Hotel Fun 2

A couple months have passed since the original story. Please read it first if you haven’t yet. Colleen and I have another few days off of work. We are both lucky to have a bunch of time off of work. We have been talking with Andrea a lot in the mean time. She enjoys talking with us about anything and everything. It’s almost like we’re old friends, even though we just met each other recently. Last week, the conversation changed a bit…

“Hello?” Andrea answers her phone.

“Hey, Sweetie!” I say.

“Hey, Sweetie!” Colleen then repeats, as we are on speakerphone at home.

“Two of my favorite people at the same time! What’s the pleasure?”

Colleen and I will usually call Andrea individually. We both are building a great relationship with her on a friendly level individually and as a trio. We can talk on the phone and an hour feels like seconds with her.

“Remember that you asked us to let you know the next time we are free to come to your town?” Colleen asks. Before Andrea can get a word in edgewise, Colleen continues “Well, Sweetie, the time has come. We’re coming to see you next week!”

Andrea squeals in delight on the other end. “Let me take care of the details, I’ll make sure I’m off that day. We can have a nice supper together and then we can have some fun together afterwards. Just remember the condors, Jay.”

We all laugh. There was recently a commercial where for some stupid reason, the 20-something boyfriend thought his girlfriend was asking if he brought the condors and her Dad tells him that his daughter was asking if he brought the condoms. We all laughed at how stupid… but effective… the advert is. So we refer to condoms as condors.

“I’ll have to find their cages, Andrea.” I say with a wink that Colleen sees and I bet Andrea imagines. We all have a good laugh about this.

”Seriously now...” Andrea interjects so we can finish up the call. “I’ll make the arrangements. You come at your normal time and I’ll leave you instructions. You don’t have to dress up as fancy as you did last time I saw you. I could tell Jay was uncomfortable the entire time.”

“True, but seeing Colleen in that green dress is so worth it… the way it hugs her body.”

“I get it… I was turned on by Colleen in that dress myself. She looks so pretty in that dress. She’s just naturally beautiful. I just want you to be comfortable this time around. Besides, where we will be going has great food and is pretty quiet as well. Just not so fancy, wear what would be considered business casual. Most of the clientele wear that.”

“Thanks Andrea… you’re a beauty yourself… and it will be nice to be someplace different. I’ll be in something green for you that’s not that specific dress.”

“Yea, I love green on you in general, Dear” I say.

“Great! So you two just get to the hotel when you normally do and look on the dresser for a marked envelope. You’ll know it when you see it.”

“Sounds great. I’ll be looking for it and will make sure Jay and I follow whatever instructions are there.”

“OK, so see you both next week...” Andrea purrs.

“Until then, Sweetie” Colleen and I say at the same time and then blow kisses at the phone.

“Bye!” Andrea says as she blows a couple kisses at the phone.

We hang up the phone. “I can’t wait!” Colleen excitedly says. “Andrea is such a wonderful friend and I have the greatest Hubby… who I want right now! Where were we when Andrea interrupted us in the hotel?”


(We had some hot passionate sex… I’ll detail this in a future story.)

We come to the day when Colleen and I will meet Andrea. I’ve called Andrea a few times and I am sure Colleen has too as normal for the both of us. The only time I brought this day up is on the weekend when I called Andrea before today just to say I am looking forward to this, I am so excited to see her, and to confirm the details. I don’t listen or care what Colleen and Andrea talk about, but knowing Colleen she never brought this day up either except to confirm everything like I did with her at the end of their talk. Andrea knows that anything either of us talk to her about is not brought up when we talk except that Andrea is well and gives her regards. I want this to be a surprise as to what we are doing together. I dress in a red golf shirt with black khaki style pants. Colleen puts on a pretty green blouse with sunflowers and a black skirt. Nothing too fancy, but most places with a moderate dress code should accept us the way we are. Colleen rarely wears make up, only when we are really fancied up, so her natural glow is all she needs tonight. That’s one of the many things I love about her, she’s never been one to cake on make-up.

We get to the hotel and park. We usually make it to an earlier check in. We are met at the front desk by a blonde. As soon as she sees us, she smiles a huge smile and her face glows. “Hi Colleen! Hi Jay! I’ve been waiting to see you two. My name is Kate. Andrea has told me to watch for you two and even gave me a picture so I could give you the warm welcome you deserve.”

