Truth and lies turned fears and desires into...

......... the details. The finer details were, or will be if i am allowed, explained.

All the truths i have vulnerably explained previously had led me to here. I had nobody to blame. Nor did i want to aportion blame. But on this morning. THE morning, that morning of the third month. Everything collided. Everything! And .... well i just want to share. Please enjoy and please remark.

The night i met Danielle was .... fate? Compromise? Desperation? Delusion? Devotion? Love? Lust? MAybe all and more? I can only relay what my soul felt. Felt, desired, feared and enjoyed. Yes, embarrassingly as some may judge? I did enjoy. As i write i am enjoying.

The three months had been a blur really. To fantasize about being totally and completely feminized is one thing. To endure. To enjoy, to live the experience is quite something else. My Mistress was that night, that moment we met something else. She still is. Beyond beautifull. Beyond every dream and desire any crossdressing sissy could dream. For real! And forever i knew, i only hoped she did too! To submit sexually. Physically, spiritually and wholeheartedly to another is a feeling like no other. To give ones body, heart, being and soul to another is something more than sexual. Far more! To have such brave devotion rewarded and respected in return is, has been and continues to be magical. To devote in this way to a dominant male cannot surely equate to devoting oneself completely, lustfully, without certainty to a woman as absolutely beautiful as my Mistress. Way beyond any marriage. To have ones body altered, feminized. Owned. Used and dominated in this way is a sensual, kind, cruel delicious journey i will never regret having taken. I gave up everything i held dear. Everything and all i loved and loathed in life in one single moment to a woman of any mans dreams. My Mistress. Miss Danielle. In return she gave me care, Domination, cruelty, kindness. Adventure, humiliation. Submission. Total submission. Slavery. She gave me a new beginning. She gave me fire, lust, her body, her Dominant devoted expert experience and control. She gave me new life. She gave me hormones, curves, purpose, real purpose. Not material purpose! She gave my life meening and direction in a way i did dare dream but never expected. She gave me these boobs. She gave me sexual fulfilment. She forced me. She knew me. She loved me. She gave me endless delightful degredation and she filled my heart with devotion. She was worth devoting my whole self to. She gave me truth.

The night we met in the queue at that club everything changed. We left the club knowing our minds and hearts had met. I wanted to be her sissy whore. She wanted to own a sissy whore.

She took me to her house. Her home. I still canmot remember precisely the taxi ride or how ... but .......

When i awoke i was confused and frightened. And completely naked. Completely naked but for the teeny tiny little clitty cage my sex has been enclosed in ever since. The room was dark. Realising i was not at 'home' i tried to rub my eyes, as one does to wake, especially with the realisation that i was in a strange place. I could not as my hands where cuffed behind my back. It took me a little while to realise this as i wriggled, digesting the obvious shock. The first thing i remember was the smell. I could smell Miss Danielles gorgeous scent. Her perfume, unforgetable from the night before. As my heart pounded i lay motionless. Eventually realising that i was also gagged. My ankles were also apparently cuffed and i was not in a bed. I was, though i didnt then know in a fucking cage. My cage. At the foot of Mistresses bed. I could smell her because she was in her bed. I couldn't speak. Could barely move. But i remember vividly the intense arrousal i weirdly, yet honestly felt. I must have drifted back to sleap.

The next thing i remember it was daylight and Mistress was looking directly at me from her bed. Smiling. I wriggled and wrythed as she smiled at me. Without a word of explanation. She slowly removed her covers and blatantly. Beautifully began to play with herself as i watched. Helplessly. Strangely her touching herself calmed me. Dont ask me why as i couldnt say, but it did. I began to remember bits of the night before. Then bits of the day before. My cock, as it still kind of was then a cock, continually straining in its new cage. Mistresses eyes , those beautiful, bright, sanguin eyes never left mine as she touched herself for quite a while. She bit her fucking perfect lip as she came. Then she licked her fingers. Still never leaving my gaze. Watching her licking her fingers was to that moment then THE most erotic moment of my life. Her body was simply perfect. Huge, natural breasts with perfect, pert brown nipples. Not one ounce of fat. Slender, toned, tanned. Blonde. Perfect. What in the world was going on! She began to touch herself again. Smiling provocatively right at me. As i rubbed my thighs together i felt very slippery. Why? How? After she came again she elegantly and slowly. Very purpousfully moved perching on the side of her bed. Crossing and then uncrossing her thighs as i watched in absolute, humiliating awe! Eventually she moved towards me. Putting her finger to her lips to sush me she put her hand between the bars into my cage and undid the ballgag that was filling my mouth. Slavour poured from the removed gag and my lips. My lips felt strange but i was just so glad to breath properly. Freely.
'If you speak before you are spoken to i will replace the gag with a ball twice the size sweety. Nod if you understand.' I nodded.
'Good girl. You are such a good girl aren't you sissy,' again i nodded.
She untied the cuffs from my ankles but not my wrists behind my back and opened one side of tge cage. I had not realised i was wearing a black studded collar. Untill at that moment she atatched a leash to it and yanked, beconing me out. Without my arms i struggled pathetically to move my aching body as she jerked and motioned me to. It obviously please her to see me struggle so helplessly. Once out of the cage she put a dog bowl marked sissy infront of me to drink. When i tried to lap up what i hoped was water i realised my lips really did feel strange and my tongue was pierced!
'Make a sissy noise for me bitch. Show Mistrrss you are a happy pet' I cannot lie. I yelped and panted to her apparent amusement. The bowl of water was taken and replaced by another bowl. Watching this woman move was, i am ashamed to admit, despite my predicament a joy. And still is. She truly is that attractive. An absolute Goddess. I could think of nothing apart from the next second as it arrived. Nor have i been able to since.
The next bowl was smaller. Shallower. And filled with.... with cum. Finish it all she instructed and i will let you taste me. This i did. Yes it tasted revolting. God only knows who or whats spunk it was but what choice did i have. It took quite a while to clean the bowl empty. Without the use of my arms it was neither easy nor comfortable. And certainly not tasty.
Then this wonderful cruel woman manourered me onto my back and squated slowly onto my face. Again looking down into my eyes as she teased her perfect dripping pussy over my face until she was comfy. As i lapped and licked her passionatly she seemed to be content. After a short while as i struggled do breath with her beautiful pusst lips devouring my mouth. She suddenly paused.
'I am going to pee baby girl' as she spoke she lent towards me and stroked my face. Which, again i am ashamed to admit i loved.
'I dont want you to mess my carpet young lady so are you ready.'........

to be continued....
Diterbitkan oleh Rebekalee
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ke Janedoecd2 : Same goes twice for you  x
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u r truly amazing !