dragging his veiny shaft back over her wet lips. He looked down. The entire length was glistening wet from her pussy juices. She seemed to be flowing continuously. Like she was in some sort of heat, begging for dick.

Robbie was stroking his cock in front of her lips making contact with every stroke.

Ray positioned his rock-hard pole between her full outer pussy lips and squeezed his dick hard.

Here, both boys held fast, poised at her lips at both ends. Their stiff dicks waited at her openings like loaded weapons.

Liz could not believe what was happening. It was as if these two eighteen-year-old k**s knew what was going on with her. She was screaming inside to be fucked, used, and fucked some more.

"Robbie, why isn't she leaving? We're not keeping her here against her will."

"Now that is a good question, Brother Ray. Maybe we should ask her."

"You... motherfuckerssss!!!" Liz hissed, violently pushing her hips back. She couldn't take it and had had enough.

Her piping hot pussy simply slid over Ray's tool with no resistance. Her slick cunt parted over his large head and enveloped his aching black shaft with little effort. Her womb expanded and seemed to all but suck half of his eleven inches at once.

She groaned loudly. Ray slapped her ass roughly.

She smacked Robbie's cock hard with her right hand, then grabbed it forcefully and shoved her hungry mouth over it. She was out of control and she didn't care about any video or camera or Matt or anything other than the two black cocks that were penetrating her at this moment.

She opened her jaw as far as she could and thrust her mouth down Robbie's shaft, carefully keeping his thick cock away from her teeth. His cock head slotted into her throat, halting her descent, as her hair swung gently forward.

She held Robbie's cock and turned her face from side to side, trying to cram in every inch. She blinked up at him, gagging quietly. Her eyes watered from his cock in her throat.

Robbie held the back of her neck, smiling down at her as he petted her bangs back out of her face.

From behind her, Ray was holding still, not even moving. Liz was pushing her body back onto his cock.

"That's it baby. Take that dick."

She was rocking back and forth like a toy. Big, black dick in her mouth, big, black dick in her pussy. She was humming like a broken doll.

Robbie reached down and gathered her huge tits with his hands. Feeling the weight of each and caressing her nipples with his palms as he held them up. They were like two stiff diamonds against his large palms.

Liz bobbed her head on his cock. She thrusted eagerly... back and forth...back and forth. Her mouth repeatedly made a "GLUCK" sound.

Ray stood with his hands on his hips, watching Liz's pussy work further down his shaft with each stroke. He simply let Liz do all the work. She was on overdrive.

"Mmm! ohhh...Mmmm! Commmm..." –gasp- "mmggggg!"

Liz's body convulsed through her first orgasm. She pressed her pussy back. He felt her pussy clench tightly, then release, so he pressed back into her. His cock slotted in deeper and he felt a fresh warmth stream wetly out of Liz.

"Shit, Robbie, she's coming like crazy..."

Liz grunted her way through the climax.

She stayed in position. Now that she had cum, she was more in control of her actions. Before she could do anything on her own, however, Robbie had gathered her long, blonde hair and was guiding her mouth all over the tip of his dick.

"That's it suck that head, Liz. Get it all wet and slippery." Robbie commanded her.

All she could do was make a cooing sound that demonstrated how turned on she was. She did all that she was told.

Ray removed his cock and had gotten on his knees giving her small bites on her ass cheeks. He was licking her skin and nibbling on the thicker parts of her ass.

Liz was high, as if on some d**g. She felt out of body, like she was not altogether present for what was going on. She was so stimulated that she felt as though she were having small, consecutive orgasms in a stream. She loved the "zone" she and Robbie were in. Sucking his cock and taking directions was causing a euphoric feeling. She was slobbering all over the head and first three inches of his dick.

Ray separated her ass cheeks and licked her tight little asshole as she wiggled her ass in response to his oral attention. Once he saw that she liked it, he flexed his tongue so that it was rigid like a small, erect penis and penetrated her sphincter as deep as he could force it.

Ray proceeded to fuck her asshole with his tongue. He had always wanted to try this and Liz was the first woman he wanted to try it on. She seemed to love it.

"Oh God!" Liz's yelp was muffled from all the cock she had in her mouth.

Ray was encouraged by her muffled excitement. He pressed his face into her soft ass and grabbed her hips. He pulled her onto his face and put her legs over his shoulders as his long tongue continued to ream her.

Liz was going wild on Robbie's cock now. She was held by Ray with her hips up behind her. Her weight was leaning forward, driving her mouth down on Robbie's cock as she braced her hands on his hips. Liz heard herself making sloppy noises and loud moans. She gagged herself repeatedly in an attempt to make her mouth more like a pussy that he could fuck. Her throat was just not wide enough to take him deeper than about six inches or so.

"Yo, Ray, let's switch."

Still pinned by the two, Ray "passed" Liz by handing his brother her hips. Liz was rotated, legs overhead. Robbie's cock slipped out of her mouth with as Ray took her by the shoulders. Robbie held her hips as her thighs came down on his shoulders.

They placed her on her back onto the ottoman, now at opposite ends of the squirming blonde.

Ray bent down and kissed Liz deeply, holding her head. She could smell and taste her subtle scent over his mouth and face. Ray tongued her deeply, then rose to stand. He stepped up, holding his cock and offered Liz his dangling balls.

Liz dropped her head so she was looking upside down at Ray's balls. She felt him begin to stroke himself over her as she took one of them into her warm mouth and swirled it around with her tongue.

Robbie had Liz's ankles propped up on each shoulder. He started slapping her wet, hungry pussy with his rigid cock, then settled his cock at her soaked opening. Liz wiggled her hips impatiently.

Leaning his weight forward, Robbie rotated Liz's hips upward, then simply dropped his own hips, stuffing his oversized tool into the married blonde.

"uuuuUUUUUNNNNGGGGHHAAAAA!" Liz's voice peaked in a high pitched squeal against Ray's balls, her body jostling as Robbie reached the limit of her pussy.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," Liz said breathlessly into the balls on her face. Her hand slipped between her legs and found her clit.

Robbie felt her pussy start to pulse around his cock. He pulled back, then dropped his hips again. He started a rhythm, stroking into her deeply.

"Now she's going to cum on me," he said, smiling.

Ray pulled back slightly, pulling his balls out of Liz's mouth. He looked down at her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she said, looking upside down up at Ray. Her face was strained and splotchy red.

"I want to feel her scream around my cock when she cums," he said down to her. Holding his cock, Ray lifted her chin to open her mouth, then put his cock head between her gaping lips.

"MMMMMMM!" Liz commented around his cock.

Liz tasted her own pussy on the big black dick in her mouth. She'd never suck Matt after he'd fucked her, even hours later. She had she ever actually tasted her own pussy on a cock before.

"CK CK CK!" she grunted. "hHUUUUUUNNNGGGGG" she moaned, her voice filling the large room. She screamed around the invading cock shaft as best she could.

As Liz screamed with both of the young black twins' huge dicks inside her, back at her home, her phone that she had left back at her house in her haste to quickly check on the boys, began vibrating. It buzzed, then stopped, then buzzed again. The vibration caused it to slide off of the coffee table in her living room and drop softly onto the carpeted floor.

Back at the Harris household, Liz's climactic scream had dissolved into uncontrollable moaning. Robbie was fucking her pussy earnestly and his brother was stuffing his cock into the blonde's mouth. She was their fuck-doll.

"Ah...Ah...Ah..." Robbie sighed with each thrust. He felt his balls boil. He was staring down at Liz's huge E-cup tits, watching them flop dramatically as he fucked her. He was going to cum in this hot married blonde... for the second time.

He thrust in deep, holding Liz by her hips with her legs on his shoulders.

Robbie's cock bucked and he began coating her insides with hot cum.

He sighed with relief. It had been a few days since he'd jerked off. He felt a huge load of cum surge out of his balls. His cock twitched with each hot stream he sent into Liz's pussy. He was plastering her womb with teenage cum.

Liz moaned on Ray's dick, feeling a wave of wet warmth surge into her belly. She realized Robbie was cumming inside of her. She felt helpless as her young neighbor filled her married pussy with cum.

Suddenly, Ray was pulling his cock from her mouth. He pulled out and took her by the hair.

"Come here..." he said, holding the tip of his dick with his other hand. He lifted her head up and Liz spun, slipping off of the ottoman to kneel on the floor. The movement also cause Robbie to withdraw from her cream-pied pussy.

Ray positioned Liz on her knees in front of him. He held his huge, shining dick in front of her face in one hand. His other held Liz's head by her hair

"...come here..." he sighed again softly.

Liz moved her eyes from Ray's black cock to his face. Just as her eyes met his, a huge rope of spunk blasted against her forehead. She recoiled, closing her eyes and cooing.

"AH!" Ray roared mightily. He pumped his dick and fired a bigger, thicker rope into her hair. "UUUUUUHHHHH..." he moaned continuously, pumping line after line of pale cum onto Liz's face.

As Ray splattered her face with his teen seed, her phone again buzzed in her empty house. The screen flashed, indicating she'd now missed 3 calls. All from Mandy, ranging from 11:30am to noon.

Mandy frowned, listening to Liz's outgoing message.

"Hi, you've reached Liz's phone. I'm not here, so-"

Mandy hit END. She thought that was odd. Liz had gotten into the habit of reporting her check-ins to Mandy.

'I bet she just forgot,' Mandy thought, quickly typing a text to Liz.

"Hey Girl. Just wanted to see how you and the boys were this morning. Let me know when you get a chance."

Mandy hit send.

Liz was still on her knees before Ray. Robbie was lying down on the hardwood floor trying to catch his breath. Liz was coated with small rivulets of cum and glistened with sweat. She oozed cum out of her gaping pussy panting and as she looked toward the ground.

She looked up at Ray, then over slightly behind her to Robbie and said sincerely, "I just want you two to know that this will never happen again."

"Hi Liz. I came home the other day to find the boys were nowhere to be found. Did you stop by and check on them? It's no big deal if you didn't, I just thought you said you would."

Mandy's voice came through the phone to Liz carrying the usual, casual tone, but was tinged with something else, something hard for Liz to place. Was it urgency? Distrust? Liz couldn't put her finger on it.