With this, I wonder how much Andrea has told Kate, but I won’t ask. Maybe Andrea just said that we are “special guests” and that we deserve the VIP treatment. Either way, I am glad to know that we’ve been taken care of by our dear friend and that she knows that Kate will make sure of this. She seems very helpful and cheery. We go through the usual check in process and we are given the key cards. “Have a great night tonight!” Kate says with a smile.

Colleen and I take our overnight bags and go into the elevator. We go up to the very top floor this time. We see the room number takes us to the right and we walk a little bit. We then go to an end room which seems a bit more private than some of the others. I open the door and Colleen goes in first. We see a larger than normal room with a huge bed and a nice suite style setup. Before drawing the shades, we get a great view of the surrounding neighborhood. “I guess this is the VIP Room” Colleen states.

We put our bags next to the bed. I then look on the dresser for the instructions Andrea left us. There is an envelope with Colleen and my names inside a big heart. “I gather this is for us,” I say as I pick the envelope up and move back to sit on the bed next to Colleen.

I hand her the envelope and she slowly opens it. I am anticipating the instructions inside. Colleen then opens the envelope to see a “thank you” card. It says thank you on the front. Then inside, it’s blank aside from Andrea’s handwriting. “Thanks for showing me such a great time last time we played together. I never thought you would have even allowed me to after that silly reason I barged in on you two. I am so looking forward to us having a nice supper and an even better nightcap. You both have been such great friends to me. There’s a Southern Style BBQ place, which I hope is good for you both., that I really like going to. They are a few blocks away and they call themselves Porky’s. I’ll see you there around 5:30. Bring your appetite… I can’t wait to see you! Love, Andrea”

“I knew there was a reason we love Andrea… BBQ!” I say. I can’t help it, I enjoy good BBQ… especially when it’s southern style. Even just grilling and not true BBQ is great for me… and Colleen enjoys my grill work. Colleen laughs knowingly.

“I just hope they have huge napkins that we can tuck in our tops. I would hate to have BBQ sauce on our clothes and we get sloppy and then it’s all over all of our clothes in the inevitable pile BBQ sauce on the bra isn’t fun!” Colleen says. We both get a good laugh at that statement.

I look at my phone and see it’s 4:00. I map out Porky’s… it’s about a 15 minute walk. I am glad I did not wear stiff shoes and Colleen has sensible shoes as well. Our usual spot is a 5 minute walk, so it’s not too bad for her in heels. At least she’s never complained. I tell Colleen the info and that I would like to leave by 5:05… give us a few minutes in case there’s extra foot traffic or the lights go against us. So we watched TV and relaxed a little on the bed.

The time comes up and we start our. Colleen is so beautiful tonight. Sunflowers are my favorite. Colleen is right… I do hope they have large tuck in napkins. I would hate for that dress to be ruined. We get to Porky’s a bit before 5:30 and who’s standing there waiting for us, but our lovely hostess.

“Colleen! Jay!” Andrea beams at us… her soft warm smile radiates and agrees with her natural beauty. I see she is not wearing any makeup and she looks fabulous. Andrea gives Colleen a big warm hug and a deep kiss. She then tends to me… I feel her squeezing me in as close as she can get me… and we share a deep kiss. I then turn to Colleen and hold her in tight and kiss her as well. I needed that… and I can sense Colleen wanted it too. After tending to Colleen, we looked back at Andrea and saw her smile knowing how much Colleen and I mean to each other. “Are we ready?” Andrea asks softly when she saw Colleen and I were finished.

With this, Colleen and I separated and Colleen took one of Andrea’s hands… I go to open the door for my ladies and they go inside and wait for me. I then catch up to take Andrea’s free hand. We go in as a power trio. We walk up to the hostess station, and Andrea is greeted by the Hostess on Duty. “I’ll show you to your normal section… just that since you have two lovely guests with you, I can’t put you at your normal table.”

Andrea nods and we are off hand in hand in hand to the section Andrea normally sits in. The waitress greets Andrea by name and learns Colleen’s and mine. Supper goes off without a hitch. We talk, order, eat, share our plates, and are like old friends from way back in the day. Yes, we even had super large napkins since they slathered sauce on some of the meals. Ribs, brisket, some chicken… we had something from the major meat groups and some great sides. I know I ate until I was full and I know the ladies were not shy either. We needed the energy for our fun later tonight. We were offered dessert, but we passed. We knew what we were having for dessert, and I am looking forward to my two ladies.

