Cold Snap cane

Although the weather forecast had predicted snow and high winds for later in the day, my much younger partner Hannah and her friend ‘since forever’ Alice had decided it was fine to go clothes shopping. Sensibly they weren’t wear jeans but their tight leggings didn’t look like they look very insulating.
I walked them to the front door, a sharp blast of icy winter air blew in.
‘Brrr’ Hannah gasped
I pecked her on the cheek and then gave each of her bottom cheeks a good smack ‘Don’t worry I’ll warm you up when you get home I laughed out.
‘What about me’ Alice said as she reached the door. I gave each of her bottom checks a good slap and a bit of a squeeze
‘Oooo’ she giggled as my trouser area stirred from touching her pert arse for the first time.
I distractedly watched a bit of tv thinking about the fact Hannah had told Alice about our spanking fun and how much she enjoyed it and also that Alice was curious if it would turn her on too. Then the weather came on again, with a more detailed and unfavourable local forecast. I lit the fire and stacked the wood from the basket on each side.
I wrapped up warm and went out to refill the basket. I was freezing and I could see the dark snow clouds heading in fast.
The fire had caught and I added more logs, by the time I had fetched a glass of port and brandy it was roaring merrily.
My phone buzzed
‘It’s to snowy to drive home, will you come and get us’ I could hear the sound of a pub in the background ‘Well if it to snowy for you it will be to snowy for me, why don’t you gat a cab honey’
‘Ok see you soon’
I poured another drink or two and watched the snow fall and stacked the fire.
About an hour later Hannah and Alice burst in covered in snow and shaking with cold.
‘We brr had tto catch the the bbus’ Hannah said melting over the carpet.
I poured two large port and brandy’s
‘Down in one girls and come over here in front of the fire’
‘Yum that’s warning’ Alice giggled holing out her glass for another, I took the girls glasses
‘Now take those wet clothes off’
Hannah began to strip, Alice hesitated ‘what here?’
‘Where better than in front of a roaring fire’ I replied filling our glasses to the brim.
‘And I did promise to warm you both up when you got home’
Hannah laughed ‘come on Alice I want a hot bott now!’
Soon I had two naked girls in front of me Alice was awkwardly trying to cover her self.
Hannah told her ‘no stand like this’ putting her hands behind her head standing straight with her chest out.
‘What a lovely sight’ I admired their pert breasts fit figures Hannah’s blond Brazilian and Alice’s waxed vulva.
‘Now Hannah fetch the chair’
Hannah lay over my knee and I arranged her so Alice would get a good view of her bottom and pussy lips.
‘This will soon warm you up’
I started spanking each cheek in turn, not to hard but hard enough to redden and leave brief finger marks. Hannah cooed and moaned oww as I spanked. Even though it was quarter of the the usual force so Alice wouldn't be scarred off I could tell she was getting very turned on by her friend watching. It seemed we all were Alice was quizzically transfixed on Hannah’s bottom.
After about sixty spanks I told Hannah to stand up with her bottom to the fire. She rubbed her cheeks ‘They are nice and warn now’ She then ran a finger through her vulva ‘My front bottom has a nice wam feeling too’ she giggled.
‘Now it’s you turn Alice’ I said Alice’s face was redder than Hannah’s bottom ‘I I I don’t know’
‘Go on Alice it doesn’t hurt, it’s fun’ have a drink and have a spanking, you watched me I want to watch you’
‘I’ll be gentle with you Alice, come on over my knee for a warm bott botty’
Alice bent over my knee and was quite easy to arrange.
Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack on each cheek and a slightly surprised ouch mmm with each. Her bottom raised to meet each of the next Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack ‘Oh my that is warming and quite nice’
‘Spank her harder, spank her harder’ Hannah laughed out
‘Do you want more Alice’ It looks like it to me Hannah said ‘I can pussy is shinning with juice’
‘Please Please’ Alice panted
SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, from cheek to cheek for the next two minutes. Alice was breathing heavily over my knee and Hannah had a big grin on her face and a finger circling her clit.
‘Stand up Alice bottom toward the fire’
‘No please don’t stop I was nearly um’
‘Stand, fire drink, you did well there could be more to come’

Both girls stood by the fire and we admired my gentle handy work, both of them were very turned on, Hannah told Alice about some of the implements I used to spank her as if it were the first time they had talked about it. I took this time to get the fire roaring again poured us all another drink
while their bottoms turned to an almost blank canvass.
Hannah turned to me and said ‘you only just about warmed my arse I want more and I want it hard spank me hard and lots’
‘Fine, fetch Jane’
‘Ok fine I will’
‘Who is Jane?’ Alice asked looking confused.
‘You will see’ I replied stoking her firm bottom.
Hannah retuned with an old style handled cane.
‘Introduce Jane to Alice, Hannah’
‘This is Jane the Cane
She brings nice pain
She brings stripes
Which is nice
Unless the stripe
Is on the same place again’
Hannah hands on knees.
Swish crack ‘Ah’
Swish crack ‘Ooo’
Swish crack ‘Mmm ow’
Now Alice if we wait thirty seconds or so we will see some lines rise on her botty.
Look there, I ran my finger across the welts one by one Hannah made a ‘ssss oo um’ noise Now Alice you have a feel. She didn’t need asking twice, pushing harder than I did.
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Hamah kept position with just a little jerk with each stoke of the cane.
Again we let the lines develop, I rubbed my girlfriend twelve glowing welts Alice on the other hand drew a sharp finger nail across each one.
‘Owee you fucking cow’ Hannah yelled.
I tapped her bottom and said it’s ok it her turn now.
After a bit of cajoling and another drink Alice had her hands on her knees bare bottom in the air.
‘Let’s see how many did Hannah get?’
‘Six and some scratches’ Hannah said quickly
‘Ok Alice you will count each stoke and Hannah no scratching back’
Crack ‘one’
Crack ‘two’
Crack ‘three’
‘That wasn’t very hard I can’t see any stripes, can you touch your toes Alice’
‘Oh yes of course I can I’m really fit I go to the gym’
‘That’s good now legs slightly apart’
The forth stroke landed hard on a blank spot
Swish CRACK ‘Ouch four’
Whoosh CRACK ‘Arrrrrrr…’
The fifth stroke landed in the same spot ‘rrrrrrr….’
Before she could move
WHOOSH CRACK landing across the crease between her thighs and her butt ‘rrrrr fu fu fu’
Alice was half way standing up her hands on her arse
WHOOSH CRACK number seven caught her across the top of her thighs.
She hoped and danced around the room rubbing her bottom.
The end...
Diterbitkan oleh artherzod
2 tahun lalu
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Sounds like an afternoon of fun 
ke artherzod : I hope so as they get me so horny
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ke SancheZ069 : Thanks more to come
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so hot :smile:
ke spanker_eric3 : Thanks. always nice to get good feedback.
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YES - one women introducing another to the rewards of spanking makes a GREAT read!
ke jimwebley : Thank you, writing it was a fun way to pass the time on a cold night, On reading again I'd had to much port and brandy I will have to put the typos right! Hope to write some more before xham bans our imagination  
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Were you typing with one hand and stroking yourself with the other? Very hot story, it certainly got me going.