Liz bit her lip. She'd been purposefully avoiding the twins since last week's encounter in the foyer, unsure of how to proceed with her relationship with the boys, her husband, and the boys' parents, her neighbors, Mandy and Roger. Her attraction to their sons (and their enormous black cocks) was undeniable. She didn't feel like she could control herself.

Mandy seemed mad, and she had every right to be. Liz was supposed to check on the twins twice yesterday, and the day before. In her last attempt to "check" on them, they'd surprised her and she'd been unable to resist their advances. She'd left the Harris' house that afternoon with a fresh load of cum in her belly and traces of a hastily cleaned-off facial drying in her hair. She loved being used roughly by the boys, but soon after, she became overwhelmed by guilt and shame.

Despite her guilt, Liz had become obsessed with her big black cock threesome fantasies. She scoured the Internet for new, more stimulating videos, but they all paled in comparison to her real-life experiences with the twins. How could she go back to a sex life with only Matt? Her husband was an amazing lover, but how could he compare with two young men? Two young men who were well-endowed? Matt wasn't black, and Liz realized that this fact completely removed the exciting taboo element from her sex with her husband, something that she got with Robbie and Ray. She was becoming depressed thinking that her sex life had seen its best days and now had to return to normal.

Liz did her best to assuage her desire for dark meat by avoiding the boys and masturbating frequently, still fantasizing about them. She felt she couldn't continue this pattern, it was exhausting and embarrassing, and she was afraid she would inevitably get caught. She was also afraid that her need for the two giant black cocks would become an addiction. She had never seen a cock as big as either one of the twins, in person, or online, and she had two!

She continued with Mandy,

"Mandy, I'm sorry, I haven't been feeling well lately. I'm sorry I let you down."

Liz sincerely apologized. Mandy could hear in her tone that she was troubled about it. Mandy sighed, knowing her boys could be a handful. It was too much to ask of Liz and she knew it.

"I know it's asking a lot. I was just wondering since I hadn't heard from you in a few days. Not a big deal, really, I just need to know they're okay while I'm at work. Those two can be trouble!"

Liz felt her face flush with a sense of guilty irony. Mandy's warning came a little late.

Liz cleared her throat and replied, "I'll be sure to check on them this afternoon," doing her best to sound confident.

"Thank you, Liz. I owe you one!" The two ended the call. Liz slumped over in her chair and stared out the window. She felt trapped.

She knew that whenever she sees the twins, she'll be faced with the primal desire to have sex with them. Prior to her time with them at the lake, she had never had a threesome. Now, she feels like every time she has sex it's going to be a threesome with Ray and Robbie. They were a package deal in her mind.

Matt had become an afterthought. She hadn't had sex with her husband in... what... about a month?! It's not that she didn't love her husband, in fact, he was the most attractive man she had ever met. He was a great provider, he was good to her, and he was good in bed.

The problem was that she knew she just couldn't say no to her two young, hung neighbors. They were taboo, forbidden, unknown, and unexplored. The way they treated her, the way they used her, and they seemed so cavalier about it, it was too tempting for her to resist. She had most men wrapped around her finger with as much as a smile. Now she felt like she had no control.

And she had to admit, she liked that. There was a deep desire within her. What scared her was this: the desire wasn't for this torrid affair to stop; the desire screamed inside her for MORE.

Liz moped around for a while, read a little, and tried to distract her mind. She put her swimsuit on and laid out by the pool. She set the alarm on her phone for three and resolved to swim laps until then. She would forget about the boys until her alarm sounded, then go check on them at that time.

She dove in and immediately locked into the freestyle pattern of swimming. Stroke overhead with one arm, kick, then stroke with the other. Turn and breathe. Stroke, kick, stroke, and breathe.

Liz glided through the water, hit the side of the pool, and proficiently flipped over, pushing off of the side as she reversed direction. Stroke, kick, stroke, and breathe. Repeat. Her body knew mechanically what to do without her needing to think about it.

With a flash, the image of Robbie smiling down at her, brandishing his thick, dark erection popped into her head.

She voluntarily pushed the memory out of her mind. Stroke, kick, stroke, and breathe.

"Don't think of the boys," she mentally willed herself. "Just... forget about those powerful teen cocks... those orgasms... How many had I had there in the foyer as they passed me between themselves like a play doll? Four? Five? I think I lost count after five."

Her pussy throbbed. She remembered feeling Ray's cock pulse powerfully as it deposited his hot cum against her cervix.

"No!" she yelled mentally. "Don't think of the boys, just don't," she resolved.

Stroke, kick, stroke, and breathe. How many laps was that? She turned her head to breathe again and was met with the shrill sound of her alarm.

She stopped abruptly, grabbing the side of the pool and pulling her dripping body out of the water. She patted herself dry, slipped off her wet bikini bottoms, and stepped into a summer skirt. She wore a white button-down shirt to hide her breasts that were falling out of her red bikini top.

Liz was determined to sneak up on the twins and make a note as to what exactly they were doing. She would then be able to text Mandy an update without anyone seeing she was even there.

It was a sincere effort to avoid their irresistible charms.

At Mandy's house, she keyed-in the passcode to the front door and quietly let herself in. The house was still. She could hear the ticking from the grandfather clock in the dining room and nothing else.

'Shit.' She realized they either weren't home, or they were asleep. This required more time searching for them and more opportunity to be discovered.

She mentally prepared herself to sneak upstairs to check if they were sleeping, although she realized this was probably a long shot. As she made her way to the staircase, she had to pass the kitchen. She peered through the deserted kitchen.

'Hmmmm," she mused softly, padding over to the large bay window that overlooked the pool and patio. A blur of motion caught her eye. Was that a basketball? She didn't get a clear look. There was a muffled splashing, but she couldn't see low enough to look into the pool.

Liz walked around to the back door. She wanted to sneak a peek into the pool, but would be seen if she just went out through the kitchen. Her heart pounded as she snuck around. She knew Mandy wanted her there, but still felt like she was doing something wrong. She just hoped that neither of the boys would spot her.

She could feel her bare pussy pulse with excitement, and at that moment she wished she had worn panties.

As she crept around the side of the house, she saw Ray in the pool. She recognized his hair and his long, lithe arms as he faced away from her, shooting a ball into a small floating net.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and before she knew it, she was in Robbie's strong arms.

"Hey Liz, critiquing Ray's shot?" he said playfully, gathering the squirming blonde and tossing her over his shoulder like a 10-lb. sack of potatoes.

"Robbie! Put me down now!" she screamed, half joking, half serious, and kicking her legs.

Robbie closed the short distance to the pool quickly.

"Ok, Liz, you got it!" Robbie laughed and launched her into the water.

Liz unceremoniously splashed into the pool. Ray turned around and gathered her, helping her get her bearings.

"God... COUGH... Robbie!" Liz complained, struggling in the billowing material of the soaked summer skirt.

"Oh come on, you were probably all hot and sweaty anyway," Ray said, smiling. He straightened her up and without asking, simply yanked the skirt down off of her waist.

Liz's head was swimming and it barely registered that Ray had removed her skirt. She was again reminded that she wasn't wearing panties.

"You need to warn me, Robbie! What if I'd had my cell?" she asked angrily, squinting up at him as he stood over her, on the edge of the pool.

Robbie laughed, looking down at her. Liz's thin, white cover-up had become completely see through in the water. The wet material clung to her oversized breasts. In the commotion from being thrown in the pool, her tiny red bikini top had shifted and was no longer covering her nipples.

Robbie stared at her enormous, wet tits and her large, pinkish-red nipples.

"Damn, Liz, we missed you! And, I could tell that you didn't have your phone. No pockets!" he laughed.

Liz was still a bit dazed in the bright sunlight. Robbie was talking to her and Ray was behind her with his hands on her hips. She could feel his muscular chest push into her back. The lump in his shorts poked against the top of her butt and her lower back.

She was staring at Robbie's wet trunks, just above her. She was dazed, remembering how big his cock felt inside her, how it swelled even bigger and harder as he unloaded his cum deep inside. She could see the outline of his prodigious cock, thick and long.

'Jesus help me.' She thought.

Just thinking about the enormous cock had a hypnotic affect upon her, which seemed to cause her to move in slow motion. Ray was standing behind her, rubbing her shoulders. His fingers casually made their way to the buttons of her wet top, which he quickly removed.

"Wait..." Liz said absently as Ray took off the button up. Her undersized bikini top was askew. She clutched at it in an attempt to cover up, but Ray had unhooked the strap in the back. Her huge breasts spilled over her arms as she tried to hold them back.

"Hey, I was wearing that!" Liz complained, turning to Ray. She had snapped herself out of her trance. "Come on, that's not fair," she said only half smiling.

Ray gathered Liz toward him with one hand and held up her top with the other. "Oh, this little thing?" it was just out of her reach. She'd have to let go of her breasts to grab her bikini top.

Liz couldn't help but smile broadly in Ray's arms. She laughed and stretched her arms up to get her top, pressing her bare breasts against Ray. Just as she felt the edge of the fabric, Ray tossed the small garment to his brother.

Ray's smooth young skin felt exciting to Liz's touch, just as Robbie's had when he threw her into the pool. As she turned to Robbie in their little game of keep-away, she felt her resolve melting away. She longed to be handled by the twins again.

Robbie sat down on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. Liz waded over to him, now completely naked, followed closely by a grinning Ray.

"Come on, give it back," she said sweetly to Robbie. She closed the distance between them and moved between his legs.

"What, this?" Robbie played, raising the red top above Liz. "Its right here, just grab it."

Liz felt the wet material at the tips of her fingers and reached. Robbie jerked it up suddenly, and Liz hopped slightly, her large wet tits bouncing and wobbling playfully. Robbie continued moving his hand until he was holding it over his own head, drawing Liz close to him.

They looked into each other's faces, just inches away, both smiling. The sexual energy was off the charts. Liz moved in close to Robbie. She noticed Robbie's thick erection surge between them.

Liz's hand closed over Robbie's just as Robbie moved his upper body down toward her. The two entwined in a passionate kiss. Liz felt Robbie's hand firmly grip her bare, wet breast and they kissed in a building frenzy.