We pay and walk off the short distance back to the hotel hand in hand. We talk and laugh our way to the front door. Since these doors are automatic, no need to hold the doors open. The three of us walk in smiling and laughing. “Hi Kate! Good to see you again!” we call out. Kate smiles back as we walk past. All of a sudden, I feel a hand on my butt… so I return the favor to Andrea. I assume that the ladies did the same. I love getting a handful of butt cheek… I don’t turn around, but as we go in the elevator, Andrea says that Kate blushed about as much as she did when she first saw Colleen and I a couple months back. That earns Andrea a couple of kisses from Colleen and myself. We go all the way up and go hand in hand to the room.

I open the door with the key card and let the ladies in first. We lose our shoes quickly afterwards as is custom. Kind of weird having 3 pairs of shoes at the door, but there again, Andrea is with us tonight. We then all walk to the over-sized bed and sit down. “Ladies, I assume you both enjoyed supper. It’s dessert time now. There’s a little matter of getting ready. Andrea, since you were clearly the last to be naked during our first playtime, I think it’s only appropriate for you to lose your clothes first.”

Andrea squeals that squeal of hers, claps her hands, and stands up so we can get to her. Both Colleen and I slide off the bed and get to work on Andrea. I slide down and wrap my hands around Andrea’s waist to unzip the small zipper on her skirt from back. After the short zipper is down all the way, I rub her butt cheeks through the material. She has such a nice ass… so does Colleen. I am so lucky to have two beautiful ladies with me tonight. Colleen is busy with Andrea’s button down blouse. I pull down Andrea’s skirt down her legs and then she shimmies her legs to help it down. Once the skirt falls to her ankles, I move to the side so Andrea can bend her knees and take her feet out of her skirt one by one. Once I saw she was out of her skirt, I move in front of her to see her black panties. I look up to see that Colleen is almost done and then helped Andrea out of her blouse. I look up above her panties and see it… “Awwwww… Andrea remembered to keep that sexy little treasure trail to her belly!”

I see Colleen cast her eyes downward and sees She then runs her hand down Andrea’s belly along the hair. I wait for Colleen to finish and then I rise up a bit to kiss from her panties band up to her bellybutton. Colleen, not to be out done, kneels in front of Andrea and licks up Andrea’s treasure trail to her bellybutton. Andrea giggles and coos as it seems like we are tickling her. After Colleen is done licking, I give her a wink and I go back down to her panties. I see Colleen is going behind Andrea to unhook her black bra. Andrea’s good… she matches her bra and panties colors. I grab the waistband and pull down, revealing Andrea’s very hairy pussy. Her brunette bush reveals herself as I peel down. Andrea’s bush is so thick and sexy. I see Colleen has removed Andrea’s bra and so Andrea is as naked as it gets. I kiss Andrea’s bush as I get up and Colleen goes back around in front of Andrea. Colleen reaches for a feel and grabs slightly at Andrea’s soft thick bush. Both ladies smile as Colleen’s fingers stroke Andrea’s southern hair. I then look up at Colleen and wink at her.

I get up so that all of us are at full height. I then make my way towards Andrea’s ample, suckable breasts and Colleen sees and does likewise on her side. Andrea has a shocked and then relaxed reaction as Colleen and I are like two vacuum cleaners. I suck in as much as I can, fitter my tongue on Andrea’s sensitive nipple, hold her in place, and otherwise do what I can to satisfy Andrea through her beautiful tits. Colleen I know is doing likewise. Andrea is a true friend and playmate, so we want to satisfy her as much as we can. Andrea breathes a bit deeper… I guess to puff her chest in and out to make the sensations even better for her. I continue to lick and suck for a bit longer. I then lock eyes with Colleen and we both agree, we should get naked along with our dear friend.

Colleen and I disengage and look into Andrea’s eyes. “Who’s next to be naked, Andrea?” I ask.

“Girls get naked first!!!” Andrea says with a bit of excitement and naughtiness in her singsongy voice.