Robbie kissed Liz aggressively. Their tongues were forceful and deliberate. Liz began moaning openly at the thought of his surging rod, held back by his wet trunks. At that moment, Liz was given over to her desires to be used by these two young men again. She was swept up in the sexual moment and joined right in as if they had never left off from last week.

Robbie broke the kiss, startling Liz slightly. He saw the lust in her eyes; she wanted it. He pushed her back slightly and sat up as Liz put her hands on his knees. Ray was behind her, holding her hips and playing with her ass cheeks, rubbing and squeezing them.

"If you want your top back so bad..." Robbie started, untying his shorts, "...then just..." he reached inside and abruptly yanked his cock out. It sprang out, wobbling as it grew stiffer. He deliberately hung her small bikini top around the base of his thick, dark rod. "...grab it..." he said finally, smiling, using one hand to push his jutting member toward her.

Despite herself, Liz looked down at the twitching black cock. She knew she wanted to resist, she wanted to be a good wife, but she couldn't help herself. Her mouth was already watering. Her heart was pounding. Her pussy was hot and aching to be filled.

She observed every inch of his beautiful dark cock. The bottom had a thick tube surrounded by the muscular shaft. It surged toward her, the head flared out, stretching and growing. His tip gently brushed the soft skin of her dangling breasts.

Her eyes moved from the black rod up to its owner. Robbie's smiling young face stared back at her with a look of eager encouragement. She moved her hands from Robbie's knees and wrapped them both around his shaft, just above her red bikini top, nestled in his pubic hair.

Liz pumped Robbie's cock and he reached forward, taking her by the hair and pulling her back into his face. Their lips met again, resuming their fevered kiss. She moaned and their spit mixed sloppily. She felt Ray behind her. He shifted her hips back slightly and pushed her legs a little wider apart.

At that moment, the three of them felt an unspoken bond. Robbie broke the kiss, pulling Liz's head back by the hair. She looked down at the black tower in her hands. She felt the other cock nudging against her pussy. Both her mouth and pussy, anticipated the feeling of being stuffed full. Her craving grew from anticipation to need. She needed to be full of black cock and the boys knew it.

Robbie pushed Liz's head down onto his cock. Ray penetrated Liz's pussy at the exact same time as Robbie's filled her mouth. There was a collective moan that all three expressed at having come together in the familiar threesome.

The two males inserted into their female: a complete sexual circuit. There was instantaneous rhythm that took control of the trio as they began their sexual dance.

Ray's pace was slowed by the water. He was forced to fuck Liz using long, slow strokes. Liz enjoyed having sex in the pool for just that reason; it slowed the movement and made fucking more pleasurable. Ray's hands gripped Liz's thin waist and filled her as deep as he could. He felt the water currents created by his thrusts swirl in and around his balls. Liz freed her right hand and began rubbing her clit. It took all of a few seconds for her to cum in warm gushes onto Ray's steel-hard dick.

Her moans and cries were garbled and distorted as her mouth was full of Robbie's dick. Saliva dripped in bubbles and strands down his shaft as she bobbed her head energetically. His dick was long and thick, so Liz had to bob up and down in a long motion to accommodate his large tool. She sucked and moaned through her orgasm, backing herself fully onto Ray. She relished feeling his dick deep within her, riding the last wave of her orgasm. She removed her mouth from around Robbie and breathed deeply, a long line of saliva stretched between them until it broke off.

The twins switched places as Liz continued to catch her breath.

She started licking Ray while Robbie drilled her from behind.

"The water is slowing me down," Robbie complained.

"I hear you. It makes it tough to get a faster rhythm," Ray agreed.

Liz was focused now on Ray's cock. Using both her hands to stroke it while her mouth sucked on the top half.

She was humming as she feasted herself on the meaty shaft. Smooth, slippery strokes and the ever-satisfying feeling of being full of cock caused her to tremble with sexual pleasure in endless blissful waves.

Robbie, Ray, and Liz were making an awful racket as they splashed, groaned, slapped onto to each other in the large pool.

Mandy had her cellphone pressed to her ear.

"Roger, you said we could go to Lavender's tonight. Not tomorrow. Tonight. I took the afternoon off so I could get my nails done and look sexy for you!"

Mandy was not happy. She had been looking forward to this date-night for two months and it looked like her husband was still reviewing plays, or some other bullshit he said he did for the team.

"Just forget it." She ended the call, not even waiting for a response, and slowed her car as she approached Liz and Matt's house.

"There's Matt." She said to herself.

Mandy rolled down the window and called out.

"Hello Counsellor!" She teased.

She liked Matt. Over the past several weeks the two had run into each other many times both at court and in the neighborhood. They had fun with the fact that they were both lawyers as well as neighbors.

Mandy noted Matt's tight slacks and his nice ass. She was surprised she had never noticed his butt before.

Matt held his suit jacket over his shoulder and looked like a model out of a magazine. He was a very handsome man, even more so when dressed in a suit for work.

Mandy could definitely see what Liz saw in him. Slightly muscular and toned, six feet tall, beautiful brown hair that he wore slightly longer, charming smile, blue eyes, and intelligent. Mandy had heard he was the most successful partner in his firm.

Mandy was also acutely aware of how long it had been since her husband had touched her sexually. Her pussy grew wet watching the handsome man.

Matt turned around with his perfect smile and walked toward Mandy's car.

"Counsellor Harris." Matt extended his arms across the driver's door of the car.

"Any interesting cases?"

Matt thought Mandy was beautiful. She looked especially sexy in her white spandex shirt that clung to her full, round breasts. She looked great dressed in white. It contrasted with her smooth, black skin. She had a wide, radiant smile that revealed a truly beautiful woman both inside and out.

"Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing!" They both laughed.

"Any news of two mischievous teenagers in the neighborhood?"

Matt turned his attention to the Harris home and then back at her.

"No, actually. Last week, Liz talked about them going to a movie or something and that they seemed like typical teenage boys to her, hanging out and being bored, but that's about all I've heard."

Mandy laughed.

"I haven't heard from her yet, and she was supposed to text me an update." Mandy shrugged her shoulders.

"I know it's not fair that I ask her to do this. Please let her know I appreciate the effort."

Mandy had another thought.

"Hey! Why don't we all go out to dinner as a 'thank you'? My treat."

Matt liked the idea. It was about time the two couples went out and got better acquainted. Mandy seemed like an interesting person and as a second-string quarterback for the Cowboys, Matt thought Roger would be a blast to talk to.

"Yes, that would be a great idea. Let's do it!" Matt insisted.

"Great! I'll give Liz a call tonight to pick a date. Talk to you soon!" Mandy smiled.

"Looking forward to it! See you later." Matt continued his stroll up the driveway to his home.

Mandy stole one last look at his perfectly rounded butt and shook her head before pulling away and parking her car in her driveway.

Before Matt entered his house, he watched Mandy exit her car from his position two houses down. She got out of the driver's side and went to the back seat. Mandy bent over fully, presenting Matt with a great view of her curvy, sexy bottom. He appreciated her plump, round cheeks almost without realizing it. Her ass looked amazing in the tight, lime green skirt. It rode up slightly as she reached for something in the car.

Mandy retrieved her laptop bag and straightened herself, slinging it over her shoulder. She noticed Matt was looking her way as he went inside. Mandy smiled her easy smile and waved. Matt waved back. Mandy stepped into her own house, thinking about how Matt reminded her of a guy she dated in college, before Roger.

"Boys? Hello?" Mandy closed the front door of her home and quickly shuffled the mail in her hands as she walked into the kitchen. The house was silent.

Mandy read the envelopes as she called out again.

"Robbie? Ray?"

She looked up, out one of the kitchen windows. Mandy could see her son, Ray, sitting on the edge of the pool, shirtless, with his back to her. His hands were spread out behind him, propping himself up. She could hear his muffled baritone as he spoke to someone. Ray shifted his body back onto his elbows. Mandy could see motion in his lap. Where was Robbie?

The mail in her hands fluttered to the floor with a soft smack as it landed flat. Her beautiful, burgundy-red lips parted in astonishment, her eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"Good Lord." She said aloud.

Mandy watched in shock as Liz's upper torso bobbed up and down in Ray's lap. She could clearly see the naked blonde's huge breasts and big pink nipples as they bounced up and down. Only the tip of Ray's cock was visible jutting out of the top of her cleavage. In the water behind the pale blonde stood her other son. His hands were gripping her shoulders as he was thrusting into her powerfully, jostling her. It was obvious what was going on under the surface of the water.

Mandy was confronted with the disturbingly pornographic scene taking place between both of her boys and Liz about forty feet from her in her own pool.

Anger and rage, gave way to a sick, sinking feeling as she watched her two beautiful young men obscenely man-handle her neighbor. It was a terrible sight for her to have to take in. She put her hand on the marble counter top to steady her weakening knees.

"Fuck that fucking cunt-whore-bitch," she said as if it were one word saved especially for this sort of occasion.

Wanting to scream, she instead decided to acquire evidence. She needed a recording, or at least pictures in case this turned into a criminal case. She didn't want Liz crying '****' as an effort to save her reputation once she was confronted with the fact she was having sex with two black boys.

As she watched her sons fuck the voluptuous white woman, Mandy quickly clicked a series of pictures of the two young men having their way with the busty blonde woman in her pool.

They seemed oblivious to their surroundings, so she found it wasn't difficult to do.

She switched her camera to video and crept over to the door. With trembling hands, Mandy opened the door as quietly as she could.

"Fuck yeah," she heard her son Ray. "Work that dick," he said to Liz. Mandy's face burned with anger.

"Oh fuck, Robbie. Fuck my pussy. Stretch it!" Liz grunted, never breaking pace with her bouncing tits.

Mandy hit the record button and stretched her arm out, capturing the scene.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Liz panted. "I'm cumming again... uuuuuuunnngggggh," she reported breathlessly, her face contorted.

"God damn, that pussy's tight!" Robbie exclaimed, punctuating his comment with a series of rough slaps on Liz's ass.

"Pump that dick. Fuck yeah. Uuuugh! Don't stop... UUUUNGH!" Ray cried.