Colleen smiles. It doesn’t matter which one of us got naked first… we’d all get our turn. I grab and squeeze one of Andrea’s ass cheeks before I leave her side and go the long way around her. Andrea giggles and smiles at me and returns the favor. Andrea has such a nice butt. “Which part of my wife do you want to strip?” I ask, giving Andrea the choice.

Andrea then kneels down in front of Colleen… her eyes seem to line up very well with Colleen’s hidden bush. I smile and get to work on taking Colleen’s blouse off. Just as I am about to start unbuttoning Colleen, she has a shocked reaction, but then after the initial shock a pleased look washes over her face. “Oh Sweetie, I didn’t know you liked my butt that much. I know that’s one of my favorite features of my body...” Colleen says with a bit of shock but more pleasure in her voice.

I look down to see Andrea’s expression and see a “who me?” impish grin. A few giggles escape as she knows she’s been caught. I like Andrea’s boldness, it’s a sign to me that she loves us and that she’s comfortable enough to do those little things that make playtime fun. Sweetie knew what she was doing with my wife and I LOVE IT. I see Colleen smile back down at Andrea to make sure that Sweetie knows that it’s all a part of the game. The ladies then seem to mouth “I love you” back to each other to say that they are both ready to move on. After this, I look at Colleen and I move in to give her a big kiss. I am so happy that Colleen and Andrea get along well like this. Colleen reciprocates my kiss. I then move to her ear and whisper telling her how much I Love her and that I am so happy that we have found Sweetie to make the occasional extra playtime fun. I guess Andrea’s unzipped Colleen’s dress and has pulled it down since she looks up at Colleen and I and asks with a bit of a laugh “Are you two talking about me?”

“Yes, Sweetheart, we are… just saying how lucky we are to have such a great friend and such a fun playmate”, I say since I was the one who was caught. Colleen agrees with a head nod.

“Allllright”, Andrea replies with the shown extra emphasis on the l with a smile and slight laugh. “Get back to your job now, Jay… I can’t stare at Colleen’s panties like this and not want to see her beautiful red bush. You’re going too slow!”

Seems as if Sweetie’s right as I see black panties and nothing more below Colleen’s waist to her skirt which is in a small pile by itself at her feet. Colleen kicks her skirt off her feet and then commands “Yea, Jay… get going... .you know I don’t like being half and half like this for too long. Besides, we can’t make Sweetie wait too long to see me… and YOU naked”.A smile and a little laugh escape Colleen’s lips.

I would have loved to kiss my wife’s lips, but I know better so I go to quickly, but efficiently unbutton her blouse and reveal her black bra. Colleen shimmies out of her top and adds it to the pile of Andrea’s clothes. Both of my ladies were wearing black underwear… As soon as Colleen loses her top, I reach and take pull her bra off. Colleen’s always doing that herself and so I just do it. Her big boobs rise and flop back down in a sexy way. Just as Colleen’s boobies get back to their natural position, I look down at Andrea, who hasn’t even gotten to Colleen’s panties and mouth “Better, Sweetie?” to her with a smile. Andrea looks up at me and gives a laugh knowing that she got caught and takes a grip of Colleen’s panties and pulls them down. Colleen’s thick fluffy natural red bush is now exposed to Andrea and myself. Andrea then kisses the red bush in front of her and I kiss Colleen’s red lips.

After kisses are finished, I look at Andrea and wink. We’re going to do to Colleen what Colleen and I did to Andrea and suck and love on Colleen’s big tits. Colleen is an all-natural boobie queen. The twins are not the reason why I married her, but they sure help. I suck, flitter, and otherwise make love to Colleen’s chest while Andrea does the same. I know Colleen loves breast play and moans and sighs contently while she’s being paid attention to. I know she’s getting wet too. She loves the attention from her man and her dear friend.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and an AHEM… “One of us is not yet naked and needs to join the party.” Andrea states looking at me. “Well, ladies… what are you two waiting for?” I ask with that bit of smugness and a laugh knowing that I’m going to get it right now.

Andrea attacks my pants while Colleen turns around on me and gives me a passionate kiss. Col knows she can be a little extra patient since I never wear an undershirt. I would be way too warm in one. All this time, Andrea exposes my black briefs. “I see a tent pole!” Andrea exclaims in a sing-song style when she sees my stiff cock wanting to be freed from my underwear..