"Uuuuuunggggh...uuuuunnngh!" Liz moaned, overwhelmed with pleasure. Ray's cum began to douse her face.

Ray brought his hand down on the blonde's head, pushing his cock up through her cleavage and into her open mouth. "Uuungh, in your mouth. Uuugh, gag on it. " He pushed Liz's straining lips down onto his bucking shaft.

Mandy looked at her phone screen in horror, watching the blonde's mouth work on her son's big penis as he climaxed. She had seen enough and stopped the recording.

"You ready for this baby?" Robbie asked from behind. He gathered her arms and held them for leverage as he prepared for his big finale. The wet slapping sound became faster.

This scene was too much for Mandy. She couldn't watch any more. She was sickened by the display. Given the way they moved together, and what was being said, Mandy deduced that they had done this before.

Mandy shrunk back into the house. She could hear Robbie's words, building in climactic tone as she closed the door quietly. Her head was spinning. Mandy walked back outside to the front. She took a moment to catch her breath before she entered her car, then sat with her head in her hands before putting her car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. She needed to think about all that had just happened.

Parking her car toward the end of the street, near the cul-de-sac, she called Roger.

Summer time for Roger was mostly about practice and team meetings. He kept an office in the Cowboy franchise business building, as many other players did, as a private, professional space and sort of a home away from home.

Roger answered the phone only after several rings and seemed out of breath.


"Are you practicing, baby?" She asked this, but knew the answer was "no" as she knew there was no physical work planned for that evening.

"What? Oh, yeah. No, I was just coming back from the bathroom." She heard the phone go quiet on his end as if his hand was covering over the microphone. She also heard her husband raise his voice despite his effort to muffle it.

Mandy was suspicious of Roger, and for good reason. Two years ago, this summer, she had caught him, or at least heard him having sex, in the spare bedroom of their old house during a day when she was supposed to be in court. It was shocking to hear her husband with another woman. Mandy felt betrayed. Rather than confront him in the act, she left without his knowing she was there. She cried for hours before approaching him at home, alone. She decided then that she would stay married to him for the sake of the family and they never brought the affair up again. Their sex life had suffered greatly since then.

"Who were you talking to?" Mandy felt the familiar pangs of jealously grow in her gut.

"Oh, it's just Tom and Eddie. They were in my office trying to get me to have a scotch."

Mandy knew both the men her husband referred to and how they liked to drink while at work. She still didn't believe him, but realized there was nothing to gain from making her suspicions known.

Mandy's suspicions were accurate. Roger was still involved with his Asian girlfriend who was patiently waiting for him to get off the phone with his wife.

The reason for Mandy's call was to tell her husband about catching Liz with Ray and Robbie, but now she thought better of it. As she was on the phone she could envision Roger taking an interest in Liz, and vice-versa. Her blood boiled at the thought. No, she was going to keep this to herself.

"What time will you be home?" Mandy asked curtly.

"About an hour."

"Fine. Bye."

Mandy turned her phone off and sat in her car, fuming over her sons, Roger, and that slut, Liz. She wanted to beat her senseless, upload the video and advertise what a whore she had for a neighbor.

She then thought of Matt and instantly changed her attitude about the event. Poor Matt. She had to tell him. Just knowing what was happening behind his back endeared him to her. They now shared the horrible reality of being married to a cheating spouse.

The graphic scene from the pool played over repeatedly in her head. She had to do something, she wasn't capable of being completely silent about this. She knew she wouldn't be able to pretend everything was normal around her two perverted sons. She needed to talk to someone.

After spending several minutes in serious thought, she decided. Liz was going to pay for her lack of self-control. She was going to tell Matt.

Robbie continued to pound Liz from behind. Slamming into her while grabbing her arms, the torturously slow pace that the pool water required finally resulted in an explosive orgasm. He unloaded his potent semen deep into her womb as Liz arched her back and shuddered through what seemed to be her fourth or fifth orgasm of the afternoon. She always came when one of the boys filled her with cum.

She moaned and hummed and tried her best to take all of Ray's cum as he finished in her throat. Choking, gagging, spitting, she worked hard to accept his spurting load.

Ray held her head down, pressing deep into the back of her throat. He made sure to gag Liz, pushing to the back as far as she could handle. Her body lurched and he finally eased his grip, wondering if she'd actually tasted any of the hot load he spewed into her gullet. Liz grabbed his thick cock and squeezed every drop of hot cum into her mouth swallowing proudly. She pumped him as he let her raise off of his spent dick.

The three remained in their positions for a few moments. Ray was absently rubbing some of his errant cum into Liz's nipples and playing with her huge bouncy tits. Robbie was still enjoying Liz's clenching, twitching pussy as his cock softened inside her.

"Holy shit, Liz! It just keeps getting better and better!" Ray smiled, bouncing Liz's tits in his palms.

Liz was instantly filled with shame and regret. The orgasms were mind-blowing, but as they faded, her conscience was beginning to override her desires for sex with the twins.

Ray leaned in for a kiss, but Liz turned aside, offering her cheek instead.

"We can't do this again." She protested, "I love Matt and this is so wrong, I don't even know where to begin."

"Yeah, okay, Liz." Robbie smiled contemptuously from behind her. He was still hard enough to give her well-fucked pussy a few short strokes. He found a strange satisfaction hearing Liz denounce any potential for future affairs while he had his dick inside her.

Ray laughed too, leaning back and gently tapping his semi-turgid member against her pale chest. "You're a freak, Liz. You can't help yourself." Ray sounded cocky, as if he had some insight that Liz was unaware of. His comment infuriated her.

"Fuck off." Liz got out of the pool, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body. She collected her wet clothes and wrung them out while glaring at the two teens.

"See you in a couple of days!" Robbie waved.

Liz huffed angrily and straightened her wet hair putting her Bikini and shirt back on. She wrapped the towel tightly around her body as she turned and left. She reckoned she still had an hour before Matt came home.

Liz nearly suffered a heart attack when she noticed Matt's car in the drive way as she approached her house.

Luckily for Liz, Matt was in the shower as she entered the back door and slipped into some dry clothes she had in the laundry room.

She was able to clean herself back in the pool for the most part, so at least she didn't smell like the twins, or their cum. She would have to shower later.

Liz texted Mandy her update:



Mandy was quick to respond in a short reply:


Liz began to prepare dinner as Matt came downstairs in shorts and a T-shirt.

"How was your day, Liz?"

He came up from behind her and kissed her neck. Little did he know that she had two huge, black penises in her only moments ago.

Liz began her lies. "Boring. I read, then paid some bills." Liz didn't look up from the sink as she washed some vegetables for dinner.

"Did you text Mandy? I saw her on her way home about a half hour ago."

Liz looked up at Matt, shocked that she allowed herself to come so close to being discovered.

"A half hour ago?" Liz repeated, suddenly terrified.

Liz began to think, 'Was it possible that Mandy saw us and didn't say anything?' Liz calmed herself by thinking Mandy must not have seen anything, or else she would have said something. Liz felt sick to her stomach.

She resolved never to have sex with the twins, or anyone else outside of Matt, for the rest of her life.

"Yes, I just texted her. The boys were fine."

She dried the vegetables and her hands.

"You know, Matt, I'm thinking about telling her I can't check in on them anymore; it's making me feel uncomfortable."

Liz had placed the vegetables on a tray and waited for Matt's response.

"Mandy wanted to take us out as a thank you for watching out for them. I know she appreciates the effort."

Liz leaned against the counter and looked down at the floor.

"Of course, if you don't feel comfortable, then you should explain that to her as well." Matt noticed Liz looked put-off about something.

"Don't you see my point, Matt? I mean, it's a little weird, isn't it?" Liz crossed her arms. She needed to get out of this responsibility.

"Yes, I can see your point. It might get awkward after a while. I'll call her tomorrow for you. She'll understand." Matt reassured his wife and walked over to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

"Would you do that for me?" Liz's mood lifted at the thought of getting out of the commitment and not having to have the difficult conversation too.

"I'll call her tomorrow," he confirmed.

Mandy had a difficult time at home that evening. What she wanted to do was take the twin's truck away from them, take away their technology, and beat them each to an inch of their life.

She instead changed the password to the Wi-Fi and pretended like the service was out. That would at least cause them a little discomfort for the rest of the evening anyway. She would deal with them tomorrow.

Roger didn't get home until after 11:00. By that time, Mandy had turned the lights off and cried herself to sleep. She had never felt so alone. She had resolved before she turned-in for the night to tell Matt about Liz tomorrow. She knew that she would have someone intelligent to talk to in Matt.

Matt tried to kiss on Liz in bed that night, but was rejected. This had been the third time in the past week where she had turned him down for sex, and probably six times in the past month. It wasn't like her. He fell asleep wondering what could be going on with his

beautiful, trophy wife.

Matt had just arrived at his office when he got a text from Liz reminding him to call Mandy.

He picked up his phone, "Hi Mandy. It's your neighbor, Matt."

Mandy was delighted Matt called her so early in the day. She had been up for three hours trying to decide when she should call him and what she should say once she did. She decided that she couldn't have this conversation over the phone.

"Hi, Matt! What a nice surprise!" Mandy was genuinely enthusiastic at receiving his call.

"Well, I wanted to talk about an issue that has been bothering Liz lately."

Mandy's eyebrows raised and her eyes narrowed. She waited for Matt to continue.

"Liz has told me that she feels uncomfortable checking on Robbie and Ray and last night I told her I would give you a call today and share this with you. She values your friendship and doesn't want this to interfere with that."

Mandy had a difficult time keeping her attitude positive and her tone pleasant. Matt didn't have a clue, she realized that it wasn't his fault his wife was a cold-hearted slut. She had to tread carefully.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that, Matt. I knew I was asking a lot. She could have called and told me herself! It's no big deal. Honestly, I'm a little surprised she has kept it up for as long as she had. I didn't know it was causing problems for her."

Mandy bit her lip. She maintained her decision not to tell Matt over the phone about Liz's cheating. But it was difficult.

"The funny thing is, she hasn't really mentioned it until last night. So, no worries. It hasn't caused any problems at all." Matt reassured Mandy.