“Let’s see it then!” Colleen says as soon as she hears Andrea finish her statement. Andrea takes this as her cue to literally rip my briefs off and expose my hard cock pointing right at her face. I raise my arms up so Colleen can take my top off. Andrea then kisses the tip and then takes my entire length into her moist mouth and gives it a nice suck. Colleen seeing this and not wanting to be outdone gets down on her knees in front of me and licks the entire length of my shaft before using her wet mouth to give my entire shaft a once over inside of her mouth. Once my cock is back out of both of their mouths, there is a giggle and a laugh from the both of them… they then exchange a huge sloppy kiss. They both get up and we go into a three way hug… each of us have one hand on one of the other’s ass cheeks. I make sure to goose the ladies real well… I just love the both of their asses… they are well built back there and it’s a shame to let a good groping opportunity go like that. I feel many returns as well.

After a trio kiss… as best as we can… it’s a bit awkward… Colleen looks into Andrea’s eyes. “Well, Sweetie… no matter that you run this hotel, you ARE our guest here… and we like when our guests are completely satisfied… so what do you want?”

Andrea’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas. “I know Jay’s hard and ready… what man wouldn’t be seeing two of the most beautiful women alive, eh Colleen?” Andrea states with a wink… “I know what I want”. Andrea goes to the bed and lies down and spreads her legs spread wide open. I have never seen any woman so wide open. Her pussy yawns and then winks at Colleen and myself:”Jay, I want you to make sure I am wet and ready, even though I know I am. Then I want you to do what we missed out on and put that big hard cock in my soft, wet, hairy beaver. I have wanted you so bad since last time. Colleen, I want to make sure you’re read for Jay’s beautiful hard cock, or whatever else may come tonight. Sit on my face! I want to eat you out and taste your delicious pussy!”

“Got to love a gal who knows what she wants and knows how to express herself.” I say as I get ready to slide onto the bed so I can put my face into Sweetie’s brunette hairy pussy and lick her.

“Yes, our dear friend knows what she wants… and I love making her happy!” Colleen says knowingly. “Andrea’s tongue is divine… and Sweetie knows how to finger me just right.” Colleen’s eyes shut as she is imagining Andrea giving her pleasure.

I give Colleen a nice tight hug and a big kiss before going down on Andrea. I get on the bed and line my face up. Andrea’s opening her furry beaver so I see her clit. I put my hands near hers, touching her body so she knows I am near and ready. Andrea’s hands move away and I take over opening her to expose her love button. I assume now Andrea’s hands are going to help themselves to my wife’s beautiful beaver. I look at Andrea’s pink insides for a moment before licking and rubbing her. Her pussy is absolutely beautiful. Then I take my tongue and lick Andrea’s opening from bottom to top. I go slightly inside of her as my tongue moves towards her clit. I then stop at Andrea’s clit and start fluttering up and down… and then side to side. I then make circles around and on her clit. As I lick her, I feel Andrea’s leg moving a bit. I assume this is her way to tell me I am doing a great job. I look up for a moment to see Colleen’s legs spread and her red bush parted and Andrea’s chin moving around. If her face wasn’t in Colleen’s pussy, I would hope Andrea would moan for me… but Colleen is doing an excellent job being Sweetie’s proxy. No doubt Andrea’s eating Colleen to her delight… it’s wonderful to hear this.

I continue what I am doing… and then I stick a couple fingers into Sweetie’s pussy. I love fingering and enjoy being inside the lady I am playing with. Sweetie’s hungry hole pulls my fingers in deeper into her body. Just knowing that Andrea wants me inside of her and go in her as much as I can is a wonderful feeling. On occasion, she stops pulling me in and pushes my fingers out slightly but then she sucks me back in. I ride this for a little bit until I want to go in and play with her insides. I love feeling around and want to explore Andrea’s insides as much as possible. I wiggle around inside of her and eventually feel inside of her in what I think is the right spot. I press down and hear “OH MY!” I assume that’s Andrea and so I continue to rub around there. I continue and feel Andrea’s legs clinch my head into place and my fingers… and then the pressure stops. I assume she has cum by this reaction. I pull my fingers out and take a lick of my index finger. Andrea tastes so good… I offer Colleen my middle finger. She laps it up and enjoys my finger. “Wow, Sweetie… you really taste good!”