"Tell her not to worry about it. Her reports to me tell me the boys are fine and I don't need to keep track of them quit as diligently as before. I guess I was just being overly cautious."

"That's great, thanks, Mandy."

"Matt, there is something I was needing to discuss with you, but I can't do it over the phone. Are you free for coffee later? Say in about an hour?"

"Today? Well, yes. I guess I could break free."

"Great. How about 10:30 at that coffee shop just outside your building."

Mandy's firm was located about two blocks from Matt's.

"Sounds good, Mandy. I look forward to it. See you then."

Matt ended the call wondering what Mandy needed to talk to him about. He assumed it was a professional matter regarding one of the partners in her firm, which could explain why she didn't want to discuss the matter over the phone at work.

Mandy was first to arrive at the coffee shop. She purchased her coffee and sat at a table that was away from the counter and the other customers. She opened the pictures and video of Liz and her boys. She couldn't finish watching the video, it was too disturbing a sight.

She took off her suit jacket and made herself comfortable. She wore a short-sleeved, cream-colored blouse with her black business skirt and jacket. She had selected one of her sexier bras when she dressed this morning as she thought about possibly meeting with Matt. She realized while lying in bed last night that she was quite attracted to him.

Matt waved at Mandy as she sat alone at a table by some windows toward the back of the shop. She looked sexy in her top. He hadn't noticed how large her breasts were before. After getting some coffee, he joined her.

"Counsellor." He smiled.

"Counsellor." Mandy's smile wasn't as broad this morning.

The two shook hands and Matt sat across from the beautiful black woman.

"How are you, Matt?"

"Great! A little slow at the office. Summer's usually are. You?"

"Busy, but not crazy. It's nice, summers are a little less hectic, aren't they?"

"Matt, I need to just come out and tell you something very important."

Matt could sense this was serious. Her expression was sorrowful, her eyes wide, but dull. There was no hint of a smile. He had no idea what she could need to say that had anything to do with him.

"Before I say anything more, I want you to know that I am deeply sorry about this. It is not in any way my doing, nor do I derive any pleasure from what has happened, or what I'm about to say."

Mandy opened her camera on her phone and swiped to the first picture. She enlarged it, then handed it over to Matt and looked down at the table.

Matt looked at Mandy. Then took the phone in his hand and looked at the first picture.

He saw what could not be. His beloved wife of sixteen years in what looked to be Mandy's pool sucking on a huge black dick. He shrank the picture to see one of Mandy's sons grabbing her by the hips. It was obvious he was fucking her.

Matt began to tremble and felt nauseas. He ran his free hand through his hair. Closed his eyes hard, then looked at the image again.

Putting the phone down, he looked up at Mandy.

"What the fuck is this?!" His voice was quiet, but full of emotion.

"I'm sorry." Was all she offered.

"When did you take these? How long..."

"I only found out yesterday evening, after we spoke."

"You took these yesterday!?" Matt was dumbfounded.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Matt, but there was no way I wasn't going to tell you, and rather than go back and forth, I thought I would just show you the pictures. One reason why I took the pictures in the first place was that I didn't think you would believe me."

"There's more!?" Matt's eyes widened.

"There a few more photos and a short video. Everything is on the phone. I wanted you to see for yourself, and to prove that the sex was consensual...just in case."

Matt tapped the phone a few times, shifted in his seat, then looked up at Mandy.

"This is beyond belief! I don't know what to say. She has everything. I thought we were happy."

Matt then opened the video.

The video showed the same position from a slightly different angle. He pressed play and was immediately sorry he did.

Loud moaning suddenly came from the phone. He quickly paused it, looking around the shop to see if anyone had heard.

He muted the volume and continued.

It was painfully obvious that his wife was thoroughly enjoying herself. This was no sexual assault. It was indeed consensual, and Matt wondered how many times the three of them had had sex.

After a few moments, he put the phone down. His eyes filled with tears.

"Matt, I know how you feel. Roger has been unfaithful to me as well. We hardly talk anymore and the marriage continues mostly for the sake of the boys."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mandy. Liz and I don't have c***dren, so as of right now, we are done. I can't go back to that."

Anger was beginning to set in.

"This is probably why we haven't made love for the past month."

Mandy reached out to hold Matt's hand.

He took her hand with both of his and squeezed it firmly.

"How do you keep from killing Roger? Because that's exactly what I want to do to Liz right now."

"It's not easy. I just focus on my job. When I'm home, a little red wine and an old movie on cable help a lot. But there's no replacement for the loss of sex and physical intimacy. That's the hardest part."

"Could you delete that please? I couldn't take it if it were to show up on the Internet somehow."

"I will delete it." Mandy assured Matt, although she knew she wasn't going to delete the video just yet.

Matt's head was pounding. He had no idea what to do next. He felt like going home and kicking Liz's ass out on the street, but she was also his best friend. The enormity of her betrayal was truly devastating.

The two sat silently for several minutes before Matt asked, "What would you do, Mandy? If you were me?" Matt gazed into Mandy's deep, sultry eyes.

Mandy was growing more attracted to Matt with each passing moment. He was a sincere, yet confident man. She liked that. He was genuine.

"To answer your question, I wouldn't do anything right now. Wait until we get a chance to talk more. I know you two have been together a long time. I know you love her, and I know she's gorgeous, just wait a few days. In the meantime, though, I wouldn't trust her."

"How can I?" Matt responded. "She had a threesome with two young neighbors!"

"Listen, Matt, I'm pissed too. They are my boys, my c***dren. They may be eighteen, but they're still in high school for God's sake! I'm pissed at her almost as much as you are, but I also have a cheating husband as well as two perverted sons who apparently watch far too much porn."

Mandy continued.

"Why don't we continue to meet and talk about it. I have no one to talk to about Roger's affair, or this, and I know you probably don't want to talk with anyone about Liz's cheating either."

Matt agreed.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to mention this to anyone." Matt said.

"I'm going back to work. I have your number. I'll call you. Is that okay?" Matt began to get up.

"That sounds good. Between the two of us, we will work out a plan." Mandy got up with Matt.

The two reached out for each other simultaneously and hugged.

Matt felt Mandy's warm, firm embrace and returned it. He'd never been this close to her. She had an atmosphere more than a scent. Matt found it surprisingly heady. They hugged longer than he was expecting. Longer than would have been appropriate under different circumstances.

He felt a slight rise in his crotch just about the time they broke off their embrace.

That evening, Matt came home to find Liz taking a nap. It looked as though she had been busy framing pictures and rearranging some furniture. Matt was too upset to assess whether he liked what she was doing or not.

He would normally give her a kiss to wake her up and spend some time with her over a beer or glass of iced tea, but today he decided to sit on the front patio and call Mandy.

The two talked for about twenty minutes on how to proceed. They both felt that confronting Liz and the twins was not something they wanted to do, not yet anyway. They agreed to meet for coffee before work the next day.

Matt was thankful that Mandy was in his life at that moment. This fallout was a lot to go through. Mandy was going through the same thing, only slightly ahead of Matt. She seemed genuinely sorry about the whole situation and just wanted to make things easier for him. He felt he had found a true friend in her.

Just then he heard the door open. It was Liz.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Liz came out to the shaded, stone patio at the front of the house and sat on a padded wrought-iron chair.

She didn't try to kiss him, which was strange as she would normally kiss him whenever he came home from work.

"How was your day?" She asked. Her cheerful tone was tinged with anxiety.

Matt tried his best to keep his anger at bay.

"Fine. Worked with a partner on that negotiation coming up next week. I will be working longer hours for a while."

Liz couldn't take more time alone. She truly feared that she was going to "slip" and wander next door, or that the twins would come looking for her and she wouldn't be able to refuse them face to face.

"Oh, yes, I remember." Liz looked down.

Matt sighed and tried to act normal.

"How was your day, baby?"

"Boring. I cleaned the house a little. Framed some pictures of your family and our trip to Spain. Tomorrow I may shop for a new sofa for the living room by the kitchen."

Liz continued to explain how parts of the house needed new furniture and paint and where she was going to go that week to get these things.

The two had dinner while watching an old movie. Matt got out some red wine and pretended to watch as he thought about what Mandy must be doing at that time.

Liz noticed a change in Matt. It was almost like he was angry with her. This only added to guilt and remorse she felt at having cheated.

When Mandy came home, she discovered Roger was again going to be late. She also had to listen to her sons complain about no Internet. All of this was somehow more tolerable now that she had Matt to share her secret with. She looked forward to seeing him alone again. As soon as the twins were in their rooms for the night, she slipped into her own bed. Thoughts of Matt's tight, round butt and his handsome face ran through her mind. She began touching herself, thinking of his strong embrace, how she noticed a sudden nudge before they broke their hug that morning.

An intense orgasm overcame her. Mandy gasped and arched her back, frantically stroking her sopping pussy. The pleasure and subsequent endorphin rush brought on the most peaceful sleep Mandy could remember in months.

The next morning, Matt found himself to be in better spirits. Still sore from yesterday's news, but looking forward to his meeting with Mandy that morning.

The two met at the same coffee shop as the day before and talked about their spouses and the physical and legal options they both had.

They agreed that they both had quite a bit to lose with a divorce. They would each have to divide their assets and move. Mandy would have custody of the twins, at least through their senior year in high school. It was complicated and there were multiple levels of potential issues, legal and personal. At the end of their second meeting, it seemed that divorce was probably not going to happen anytime soon.

They did however, discover that they were very fond of each other and after about a half hour of very pleasant conversation (even as they discussed their spouses cheating and the logistics of a divorce), the two decided to meet at the coffee shop every morning before starting their day.

For the next two weeks while at home, they began to text each other updates. Matt would text about Liz saying she was bored and her unsuccessful efforts to have sex with him.

Mandy would share those nights when Roger had his so-called late-night football meetings.

They also encouraged each other to not give-in to their spouses and have sex. It was part of the punishment, part of the retaliation. They took solace in each other and their daily, friendly texts became flirtatious.

What they didn't text, and what each was beginning to wonder, was when their self-imposed celibacy was supposed to end.

Mandy and Matt were actively fantasizing about each other at night and masturbating to the thought of having sex together, although neither of them knew it. Matt had become mentally preoccupied with Mandy over the course of the two weeks since she revealed the affair.

Mandy had gone as far as to have saved several pictures of Matt she had found after searching for his name online. She looked at the ones that showed him in a swimsuit while on a beach during a recent vacation. He posted these to his Facebook account when he first opened it, about a year ago.

Liz had been relieved of her "checking-in" responsibility and therefore had no reason to visit her neighbors without Mandy being home. She made sure her car was parked in the garage and she did not respond to the two texts the boys sent to her last week. As far as she was concerned, the tryst was over.

She felt cheap, slutty, and awful. It appears Matt was less interested in her, almost as if he knew about her and the twins. Lately, he seemed to be very busy with work and his work involved more interaction with Mandy than ever before. She noticed a couple of texts from her neighbor the other night, but thought nothing of it.

Liz was also getting very horny lately. She had to constantly put sex out of her mind and she couldn't imagine what she was going to do about it.

At the beginning of their third week as co-conspirators, Mandy and Matt met, as usual, at their coffee shop near their law offices; only today, Mandy wasn't dressed for work, but was in jeans and a light blue tank top.

"Is it casual dress day at Smith and Levy?" Matt joked taking a good long while to look her up and down.

"I'm not going in today," She said resolutely, "I have several personal days that I've saved up and I'm using one!" She smiled.

"That sounds fantastic! I hope you're able to take some time for yourself today."

Matt sat across from her at their regular table, encouraging her.

Mandy settled into her chair and leaned toward Matt asking, "How was last night?"

The handsome man stared down at the table, immediately taken by the somber thought.

"I didn't say much. It's still tough not to lash out and start yelling, it's not getting any easier yet...I don't know how you do it, Mandy."

Mandy reached out and took his hand briefly.

"I cry, that's how I do it. I cry and I drink wine and I go to bed. At least I used to. Not so much lately."

She smiled warmly at Matt and began caressing the side of her cup.

Matt knew exactly what she meant. The two had become very close in this short period of time and he found her to be a regular source of encouragement; he frequently fantasized about her.

Matt continued, "I want her to pay for her cheating. I want to punish her. I don't know if I want a divorce yet, but I'm not ready to forgive or forget."

"Yes," his friend agreed.

Mandy leaned forward to bring her leg up and under her body, now sitting on it as she spoke with Matt. She noticed the movement caught Matt's attention as she exposed her cleavage to him. She was thrilled that he looked for slightly longer than what would be an incidental glance.

She made sure to press her arms together-trapping her breasts between them-as she listened to give him more of a show.

"I've always wanted to give to Roger what he gave to me: no sexual contact, no emotional or physical intimacy, and no time; but I have needs too! And I'm torn between wanting 'it', and wanting to punish him by not giving in, or even letting him know that I want 'it' for that matter. You know what I mean? This week was easy. He only approached me once."

Matt congratulated her and added,

"I definitely understand not being able to be intimate or have sex. For the past month, she has either been too tired, or somehow unavailable."

Matt continued,

"We used to have sex about four to five times per week. On a slow week, we might have sex three or four times. But now, and since the twins have been in the picture, it's been nothing, even when I tried to be romantic, she would refuse. So, knowing what I now know, there's no way I'm giving in. She's lost a good deal of her appeal."

Matt noticed that Mandy was shifting around in her seat a lot. She had this sexy tank top on and some sort of push-up bra that was causing her breasts to press against the fabric and over the low neckline of her shirt.

He was becoming hard while watching her body move.

The two sat silent for a moment. There was a sexual energy that was being exchanged, and they both felt it. Mandy had a flirtatious look about her. Matt picked up a huge sexual vibe and was surprised how attracted he was to her at that moment. He had never had a black girlfriend, never really thought about it until now.

After more silence, Mandy asked,

"So, how was she? You know, if you don't mind my asking. How is, was, Liz in the sack?"

Matt quickly put his coffee cup down for fear of spilling it.

"Wow! Okay. I wasn't expecting that. Ok, Mandy, I'll tell you. She was great. She knows how to use all her assets in bed. She likes to both...give and receive, you know?" She likes a variety of positions, and she used to be horny most of the time."

Matt quickly continued his summary.

"Before she began cheating, I can recall only once or twice when she turned me down. She usually had multiple orgasms, two or three every time we had sex."

Matt relaxed in his chair. He loved where this conversation was going. Even though he was discussing his sexual relationship with his wife, Mandy was somehow taking his mind off Liz and was getting him sexually worked up. He had never cheated on his wife. The thought never really crossed his mind, until now.

"Your turn, Counsellor. How is, was, Roger? Big, black stud football player, right?"

Mandy leaned into the table pushing her tits out more. Matt's eyes stared boldly at her perfectly curved, light-brown breasts. She loved the effect she had on him.

Mandy cleared her throat.

"He is a big, black football player, yes. No doubt about it; but, sexually, he is more about what I can do for him than what he can do for me."

Mandy was looking deep into Matt's eyes. The two were in their own world in their booth at the coffee shop.

"Although he's a quarterback on the team, he is a receiver in bed." She pouted with the side of her mouth in a sort of scowl.

Matt laughed, "Clever! I like that!"

Mandy continued,

"He typically liked one or two positions, that's about it. I learned to modify my needs to ensure I had orgasms, but more often than not, I didn't."

Mandy paused, troubled by the difficulties of her marriage, but then continued.

"Hey, why don't we talk about each other instead of our cheating, no good spouses? What do you say?" Mandy was smiling.

"Sounds good to me!"

Matt looked down again at her luscious breast cleavage reminding himself that it had been about a six weeks since he had had sex.

Matt felt Mandy's foot bump into his under the table.

"Sorry." He looked under the table and moved his feet so that they were to the outside of hers.

"I'm not." Mandy shot back at him with a wink and a smile.

Matt felt her feet rest atop his own, and then slide up each leg slowly, seductively. She had taken her heels off and was using her bare feet to caress his leg.

"Tell me more about what you like, Matt." Mandy laid out her challenge.

Matt eagerly took the bait.

"I like women who respond to me in bed. Not someone who thinks they're doing me a favor by having sex with me."

"Um hmm," Mandy agreed.

"A woman who enjoys sex as least as much as I do, hopefully more, who can and will have multiple orgasms."

"It's getting hot in here!" Mandy was fanning herself with her napkin playfully.

"One who can get lost in the passion of love-making. Who likes it fast and hard, as well as deep and slow."

"Good God, Matt. Okay. Stop."

Mandy's face was slightly shiny and her eyes wider than they were a few moments ago.

It was her turn.

"My turn. I like all of exactly what you described. All of that, but I would add anal."

Matt's hand was trembling. Liz didn't care for anal sex and it was at the top of Matt's sexual "wish-list." At eight inches and thicker than most, Liz felt Matt's penis was too big for her ass (Ray and Robbie didn't have a chance, although they both fantasized about fucking Liz in the ass).

Mandy continued.

"I love a man who is into me, pardon the pun. One who really wants to fuck me for who I am, to please me, and not just get off. Sex is an event, an occasion to me."

All Matt could do was nod in approval and wipe the sweat that was collecting above his brow. This was torture...he was noticeably aroused.

Mandy switched gears.

"So, Matt. What should we do about our spouses? Confront them? Divorce them? Separate? Retaliate?"

"It sounds like you've put a lot more thought into this than I have, Mandy. I think for now, I plan to retaliate and perhaps confront and separate at some point. Not sure about divorce, but that is definitely on the table."

"We're in the same boat, Matt. It will be so much easier to have someone like you to talk to through this process."

"Well, as much as I would like to keep talking with you, I guess I'd better get back to the office."

Mandy pouted as she rose to walk Matt out of the shop.

"I'll text you later." Matt and Mandy faced each other just outside the coffee shop on the busy street. Both were feeling nervous, jittery. Mandy made her move and reached up to hug Matt, only her hug was more face-to-face.

Matt embraced her hard and went straight for her lips. The passion that was building between the two had finally been allowed a minor release in their kiss. Mandy had a longing to her kiss, and cooed in surprise at Matt's forward move. Matt was surprised at how well Mandy kissed. Her lips wet and warm, her tongue was soft, yet very proactive in seeking his out. He knew the moment their lips touched that their strong chemistry could lead them into bed.

Not wanting to make a scene in public, the couple reluctantly broke free from each other. Matt began walking toward his office. "I'll call or text when my meeting is done."

Mandy replied, "You'd better!"

Matt didn't finish with his meeting until one o'clock. He returned to his office and contemplated going home for the day and talking with Mandy. Although it was Liz who had cheated, it was now Matt who felt he had to cover his tracks. As a partner in the firm, he held one of the three executive office suites on the floor, complete with a dressing area, shower, sink, and coffee bar. Matt kicked off his shoes and made himself an espresso. He sent his administrative assistant home since he had come in early to prep for the eleven o'clock meeting.

Matt sat on the leather couch in his office, about to text Mandy when the receptionist beeped-through to his phone.

"Yes?" Matt wasn't expected to be disturbed. He wanted some alone time to text, maybe call Mandy.

"There is an attorney from Smith and Levy here to see you."

Matt racked his brain trying to remember if he had forgotten an appointment. He opened his planner and saw he had nothing scheduled after the meeting he just wrapped-up.

"Tell him that I don't have any time today, get his contact info. and I'll set something up for next week." Matt walked back over to his couch.

"I'm sorry, she says it's urgent," the receptionist insisted.

Matt gave a deep sigh. "Okay, I'm coming out."

Matt put his shoes back on and straightened his tie. He walked down the hallway, past the atrium and into the reception area. He was surprised to see Mandy, sitting on the sofa in the waiting area dressed in a black pin-striped suit with a mid-length skirt. His huge smile said it all to Mandy, who beamed back, then took a more serious expression when she noticed the receptionist was looking her way.

She extended her hand. "Good to see you again, Matt. We need to discuss the Harris account, I hope you have some time."

Matt shook her hand firmly, "Hi Mandy, yes, I just got the email, come right in."