With this I know it’s time for me to put my cock into Sweetie. “Andrea, Sweetheart...” I say, “It’s time for me to put my cock inside of your wet, warm, ready tight little beaver. I’m going to get the condors and put one on me so I can go inside of you.”

She pulls away from Colleen’s wet red beaver – I can see the hairs on Colleen’s lips are moist and matted together some. Sweetie then says “OK… but I at least need another kiss of that big beautiful man meat of yours!” She lines herself up and kisses my tip which reinvigorates my cock… she then puts my shaft slowly into her warm waiting mouth. I shudder with her tongue on my sensitive underside. Sweetie bobs her head a few times and releases me. I look at Colleen if she wants a quick swallow and she does. She wraps her lips around me and takes my entire cock inside her warm moist mouth. She takes me all the way in and holds me there. She then curls her tongue around me and licks. She then lets me go to get the condom. I am super hard thanks to two of the most beautiful ladies I know.

I walk over to my bag to get the condoms. I always pack a few if I know I am going inside another lady. As I open the wrapper, I see Colleen take and hold Sweetie in tight and give her a deep passionate kiss. The ladies are making lots of passionate noises so I can hear them. I just love the way my Colleen and Andrea get along with each other. They are feeling each other’s bodies to keep them both turned on and ready for me. I put the condom on over my cock and walk over confidently towards the two beauties. I line up and put an arm around each and whisper that I am ready. The ladies pull apart and kiss me instead. It’s time…

“Andrea… show me how you want me to take you.” I request. I want Andrea to be happy, as always.

Andrea looks down at my wrapped cock. “I see you remembered the condors… I’ll get into position!” She then gets onto the bed and goes down on all fours. Her ample boobs are hanging down ready to show their appreciation. Her ass is in the air… her pussy just waiting to take my cock. I then see how she lines up. There’s a mirror right across from her and I can see that I will get a great show of her clapping tits as I penetrate her. Colleen for her entertainment sits next to us. She spreads her legs and I will get to see her moist hairy hole too. She wants to see Andrea’s tits clap along. She’s felt her own but gas never really gotten to see her (or anyone else’s) twins clapping to the beat.

I line up right behind Andrea. Before I go in, I give her one last lick along her lower lips as kind of a “ready?” signal. Sweetie purrs as she feels my moist tongue against her wet lips. “Take me, Jay. I’ve been waiting for this for a while now!” I look at my wife and she nods. We meet to share a kiss. After the kiss is over and I’ve made Andrea wait a little bit longer, I take my cock in my hand and aim straight for her warm inviting lady hole. I feel the tip of the condom penetrate and then in goes my member. Andrea coos as I finally enter her hungry, waiting entryway. I slowly slide my entire length into her. Her inner lips and inner sanctum conform to my penetration… just like my fingers. My thighs slap onto the back of hers. I hold myself there for a long pause so Andrea can completely adjust herself to my invading organ. I hear a small sigh, so I start pumping in and out. I start slow but then get faster so that I know Sweetie is ready for me.

“Give it to me, Jay… I know you want to!” Andrea dares me. She wants it hard.

I ramp up the speed and her tits are clapping along to the beat. Seeing this is such a turn on. I normally just hear my wife’s tits clapping but it’s hard to see. The visual sends me over the top. I fight the feelings of wanting to cum too quickly and relax to enjoy the visual. For her part, Colleen was fingering herself… I can only imagine how much she was enjoying this until she takes her hand from her wet red pussy and puts it to my mouth. She tastes so good today. Then Colleen remembers something.

“Dear, I think Sweetie needs something to do with the other set of lips that isn’t full.”

“Yes, that would be a splendid idea, my Love!”

Andrea gets a curious look on her face, but she knows we would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. She then asks “A surprise? For me?”

“Yes, Sweetie… you know it will be something that you should enjoy knowing you… and will not intentionally harm you. Let me get it.” Colleen states as she gets off the bed. I enjoy the view of her ass as she sashays her hips back and forth. I continue pumping in and out of Andrea’s sweet hairy pussy as this goes on. I want to continue the beat.

“Oh… kay...” Andrea says a bit nervously. She is not sure of the surprise… but I think she will enjoy it.

My wife then goes to her bag. I know what she is doing, so I can continue commenting although I am focused on Sweetie, her wet lady parts, and her clapping tits. I grip on Sweetie’s hips for a bit more stability and leverage. I want to penetrate her the best that I can. Besides the fact that Andrea is pulling me in more and more every time I thrust. It’s almost like her juicy pussy wants my cock to be permanently inside of her. I know Colleen reacts this way often as well, so I take this as a signal to keep it up. Colleen then unzips her bag and reaches in. She then finds her strap on. It’s more like a pull on pair of panties that conform to her body very tightly with a hole for her dildo and allows for her own vagina to be penetrated if there is another cock around. Her dildo is modeled after my cock actually. I got the dildo for Colleen to keep her company before we were married so she could have me with her whenever she needed me. We lived just far enough away that weeknight dates were impossible. I take a look and smile at my wife with her girl cock. I was hoping we would find a willing female for this… and I guess Colleen talked Andrea into this. I keep Sweetie’s focus on me until Colleen says something.

Colleen walks back up towards us with her dong flopping a bit. “Oh Sweet-tie” she calls.

Colleen then walks to a diagonal side of Andrea and Sweetie’s face lights up. (I can still see Sweetie’s face in the mirror). “Oh… my… I have always wanted something like this… to be spit-roasted like this. I get two of my best friends fucking me at the same time… one in my wet pussy… and the other in my wet mouth… and… that cock looks familiar...”

“Yes, Sweetie. It was originally a part of a gift my Dear Loving Hubby gave me before we were married. He wanted me to have a dildo modeled after his man part so that when I was lonely for him, at least I could play with this. Now, you get to have it in your mouth… while you take the real thing inside your pussy.”

“Oh my” Andrea says. I feel a gush onto my condomed cock… it feels like she had a deep orgasm. I feel her body go a bit limp, so I stop my pumping with myself fully inside of her and wrap my arms around her waist.

“Hang on, Love. Sweetie here needs a moment to catch her breath. Seems like she was overwhelmed with pleasure.”

Colleen walks in front of our loving friend. Her lady cock at the ready, but she is back a few steps from Sweetie’s face. She lets Sweetie catch her breath. Sweetie finished gasping for breath. It must have been a great orgasm. Sweetie then gets back on all fours with her arms like solid pillars. “I’m ready now to have that gorgeous lady cock in my mouth. I want to experience being penetrated in both of my hot moist holes!”

Colleen then takes her cue to walk up to the edge of the bed. I have not started to pump in Andrea yet. I want her to be fully ready to experience the both of us when she’s ready. “Just reach back and tap me when you’re ready for me to restart, Sweetie. I want you to be ready for me.” Sweetie replies with a throaty uh-huh so I just make sure I am ready. I see Colleen come closer and closer. I lean a bit so I can watch Sweetie open up her mouth… or at least see the sides of her mouth open and her chin lower. She takes as much of Colleen’s lady cock as she can at once. I think she just about took it all in. Colleen slowly swivels her hips so that way she can start the in and out motion so it’s like she’s fucking Sweetie’s moist mouth like she would if she was in my position.

An mmmmmmmmmmmmmm escapes from Sweetie’s throat. Colleen takes this as a go a bit faster and complies. As Colleen starts pumping at a medium pace, Sweetie reaches back for me. I move to hold her hand real quick and start going back out and then inserting myself back deeply. Sweetie and I briefly hold hands and then I let her get back to supporting herself. Her ass is high in the air and her arms are supporting her. She is really tight back here and I am enjoying it. Colleen and I try to match each other’s rhythm of the in and out so that Sweetie is as full as she can be at the same time. Sweetie is letting out satisfying noises so we know that she is happy. Colleen is beaming as she fills Sweetie’s mouth her her lady cock. She has always wanted to do this and it shows.

Andrea’s tight little pussy contracts and spasms on my cock more and more. She must really be enjoying this and cumming more and more. She is so tight on my cock I am having a hard time moving my cock, but I enjoy it as she’s doing the job for me involuntarily. She’s sucking on Colleen’s fake lady cock as if everything depended on it. Colleen humps in and out.

“I’m going to cum soon” I say as I enjoy Andrea’s tight beaver, but I am about ready to explode.

“Pull out and cum on her face. I know you wanted to last time. I can tell she wanted it. She’s not wearing any makeup tonight and I will lick your cum off of Sweetie’s face!” Colleen says as she is giving Andrea’s mouth a few last strokes.