"Forward my calls, please, Diana." Mandy and Matt walked back to his office as if they were actually going to meet and discuss a case. Once inside, he poured her a glass of chardonnay.

"Thank you! How lovely!" Mandy smiled and looked around the office. "Shower, vanity, full-length mirror. Very nice, Counsellor!" Mandy was truly impressed.

"How private is your office?" she asked with a broad, devious smile.

Matt walked over and locked the door.

"No one comes in and when I tell the receptionist to forward my calls it means I'm not available." Matt's smile was sly, but his expression was just as suggestive.

Matt's adrenalin was at an all-time high. He had been fantasizing about Mandy for two weeks now and couldn't get her sexy figure and beautiful face out of his head. He sat on the couch observing his sexy visitor as she took in the surroundings.

Mandy sipped her wine, then set the glass down on Matt's desk. She walked near the couch and slipped out of her suit jacket. She folded it neatly and placed it on the end table.

"I got all dressed up in this nice suit," she spoke as she began unbuttoning her blouse, "just to get into your office and take it off." She concluded her sentence about the same time as she concluded unbuttoning of her blouse. "I had no idea it was this private. That's a bonus," Mandy said, letting her top slip off before neatly placing it on top of her jacket.

Matt watched every step and hung on every word, seated on his couch. He watched her strip, unabashedly raising a huge bulge in his slacks.

He thought Mandy was sexy, but as he watched her move slowly toward him, he realized she was absolutely irresistible. Her huge, round breasts were coming out of her white, lace, open-cup bra and jiggling as she moved. They were almost as large as Liz's.

She stopped about a yard away from Matt as he sat on the couch. She turned her back to him, but kept talking to him over her shoulder. "I decided that you and I need to break our celibacy together," she spoke casually and lowered the zipper on the side of the skirt. "That is, unless you have an objection..." she let her skirt slip off completely and carefully stepped out of it in her heels, then turned to him and added, "...Counsellor?"

Mandy had her skirt off and was standing in front of Matt in her white bra and matching bootie-short underwear. She stood with her hands on her hips. The tone of her skin was dark and radiant. Matt was overwhelmed by her exotic look. He couldn't resist adjusting his swelling member inside his slacks.

"Um, no ma'am, none here," he said nervously, watching as she approached.

Mandy reached him on the couch and placed her hands gently on his shoulders. She slipped onto his lap over him, a knee on each side of his body. She loved the dazed, but excited look on Matt's face.

She settled on his lap, facing him, and felt the thick lump poking between her thighs.

"Ooh, this is going to be fun!" She moved forward and gave him a full-lipped, hot kiss.

Matt returned her kiss and placed his palms directly on her bare nipples.

Mandy's skin erupted in goosebumps.

As they kissed passionately, Matt began playing with her large, dark breasts. He lifted them up and pushed them together. They were silky-smooth and deliciously full and heavy. He rubbed her exposed nipples until they became hard and pointed. She had an exquisite body.

Mandy broke the kiss and arched her back, moaning slightly and giving Matt better access to her huge, perky tits. She loved having them played with. But it made her incredibly horny. She leaned back in and resumed their kiss.

Matt was done with wearing clothes. He helped Mandy get up from his lap and placed her on her feet as the two stood together. He ended the kiss and began frantically tearing at his tie. He had it off in a flash and was unbuttoning his shirt. Mandy got the idea and used her hands to unbuckle his belt.

The two now worked frantically to get Matt undressed. Once he was naked, they embraced in another passionate kiss, only this time, there would be no one to interfere with the uncontrollable desire that they expressed for each other.

Matt spun Mandy around and pushed her down to the couch. She let him flop her down and before she knew it, he was on his knees between her legs, removing her panties. His hands moved with urgency, but he still took a moment to appreciate Mandy's body. She was like a new, freshly opened present.

He slid her panties down her sleek, dark legs. As he removed them over her heels, he noticed the warm, wet spot where they covered her pussy, revealing exactly how turned on she was. He carelessly threw them across the room.

All Mandy could do was coo and pant in anticipation.

As Matt eyed her hungrily, she began, "Oh baby, are you gonna-"

Without a word, Matt plunged his face between her legs while holding her legs up and back.

"Oh, yes! Please do that," she said before gasping as his tongue entered her.

Matt began devouring the bright pink pussy that was now open to him. He was salivating as his tongue lapped her lips and clit. He rubbed his face all over her, finally stopping at her very large and protruding clitoris.

"Oh right there honey please," Mandy was speaking quickly in a low tone as Matt did his thing.

Matt had never seen a clit as big and prominent as Mandy's; he loved it. He took the nearly inch-long nub into his mouth and sucked on it, pinching it between his lips and pulling it further out while flicking the tip of it with his flexed tongue.

"Ooooh," Mandy hummed like a revving motor. Her body was trembling uncontrollably.

Matt pressed his face into her mound and sucked on her clit as though it were a thick straw. He backed away and gently caressed it between his lips, then sucked it back into his mouth and began to dart his tongue over it quickly.

"Ooh Baby! Yes, yes, Matt. Keep that up...oh...GOD!...just like that. Keep..." Mandy paused her string of encouraging words to gasp for air, then her grip closed in his hair.

"Ahhhh...Ummmm...Ahhh...Ahhh!" she was grunting, grinding, and gyrating her hips onto Matt's face. He had released her legs and her hands grabbed hold of his hair and smashed herself against him. She was bucking her pussy onto his chin and alternately rubbing her swollen clit in his mouth. Matt had only been on her for about a minute before he began to feel a hot wetness flowing all around his face. It tasted sweet, but more like warm water than anything else. He couldn't get enough of her pussy. Mandy was breathing deeply. She just had two, back-to-back orgasms.

Mandy loved the feel of Matt's tongue and face. Not that Roger performed oral for her, but the stark contrast between Roger's course stubble and Matt's smoothly shaved face had Mandy's toes wiggling in her heels. It was already the best oral she had ever had, and he had only just started. She could feel her pussy lips relax and separate; his mouth slid effortlessly between them. His lips had her clit isolated and allowed for his tongue strum it fast and with force. He did this using a very fast tempo. In a matter of moments, it became overwhelming.

"Oh, God...oh, God...Oh, GOOOOD!" She grabbed his head, gasping, then, "Ffffuuuuccckkkk!!"

Matt felt more of her cum stream over his face. She came again, her body wracked by sharp jerks and jolts, and seconds later, again. Matt backed away from her clit and sucked her lips into his mouth where he twirled his tongue in wide, sweeping motions. He moved his mouth away from her pussy entirely and kissed her velvety inner thighs licking and puckering up to kiss them.

"My God, baby, you sure know what you're doing down there!"

Matt smiled as Mandy sat back on the couch catching her breath. He stood up and stroked his cock in front of her, while she panted below him, recovering. Her body was glowing with pleasure. Matt was so turned on, he felt he could pump volumes of cum onto her heaving, shiny, dark brown tits at any moment. He felt precum leak out of his tip. It dripped onto the floor and he immediately released his cock to avoid cumming and dousing Mandy in semen. His cock throbbed freely, obviously wanting to do just that.

"Whew, thank you baby! That was one of the best orgasms I've ever had!" Mandy said with a smile, reaching up to wrap her hands around his cock. "Why don't you have a seat," she said, rising. It was Mandy's turn to work on Matt.

Matt took her spot on the leather couch, sitting his bare ass right on the shiny spot where Mandy had spread her wetness. He opened his legs wide, letting his cock jut proudly up at Mandy.

She started talking, which was something Matt wasn't used to. Liz rarely talked except for when she was close to an orgasm. Mandy was a very proactive, vocal lover. Matt loved this about her.

She knelt carefully between his knees. "I've been fantasizing about you every night for weeks." She was looking him in the eyes as her mouth lowered to cover his throbbing dick head. She never broke off her stare as her red lips surrounded the first few inches of his shaft. She twirled her tongue around and sucked hard as she removed her mouth. She made a loud "POP" as she released his cock.

"You licked my pussy so good, baby. I can't remember ever cumming like I just did. I'm going to spoil you." Her lips covered his tip again, but this time quickly descended, taking his entire eight inches straight into her mouth, down her throat and held it there. Her lips buried into his short, brown pubic hair. Mandy's black skin contrasted with his white making the sight very exotic.

"Fuck!" Matt was taken by surprise. No one had deep-throated him like that.

Mandy bobbed shallowly and wormed her tongue out. She swiped her tongue over the bottom of the base of his shaft. He felt her hands on his balls. She brought his dangling nuts against her chin. While maintaining eye contact and holding him in her throat, she somehow managed to snake her tongue out even further. She was able to work his balls with her tongue as she kept him in her throat. She was an expert.

Mandy slowly came back up, inhaling deeply through her nose. She let her hands follow her mouth, moving from his balls to his shaft, again letting his cock "POP" loudly as it was released. She looked at him seductively, stroking his thick, hard, white dick in her hand, now slippery with her saliva.

"Your cock is perfect. Fills me up. I can't wait for you to stretch out my ass, Matt." Mandy's back was arched and her perfect tits were swaying with her stroking motion. She put her mouth over the top half of his cock. While holding the base of his shaft, Mandy bobbed her head quickly over his head, swirling her tongue.

Matt swallowed hard, having serious difficultly holding back. He felt his balls clench as his orgasm threatened. It would only take a few more strokes before he would be blasting Mandy's throat with his load.

To avoid cumming, he had to stop her. "Damn, you're good, Mandy," he said, seizing her eagerly bobbing head by the chin. "Hold-up, hold-up." Matt pleaded, then hissed through his teeth.

Mandy pulled her mouth off, "What's the trouble, lover?" She kept stroking.

Matt felt precum surge through his shaft. He wrenched his cock from her stroking grasp, feeling his cock begin to buck and surge.

"...about to cum...about to cum," he murmured, straining to hold back. He squeezed his shaft firmly to calm himself down.

Mandy simply smiled and started rubbing his balls.

"Sweetheart, you just gave me four orgasms in about five minutes." She moved her hands from his balls to his shaft, taking his cock from him. "You cum whenever you feel the need." She resumed jacking him off. "You'll get to my ass soon enough," Mandy said confidently.