I pull out of Andrea’s tight pussy slowly… As I feel my cock leave her lady hole, I see that Colleen has backed away from Andrea’s mouth. “Sweetie, why don’t you turn around so Colleen can fill your tight hairy beaver while you and I finish my cock off? I think my wife would love to fill you up.”

Colleen tells me that Andrea has the biggest grin on her face and she flips and rolls over. Her face is under my cock and her legs are spread wide. I see her treasure trail from her belly to her sweet bush and so many of her hairs are wet and matted down. Colleen enjoys the view and kisses Andrea’s hairy snatch and licks it since she wants a good taste. I enjoy that show as I pull my condom off and somehow my cock gets even stiffer.

“Ready, Sweetie?” Colleen calls out since she wants to put her lady cock inside of Andrea and enjoy what I had earlier.

“Yes, Dear!” Andrea calls back and spreads her lips for Colleen’s waiting strap-on dildo. Upon this, I dip my cock into Andrea’s mouth so I can begin to finish.

Colleen works her way back to Andrea and slides her dildo inside of Andrea’s waiting lady hole. Andrea moans her delight and then gets to work with her mouth on my cock for a quick bit. Colleen starts pumping in and out of Andrea. I get out of Sweetie’s mouth when her hands come up towards my cock. She then grasps my cock with one hand and starts to tickle my nuts with her other hand. She’s pumping my cock with her hand as if she was getting some hand cream. I am on tilt when she does this.

“I’m going to cum, Sweetie… get ready with that cute face of yours! I want to see your face glazed!”

“I want to feel it, Dear… I can’t wait…”

I can’t take it any more. I start to spurt out. “I’m cuming!” Andrea moves her hands away to catch any of my cum that escapes her face. I aim at her nose and cheeks in an effort not to waste any. My load gets mostly on Andrea’s pretty face. Colleen watches with pleasure and licks her lips in anticipation. I finish up and dip my cock back towards Andrea’s face so she can lick my cock off. She sticks out her tongue and licks my tip off and sucks off all my remaining cum. She finishes and smiles… that’s my cue to get out of the way. I roll off and let Colleen approach Andrea’s face. Colleen pulls out of Andrea and kneels down in front of our friend’s face. She starts to lick my cum off of Andrea’s face as I roll around and get beside both of my ladies. I stick my first two fingers inside of Andrea’s moist, wet, well used today beaver and I do likewise with my right hand to my wife’s tight pussy that needs some filling as well. Both of the ladies moan their delight… it’s a little more awkward for my wife… “OH JAY” almost simultaneously erupts from both mouths.

Andrea then looks a little confused at why Colleen would moan since she knows I wouldn’t be playing with Colleen’s fake cock. I pull out of my wife. She then turns around and straddles Andrea’s face with her open pussy to show her. “Yes, Sweetie… these are a special pair of panties that allow for someone to penetrate my red beaver while still wearing this lady cock. I am so happy Jay remembered this and maybe next time we play we can have it where I put my cock in you and then Jay puts himself into me. Then he can give it to me and the way he pumps me controls how I pump you so it’s like he’s giving it to the both of us at the same time. I would love to share like that!”

“That sounds wonderful… I also might have to find a pair of panties like that so that we can reverse roles from today’s fun. I would love to put a lady cock inside of you like you did me, Colleen.” Andrea suggests.

‘I would enjoy that as well, Sweetie. I enjoyed this time together and would enjoy exploring more and more with you and Jay.”

“I know I would enjoy it myself,” I say… “Even just watching you two have fun with each other without my active participation would be good for me.”

“Oh Jay!” the ladies state at the same time.

“Or you and Sweetie could just go at it with me watching” Colleen says

“No matter what, just being with you two is great… even just seeing Jay’s hard cock inside of you without a condom would be fine by me.”

“I love you both” we all say at the same time.

I then find another pair of briefs from my suitcase I carried for this since my original pair is in the pile and I don’t want to go though it. Colleen does likewise. Andrea finds a pair of panties she hid in one of the drawers in the room. Colleen and I rarely stay somewhere for more than a day, so we don’t use the drawers so we would have never noticed. All three of us have some kind of undies over our important parts so we go in for a group hug and share kisses. I love both of these ladies and cannot wait for our next adventure together.
Diterbitkan oleh jaykay111
2 tahun lalu
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