The second comment about fucking Mandy's ass proved too much for Matt.

"UUUnnnnggghhh," he sighed.

Cum fountained out of Matt's cock, spraying into the air forcefully. It splattered down over Mandy's hands and Matt's lower torso. And the couch.

"Ooooh yeah!" Mandy cheered, still stroking. She knew not to stop now.

"Gah," Matt expelled another geyser, eliciting coos of surprise from Mandy.

"That's it, honey. Push that cum out. Show me how good I make you feel," she encouraged as she jerked him, smiling.

And Matt didn't disappoint her. He threw his head back and spurted his way through an extended orgasm, bucking his hips and shooting cum with abandon.

"Oh wow! Keep going Matt," Mandy commented, slowing her strokes as Matt shuddered. His cock stopped spurting. The last few clumps of cum bubbled out of his tip, sitting thickly atop his cock head.

"That was so sexy," she said, giving his shaft a squeeze. It still felt heavy and hard.

"Damn, Mandy," Matt said, finally lifting his head and opening his eyes. "I don't think I ever came that much..." He watched his sexy neighbor lean forward and slurp the cum clumps from the tip of his cock. He twitched in pleasure from the contact of her lips.

"Mmmmm," she hummed, making a show of pushing his cum into her broad, red lips. She kissed her finger and swallowed, then stood, releasing Matt's cock. It slapped heavily against his stomach, still rigid.

Mandy got up and walked to the desk where she had set down her purse. From behind, he could see the broad swells of the sides of her tits. Matt loved the way her tits and firm, round butt shook as she walked across the room in her heels.

Matt picked up his dick, stroking it as he watched Mandy. "I've only had anal sex twice. Once with an old girlfriend, and once with Liz." His eyes locked on the dark orbs of her ass. They looked soft and plump.

Mandy rummaged through her purse. "What?! Only once with Liz after all these years?" She missed having sex, and she could tell sex with Matt was going to be a lot more rewarding than with her selfish, cheating husband.

"She said I was too big."

Mandy turned to look back at him over her shoulder, drawing his eyes from her ass. "You're as big as I would ever want to go, but you are definitely doable!" She smiled wickedly, retrieving a small bottle.

With lube in hand, she walked back and pulled Matt off up the couch. She took his place, seated on the couch. Mandy looked up at Matt and again took his cock from him.

"I can't let you go without feeling this beautiful cock in my ass, Matt." Mandy slapped his cock on her tongue a few times, then accepted him into her mouth. They both moaned with pleasure as she started sucking him again.

Once Mandy realized he didn't need much "fluffing" to get hard again, she removed his dick and aimed the lube bottle at it.

Matt couldn't believe he was hard again so soon after cumming, but the prospect of fucking Mandy in the ass was so exciting, he had no trouble at all.

"It's big, but if we work together, I bet we can fit it in just fine," she said, looking up at him as she squirted lubricant on her hands and applied it to his rigid tool. "From now on, I'll keep myself ready for you so you can get used to the feeling," she said in a low, soft tone.

Matt put his hands on his hips, allowing her black hands to spread the clear lube all over his shaft.

Mandy leaned back on the couch and scooted herself back so more of her ass was hanging off the edge. Matt knelt and lifted her legs, placing them on her shoulders, his knees on the floor. He took his stiff, lubed-up cock and applied the head to Mandy's asshole. Her tight ring felt warm as he smeared it with excess lube from his dick. He pressed his head firmly against her puckered hole, feeling it soften and dilate.

Mandy whispered, "Ease it in, baby. Nice and slow, then stop every couple of inches and let me adjust."

Matt felt her ring relax. He watched in awe as her sphincter expanded and enveloped his large head.

Mandy sighed, accepting him.

He moved his hands to her ankles on her shoulders. The sight before him was one of the most erotic images he'd ever beheld in person.

Mandy was softly panting below him. Her huge tits were mashed back against her torso, trapped between her legs over her head. Mandy's bright, wet, pink pussy was facing him. Below her shiny cunt, her stuffed asshole was wrapped tightly around the knob of his white cock head. Mandy's hands were on her own ass cheeks, her white-painted nails contrasting with her ebony skin.

She blinked up at him. "That's it, ease it in, baby," she whispered.

Matt felt like he could pump a fresh load of cum straight into her ass right then. He swallowed, watching the exposed portion of his shaft throb powerfully, spanning between her dark asshole and his pale hips. He tightened his grip on her ankles and rested more of his weight down on her. He slowly pushed his aching cock another inch into her rectum and stopped.

Still whispering, she reassured, "Oh, my God. Yes, I needed this so bad, Matt. Keep going, baby."

Matt did everything he could to hold back the urge to fuck her hard and deep. The feeling was absolutely heavenly. Her anus felt like a warm, snug, sleeve that fit as if custom-made to his cock. He had forgotten how good it felt to be in a woman's ass.

"More, now, baby. Go all in, then hold it there." Mandy's voice was no longer whispering but more demanding, more direct.

Matt slowly inserted his entire cock into her ass, pressing his hips forward to be sure it was all in. His balls dangled down her ass cheeks. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to regard the pleasure he was feeling being completely buried deep in Mandy's ass. He could feel her ass throb and clench, adjusting to his thick member.

Mandy's eyes were in that ecstasy-induced, half-closed state. She was looking at Matt when she began caressing his muscular arms.

"Stay right there, Matt," she said in her hushed, straining tone. She bit her lip.

Matt felt he could fill her rectum with his hot cum at any moment, but focused on the fact that he was pinning Mandy down, fully embedded in her ass. The feeling was very different from how his wife's pussy felt. This was smoother, deeper; it was a better feeling than penetrating her vagina. Matt continued to stay deep in Mandy, not moving, but this changed when he felt Mandy start to vibrate and moan.

Mandy moved very slightly, rocking her pelvis into his groin She began moaning softly, "Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh..."

He kept his cock 'all in,' like she told him. Mandy's moans became louder, she began moving her ass, her caress of his arms became a firm grip.

"Umm...Ummm...Ummm...Matt, oh baby! Stay like that! Stay like that! STAY!"

Then Matt felt her ass tighten, throttling his thick, hard pole. Her face scrunched up. He felt a warm wetness on his lower torso. He looked down to see Mandy's pussy begin to squirt pulses of cum onto him.

"Fuck!" Mandy looked up at Matt, almost surprised as she rocked gently against his spearing cock.

Matt felt a rush of pleasure flood his mind. He was mesmerized by Mandy's deep, anal orgasm. He had never seen anything as profoundly sexually intimate as what he was witnessing.

Her whole body shook as she yelled, "OHHHHH FFUUUCCKK!!"

Matt couldn't stand it anymore, he backed his iron-hard cock out several inches, relishing the feeling of her smooth rectum dragging against his stiff shaft. He looked down to see her beautiful, pink, asshole tightly stretched around the base of his cock. He was now penetrating her ass with moderate speed and stopping about an inch before he was balls-deep. He placed his hand on her pussy mound and used his thumb to stroke her stiff clit as he thrust down into her. She kept coming.

"Harder, Matt!"

Matt increased his thrusts while watching her black tits shake and wiggle in front of him. Her breasts were packed together, her dark brown nipples centered upon her tits in front of him. The "SMACK" of his balls against her ass became louder with every few thrusts. She took each of his powerful thrusts.

"OHHHHHHH...OHHHHHHH!" she called out. More cum squirted from Mandy's pussy as she came again, spurting against his hand and midsection.

Matt looked down and thrummed directly on her engorged clit. He widened his stance as he continued thrusting into her ass. He switched from stroking her clit to pinching the pink nub between his thumb and forefinger. It was slippery, but he managed to clamp onto it.

He pinched and manipulated Mandy's clit while he was pounding her ass. This had the effect of chaining orgasms back-to-back for Mandy, which, in turn, pushed Matt over the edge. With a faster pace, he buried his cock straight into her ass. He felt his cock swell. He mashed his face down against Mandy's, finding her lips and passionately kissing her as he jetted hot cum deep into her ass.

Mandy's last orgasm came as she felt the hot semen spread within her. She was moaning and humming, but had no more words to utter. She let her orgasm flow over her as Matt filled her, overwhelmed with pleasure. She was spent.

Matt broke the kiss to catch his breath. He rested against her heavily. He felt like their hips were welded together. They held each other as their bodies recovered. Mandy let her legs rest on Matt's shoulders and scratched his back gently.

Finally, he lifted himself, holding his weight over her with his arms.

"Wow, Mandy..." was all he could say. They beamed at each other.

Mandy felt Matt support his own weight. They both looked at the intersection of their bodies. Matt slowly began withdrawing his somewhat deflated cock from Mandy's rectum.

He eased himself out until his cock slipped out completely, followed by a running flow of cum. Matt's hot cum streamed out of Mandy's ass, into a puddle on the floor.

Matt and Mandy looked into each other's eyes and began laughing, a chuckle at first, then more loudly.

Matt, who was a rather quiet lover, remarked "What the fuck was that?!"

Mandy laughed, knowing exactly what he meant, and added "Where the fuck have you been all my life?"

"I have never had such intense sex before, Mandy. There's something about you that drives me crazy. I can't believe you made me cum twice!"

"Twice?!" she laughed. "I lost count of my orgasms after seven! Do you know what we've got, Matt?"

"Yeah. Chemistry. I knew it would be like this all along, but you never know until you actually make love."

Mandy looked down at Matt's hand. She hadn't even noticed that they were holding hands until that moment and smiled.

"You said 'make love,' you didn't say 'had sex'. That's exactly how I feel about our connection, Matt."

They made their way to the shower and kissed each other slowly as the water rinsed their bodies clean. After several minutes, they took turns washing each other before drying off and sitting on the couch in their towels.

Matt and Mandy dressed and walked out of the office together as professionals.
They were both smiling, both looking quite relaxed.
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awesome 💋 
one derful stry well put together.
Wow the longest story I ever read
Another great story as always 😘
We need to hear more of what happened 
H0T story 
So sexy
Fucking awesome! 
Keep these hot stories coming, thanks
Another great jerk off story